Why would a single case of smallpox be considered an incident of national significance, indeed an incident of international significance?

HSE 420 WK 2 DP

Select one (1) of the following writing prompts to answer:

Prompt 1: Why would a single case of smallpox be considered an incident of national significance, indeed an incident of international significance?

Prompt 2: Select one of the Category A agents and discuss the reasons why it is a threat to society. Apply the four Category A criteria to each of the agents and diseases.

Prompt 3: Consider a case of bubonic plague in the Emergency Room of a New York City hospital. Why would this be a “red flag” event for public health officials?

Resource: Chapter 3 Powerpoint
Book: Ryan, J. (2016). Biosecurity and Bioterrorism (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann.


1. Discussion Forum

Participation in discussion forums is critical to the successful completion of this course. Please keep in mind the following guidelines to help you develop and formulate sound, thought-provoking responses and earn the maximum grade available.

General Guidelines

· Take the time to organize your thoughts prior to formulating your response.
· Use proper citations and formatting when stating examples or quoting sources.
· Carefully proofread your response before submitting it to the forum.
· Provide peer feedback using polite and courteous language.
Post substantive contributions. Posts such as “I agree” or “Good job” will not be awarded any credit in the discussion forums.

Rubric Guidelines


Engagement / Interaction
 counts the number of peers you interact with. To earn full credit, you must engage in a dialog with 
at least two or more peers. The content of your posts must be meaningful and relevant and should encourage further discussion.



 counts the number of days you were active in each of the discussion forums in a module. To earn full credit, you must contribute to the forum over the course of 
two or more days for EACH forum where there are more than one in a module, not collectively. For example, if you have a course that has two discussion forums, you must participate and engage over 
a period of two days or more days and times for EACH forum. They do not count together. They are graded separately.


Content / Topic Relevance
 measures you’re maintaining focus on the topic being discussed. To earn full credit, all your discussion forum contributions need to address the main topic.


 measures when you first post your response to the discussion forum question. To earn full credit, you must post your response to the main topic before the first post due date for each forum.

Global Online Learning College (OLC)
· The due dates for posting your first posts in the discussion forums can be found on the course calendar, course schedule, the News and Announcement forums, or in the actual discussion forum post directions themselves. If you have any questions, contact your instructor at the appropriate email address found in the syllabus.
· Please note that discussion forums are graded as separate assignments. For courses that have more than one discussion forum, guidelines and requirements are for EACH forum, not collectively.
Content / Topic Knowledge measures your understanding of the course material and topic. To earn full credit you must display an excellent understanding of the material.

Discussion forum participation will be graded using the following criteria:

2 points

3 points

4 points

5 points

Engagement / Interaction

N/A – no points are available for this criterion

engaged in a meaningful and relevant dialog with at least one peers

N/A – no points are available for this criterion

engaged in a meaningful and relevant dialog with
 two or more peers


N/A – no points are available for this criterion

participated on one days=

N/A – no points are available for this criterion

participated on
 two or more days

Content / Topic Relevance

discussion forum contributions rarely addressed the main topic

discussion forum contributions sometimes addressed the main topic

discussion forum contributions very often addressed the main topic

discussion forum contributions always addressed the main topic


N/A – no points are available for this criterion

responded to main topic one day after the first post due date

N/A – no points are available for this criterion

responded to main topic the day of the first post due date

Content / Topic Knowledge

displays a fair understanding of the material

displays a good understanding of the material

displays a very good understanding of the material

displays an excellent understanding of the material

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