What kinds of international human rights issues would your NGO address? (Think beyond US domestic politics; try to pick something that could have international resonance and importance). You can give the NGO a name if you like, or you can keep the idea general. Think about what type of population your NGO will serve.
1. What kinds of international human rights issues would your NGO address? (Think beyond US domestic politics; try to pick something that could have international resonance and importance). You can give the NGO a name if you like, or you can keep the idea general. Think about what type of population your NGO will serve. 2. Would your NGO have a friendly relationship with states, or it be more like a foe or foil to states? What kind of states would it get along best with? 3. To get your NGO going, you need resources and mentorship from an established NGO. What is one existing NGO that your new, hypothetical NGO could reach out to for a partnership? Tell us about this existing NGO and how it could help. 4. Enter a short example of one strength NGOs have as players in the international system.