Uml and class diagrams using ibm rational software architect

All Diagrams MUST BE Completed with IBM Rational Software Architect!!!
As the software architect for the SRS system, you are making good progress in your work. After finishing the Functional Modeling (activity diagram, use case diagram, and use case descriptions) of the SRS system, you are now ready to move on.
In this week, you will use the models of your Functional Modeling to determine and design your class diagram and complete a CRC card for each class. The Structural Modeling is very critical for the success of your project since it is the backbone upon which the entire project is built, so take the time to design and refine your class diagram and its corresponding CRC cards.
Deliverables: wk3

Class diagram for the SRS system
CRC cards for each class in your class diagram
Verification and validation of your work
Explanation of your work

In this week, you will use your functional and structural models as the basis for your behavioral models that need to be developed for the SRS system. Specifically, your deliverables for this week are designed to develop these two behavioral diagrams for the Register a Student for Classes use case.

Sequence diagram
Communication diagram

In addition, you will also need to create a state machine diagram for the RegistrationRecord class (the class that maintains the registration of a student in a class).
These behavioral model and diagrams are major milestones in your architectural and design work. They give you your first opportunity to verify that your use case (in this case, Register a Student for Classes) could actually be implemented using the objects of your class diagram design. If you reach this verification, then you are done with the analysis phase of your SRS project.
Deliverables: wk4

Sequence diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case
Communication diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case
State Machine diagram for a RegistrationRecord object
Verification and validation of your work
Explanation of your work

start the design phase where you generate specific directions for the implementation of the system by the software development group. The first step in the design phase is to examine the SRS class diagram and to try to simplify its organization using a package diagram. The package diagram ensures that classes that belong together are grouped into a single package and thus simplify the development of these classes and their maintenance.
Deliverables: wk5

SRS package diagram
Verification and validation of your work
Explanation of your work

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