Training proposal, methodology, and rationale assignment

OVERVIEWThe Training Proposal, Methodology, and Rationale Assignment is a formal, graduate-level work of at least 8 pages on a training topic of the student’s choice.
INSTRUCTIONSThe student must begin by reviewing the reading on Assessing HRD Needs from the textbook.After selecting a training topic, the student will then follow the training program design andimplementation process described in the textbook. Ideas for training topics. Any topic discussed in the textbook may be considered, including but not limited to thefollowing:? Sexual harassment prevention and reporting? Industry-specific training? New employee orientation? Safety training? Quality training? Team Building? Diversity training? Coaching skills? Stress management? Management developmentRequired ElementsThe body of the Training Proposal, Methodology, and Rationale Assignment, not counting the title page and references, must be at least eight complete pages of typed narrative prose using 12-point Times New Roman fonts and one-inch margins on all four sides. These eight pages include a section describing the proposed lesson plan, using the material from the reading on Designing Effective HRD Programs from the textbook. A Table of Contents is required following the title page.
The proposal must contain the following required elements:? Introduction: A comprehensive, scholarly introduction of the topic including a clearthesis statement and overview of the content, supported by in-text citations. A Level 1 heading is required.? Content/Main Body: A comprehensive, scholarly treatment of the proposed training program, including  the methodology that will be used to design, develop, implement, and evaluate the training, and the rationale for the proposal. The content must be organized under Level 1 headings and supported by in-text citations.? Conclusion: A comprehensive, scholarly conclusion to the proposal, including a summary of the issues treated in this assignment and suggestions for further study, supported by in-text citations. A Level 1 heading is required.ReferencesThe statements made in the Training Proposal, Methodology, and Rationale Assignment must be supported by references and in-text citations for the course textbook and two articles from peer-reviewed journals published within the past five years.MechanicsAll pages of all assignments, including the title page and reference list, must be double-spacedand typed in 12-point Times New Roman fonts with one-inch margins on all four sides. MS Word files only. The Training Proposal, Methodology, and Rationale Assignment must meet the standards of the current edition of the APA manual for in-text citations, references, headings, grammar, spelling and mechanics.Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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