Initiate your own feedforward experience with your peers and practice providing specific recommendations based on their feedforward requests.

If delivered effectively, feedback centers on specific recommendations for future improvement and growth. If delivered ineffectively, it focuses only on what was done wrong, with no specific path provided toward a better outcome. Goldsmith (2002) provides an alternative approach labeled “feedforward.” It shares a future orientation with effective feedback but differs from feedback in that the coachee identifies the areas for improvement and asks for ideas from others about how to change the behavior.In this Discussion, you will initiate your own feedforward experience with your peers and practice providing specific recommendations based on their feedforward requests.RESOURCESBe sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. WEEKLY RESOURCESTo prepare for this Discussion:Reflect upon your own professional life, in particular, how you relate to and/or manage others in professional contexts.Identify one or more behaviors you would want to improve as you work with and manage others.In preparation for responding to your colleagues, consider how feedforward can help you and others improve their management practices.BY DAY 3Post a description of one behavior in your professional life that significantly impacts how you manage or relate to others and that you would like to change.

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