Explanatory synthesis essay | English homework help
Page, K., & Mapstone, M. (2010). How does the web make youth feel? Exploring the positive digital native rhetoric. Journal Of Marketing Management, 26(13/14), 1345-1366. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2010.523709
Myers, M. D., & Sundaram, D. (2012). Digital natives. University Of Auckland Business Review, 15(1), 28-37.
Houston, C. (2011). Digital books for digital natives. Children & Libraries: The Journal Of The Association For Library Service To Children, 9(3), 39-42.
Oriji, A., & Efebo, P. (2013). New technology, new methodology: The “digital natives” and “digital immigrants” debate. Journal Of Educational Review, 6(2), 237.
Ask?m K.A., Gunuc, S., & Ersoy, M. (2013). The current state of digitalization: Digital native, digital immigrant and digital settler. (English). Journal Of Faculty Of Educational Sciences, 46(1), 1.
A reading on the Explanatory Synthesis from Drew University.
Here are some guiding questions to keep you on track with your Explanatory Synthesis.
Read through this short document on writing an outline. Choose one type of outline from this tutorial to submit for your explanatory synthesis outline: Writing an Outline