Explain the situation where you used learning principles (or when they were used on you) from classical conditioning or operant conditioning.
I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Dq 2: We use learning principles everyday. Think back to a time when you used either operant or classical conditioning.Explain the situation where you used learning principles (or when they were used on you) from classical conditioning or operant conditioning. Be sure to explain what the behavior was and what you were trying to change. Tell us if it worked. This can be something you did on yourself or someone else. If you used classical conditioning, tell us the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus and conditioned response. If you used operant conditioning, tell us which of the following you used (and what were they): positive punishment, negative punishment, positive reinforcement, or negative reinforcement. Dq 3: Before doing this discussion board, go to chapter 7 and look in Videos from Class. Watch the following three videos: Video on McMartin Preschool Molestation Case, False Memories, and Lost in the Mall.Do you believe repressed memories are real or do you think they are false memories that have been implanted? Explain why you think so. Use information from the videos to back you up. Do you think someone should be convicted of a crime on the basis of a false memory alone (such as in the False Memories video)- in other words, should Paul Shanley have been found gulity? Explain your position.Dq 4:This whole situation with COVID-19 is stressful to say the least. Everything has changed drastically. You can use this as a chance to improve your stress reduction skills as well as spend time on yourself, doing something for self-care. Pick a healthy stress relieving activity (preferably that you are not already doing) and do it for at least 20 minutes a day for 1 week. Good examples include exercising, meditating, coloring, singing, playing an instrument, reading for fun, crafting, any hobby I haven’t thought to mention, gardening, walking, cooking or baking, journaling, painting, or talking to a loved one (either that you live with or over the phone, face-time, google hangouts, etc.). You can also choose something else as long as it is a healthy means of reducing stress. After doing that activity for one week, answer the following. What were your main stress reducing techniques you used before starting this experiment (list the healthy and unhealthy ones)? What stress relieving activity did you choose to do for this activity? Do you think it was helpful in reducing your overall stress levels? Explain why or why not. Do you think you will continue to do this to relieve your stress?