Hrm6623 w2 | Human Resource Management homework help
Class HRM6623 Talent Development
Book: Jon M. Werner Human Resource Development: Talent Development 7th Edition
DUE: Saturday Midnight (Aug 26) – SINGAPORE TIME (NOT US time)
Week 2 discussion questions
Question 1 – Chapter 2 (p.61) and Question 2 – Chapter 3 (p. 104)
1. Describe at least three ways that factors in the external environment can influence employee behavior. If you were an HRD professional involved with an action team that was charged with evaluating the likely success of a proposed downsizing of your organization, what factors would you want to consider in making this recommendation? That is based on what you know of HRD to this point, how can HRD professionals impact the likely success or failure of this action?
2. Explain the role trainability plays in the effectiveness of an HRD program or intervention. Briefly describe the options available to assess the trainability of employees.
Journal article analysis — leadership
Need a journal article analysis on leadership
Need the article in below format
Definition – Write a brief definition of the chosen key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.
Summary – Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.
Discussion – Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.
Explanatory synthesis essay | English homework help
Page, K., & Mapstone, M. (2010). How does the web make youth feel? Exploring the positive digital native rhetoric. Journal Of Marketing Management, 26(13/14), 1345-1366. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2010.523709
Myers, M. D., & Sundaram, D. (2012). Digital natives. University Of Auckland Business Review, 15(1), 28-37.
Houston, C. (2011). Digital books for digital natives. Children & Libraries: The Journal Of The Association For Library Service To Children, 9(3), 39-42.
Oriji, A., & Efebo, P. (2013). New technology, new methodology: The “digital natives” and “digital immigrants” debate. Journal Of Educational Review, 6(2), 237.
Ask?m K.A., Gunuc, S., & Ersoy, M. (2013). The current state of digitalization: Digital native, digital immigrant and digital settler. (English). Journal Of Faculty Of Educational Sciences, 46(1), 1.
A reading on the Explanatory Synthesis from Drew University.
Here are some guiding questions to keep you on track with your Explanatory Synthesis.
Read through this short document on writing an outline. Choose one type of outline from this tutorial to submit for your explanatory synthesis outline: Writing an Outline
1 a neutron star is formed when an object like the sun collapses.
1 a neutron star is formed when an object like the sun collapses. Suppose a uniform spherical star of mass M and radius R collapses to a uniform sphere of radius 10^-5 R. If the original star has a rotation rate of 1 rev each 25 days, (like the sun) what will be the rotation rate of the neutron star? WHY? Please give detailed explanation for BOTH questions. ——–
#2 a large horizontal disk is rotating on a vertical axis through its center; for the disk I = 4000 kg m^2. The disk is coasting at a rate of .150 rev/s when a 90 kg person drops onto the disk from an overhanging tree limb. The person lands and remains at a distance of 3 m from the axis of rotation. What will be the rate of rotation after the person has landed
Zheng sen’s chinese take out had earnings before interest and taxes
Zheng Sen’s chinese take out had earnings before interest and taxes of 4,000,000 last year. The firm has a marginal tax rate of 40% and currently has the following capital structure:
Long term debt at 12% with an amount of 8,000,000 and total capital percentage of 25%
Preferred stock at 14% with an amount of 800,000 and total capital percentage of 25%
Common stock equity
2000000 shares outstanding for an amount of 16,000,000 and tot cap percentage of 50
a. Calculate the firm’s after tax ROE and EPS.
b. If the firm retires 4,000,000 of preferred stock using the proceeds from an equal increase in long term debt, what would have been the after tax ROE and EPS?
c. If the firm retires 4,000,000 of preferred stock using the proceeds from the sale of 500,000 shares of common stock, what would have been the after tax ROE and EPS?
Variance anaylsis | accounting & billing
You are the manager of a hospital department that cares for patients, and you just received your monthly budget results that state your salaries were higher and your supply use was lower than budgeted.
Compose 1,000-1,200 that explain the following points:
Include what factors you should consider when writing your variance report to your vice president. Note: Your vice president expects her managers to write detailed variance reports that include all possibilities.
Include the relationships between interpreting operational variance report budget goals and actual results of performance.
Describe the variance issues to be addressed in accordance with Health Care Organizations (HCO) that require justification if they are over or under the threshold for action.
Include two scholarly references in addition to your textbook.
Case study apa paper – hershey case study
Go to the Hershey Case study and answer:
What is your appraisal of that company’s operating and financial performance? What positives and negatives do you see in this company’s performance? Use the financial ratios in Table 4.1 of Chapter 4 as a guide for the calculations needed. Learn from the financial analysis in the Netflix case study as a reference.
Identify from the case content at least four capabilities that Hershey performs.
Determine whether Hershey’s resources and capabilities are potent enough to produce a sustainable competitive advantage (page 99). Use the Four Tests approach of a Resource’s Competitive Power to determine Hershey’s sustainable competitiveness (page 100).
Determine whether Hershey is competitively stronger or weaker than key rivals (Use Figure 4.4. the chart to answer this question, page 123.
The case study “Hershey” identifies 10 opportunities, 10 threads, 10 strengths, and 10 weaknesses in the Hershey company (after reading chapter 4).
Mn506 assignment: controversial treatments and legislative change
Choose a health care treatment option that is controversial and maybe costly.
In this assignment the controversial treatment is ” Bariatric Surgery”
Describe the positive and negative benefits from the treatment, evidence of effectiveness, and the potential harm of a different treatment option.
1.Introduction: Choose a controversial health care treatment option.
Describe the treatment.
2. Describe the social and legal controversy associated with your controversial treatment.
3. Describe the evidence that supports the effectiveness of the controversial treatment.
4. Describe the evidence that does not support the effectiveness of the controversial treatment.
5. Compare and contrast the positive and negative benefits or harm of the controversial treatment.
This assignment follows APA Style, Times New, Romans, font 12, Original Please, No Pleagerism, with references (2012-2017) and in text citations. Check with turnitin. Thank you
A healthy immune system discussion
The immune system is a critical body system tasked with defending the body from infection. Many factors contribute to a healthy immune system, such as engaging in healthy levels of activity, eating a diet of nutrient-dense foods, and implementing various effective stress management strategies.
In your initial post:
What are some daily habits that can help support a healthy immune system? What are some ways the cardiovascular system works to support a healthy immune system (hint: think about cells of the immune system and how they might get to the places where they are needed)?
List examples of any preventative health care strategies or interventions that can boost the function of the immune system and explain how they influence the immune system. How important do you think stress management is in maintaining a healthy state, and is there anything you do to mitigate its effects in your own life?
Introduction to criminology victim precipitation theory
Victim Precipitation Theory
Victim Precipitation Theory discusses how a victim can actively or passively play a role in the crime itself. Conduct an internet search for a current (less than two years old) case or article about a crime victim. In a well-constructed, one page essay (500+ words), discuss how the victim either actively or passively participated in the crime.
(NOTE: A well-constructed essay will be in complete sentences and paragraphs. It will be structured to include an introduction, body, and conclusion. While APA references and citations are not required for this course, they are strongly suggested since they will be required in future courses. Also, you must at least attempt to provide citation and reference information for any specific information that you use that is not your own thoughts in order to avoid plagiarism.)