Healthcare delivery and nursing informatics case study question

You are working in a long-term care facility with your client Mr. M that experienced a stroke leaving him paralyzed on one side with expressive aphasia. His health insurance coverage for long-term care is only 180 days (total) per calendar year. When Mr. M arrived, the team met to coordinate services with the goal to discharge him home before the180 day limit was reached. Evaluating and measuring his progress has been difficult as they have experienced multiple problems. This has led to Mr. M. being readmitted on one occasion then returning to the long-term care facility. You are the care coordinator and need to be current on what is, and has been, happening across all settings to make sure his care is equitable and of high value to his outcome. 
Address the following question and provide evidence to support it from our course materials or outside readings in your main post. 
1. Mr. M’s problems required a readmission to the hospital within the first 20 days at your facility. What are the economic issues for him? Could this be a breakdown of the care coordination team? What steps could have been initiated to maintain Mr. M’s health so as not to have to be readmitted?

“a morning song” | English homework help

Read the poem “A Morning Song” from this week’s assigned readings, and identify at least three elements in the poem that you found interesting or engaging (e.g., form, language, content, and/or other literary elements). 
Then, assess how these elements affected your response to the poem, in its entirety. 
(e.g., Did these elements affect your opinions on (or reaction to) the content of the poem? Did they cause you to focus on one aspect of the poem over others?) 
Assignment Requirements•Length: Your paper should be two to four double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference page) •Sources: Support your reflections with textual details and analysis from at least two scholarly sources. •APA: Your draft must be formatted to APA (6th edition) style. ?Separate Title Page: Must include an original title ?Separate Reference Page ?Proper Citations: All sources must be properly cited, both within the text and in a separate reference page. 
•Elements of Academic Writing: All academic papers should include these elements. ?Introduction with a thesis statement ?Supporting paragraphs ?Conclusion 

HUM 101 PCP Early Roman Civilization Essay

Click on the link above and read through each of the links listed below. Take half page of notes from each of the following links listed below. For this assignment, you will submit 3.5 pages of notes. Number and title each section so that it is clear there are 7 distinct sections. Double spacing is allowed. These notes must be in your own words, and they must demonstrate your mastery and understanding of the material. Your submission must be as an attachment in Word, pdf, or rtf format. 1. Early Roman Civilization2. Etruscan Civilization3. Republican Rome4. A Brief Social History of the Roman Empire5. Augustus Caesar and the Pax Romana6. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire7. Christianity and the Roman Empire500 word essay. Compare and contrast the different political, social, and religious characteristics of the Mesoamerican and Peruvian civilizations with the Ancient Greeks. How were these factors similar/different for these early peoples? Do any of these political, social, and religious characteristics still influence modern society? If the continual impact of the political, social, and religious factors today is greater from one civilization over the other, why do you feel this is the case? Give specific and concrete reasons for your position.

Sci 163 week 3 assignment ( addiction movie analysis )

Choose and research a movie that deals with the topic of addiction and obtain facilitator approval.
Write a 525- to 700-word paper in which you answer the following:

Explain what types of addiction were addressed and how the film’s characters became addicted, if known.
How did this addiction physically affect the individuals involved?
In what way did the addiction affect work and relationships?
What were the long-term health problems associated with the addiction, if any?
How would you confront the addicted person to bring attention to the problem? Explain.
Explain how one addiction can be connected to another (e.g. lead to or be substituted for).
What treatments are available for addicted individuals? Would this work for all types of addictions? Consider, for example, alcoholism with drug addiction or smoking and eating.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment tab to submit your assignment.

a firm is considering an investment in a new machine with a price of

A firm is considering an investment in a new machine with a price of $18 million to replace its existing machine. The current machine has a book value of $6 million and a market value of $4.5 million. The new machine is expected to have a four-year life, and the old machine has four years left in which it can be used. If the firm replaces the old machine with the new machine, it expects to save $6.7 million in operating costs each year over the next four years. Both machines will have no salvage value in four years. If the firm purchases the new machine, it will also need an investment of $250,000 in net working capital. The required return on the investment is 10 percent, and the tax rate is 39 percent.

Ece 101 week 5 assignment ( abc early childhood center ) ~ a + work

Imagine you have decided to complete an internship in the field of early childhood education to help prepare you for a career after completing your degree. You have learned that one of the most prestigious schools in your city, ABC Early Childhood Center, will be accepting interns for the next school semester. There is a lot of competition for one of these placements. Click on the image below to access a PDF with instructions for completing your application for the internship and submitting your application to your instructor. 
 Watch the ECE101 introduction to early childhood education library tutorial for guidance for how to research topics for the ECE 101 Final Project.
Note: If you are unable to create a page on Weebly for Education for accessibility reasons, please reach out to your instructor.Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Hrm6623 w2 | Human Resource Management homework help

Class HRM6623 Talent Development
Book: Jon M. Werner Human Resource Development: Talent Development 7th Edition
DUE: Saturday Midnight (Aug 26) – SINGAPORE TIME (NOT US time)
Week 2 discussion questions
Question 1 – Chapter 2 (p.61) and Question 2 – Chapter 3 (p. 104)
1. Describe at least three ways that factors in the external environment can influence employee behavior. If you were an HRD professional involved with an action team that was charged with evaluating the likely success of a proposed downsizing of your organization, what factors would you want to consider in making this recommendation? That is based on what you know of HRD to this point, how can HRD professionals impact the likely success or failure of this action?
2. Explain the role trainability plays in the effectiveness of an HRD program or intervention. Briefly describe the options available to assess the trainability of employees.

Journal article analysis — leadership

Need a journal article analysis on  leadership  
Need the article in below format 
Definition – Write a brief definition of the chosen key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement. 
Summary – Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term. 
Discussion – Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment. 

Explanatory synthesis essay | English homework help

Page, K., & Mapstone, M. (2010). How does the web make youth feel? Exploring the positive digital native rhetoric. Journal Of Marketing Management, 26(13/14), 1345-1366. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2010.523709
Myers, M. D., & Sundaram, D. (2012). Digital natives. University Of Auckland Business Review, 15(1), 28-37.
Houston, C. (2011). Digital books for digital natives. Children & Libraries: The Journal Of The Association For Library Service To Children, 9(3), 39-42.
Oriji, A., & Efebo, P. (2013). New technology, new methodology: The “digital natives” and “digital immigrants” debate. Journal Of Educational Review, 6(2), 237.
Ask?m K.A., Gunuc, S., & Ersoy, M. (2013). The current state of digitalization: Digital native, digital immigrant and digital settler. (English). Journal Of Faculty Of Educational Sciences, 46(1), 1.
A reading on the Explanatory Synthesis from Drew University.  
Here are some guiding questions to keep you on track with your Explanatory Synthesis.
Read through this short document on writing an outline. Choose one type of outline from this tutorial to submit for your explanatory synthesis outline: Writing an Outline 

1 a neutron star is formed when an object like the sun collapses.

1 a neutron star is formed when an object like the sun collapses. Suppose a uniform spherical star of mass M and radius R collapses to a uniform sphere of radius 10^-5 R. If the original star has a rotation rate of 1 rev each 25 days, (like the sun) what will be the rotation rate of the neutron star? WHY? Please give detailed explanation for BOTH questions. ——–
#2 a large horizontal disk is rotating on a vertical axis through its center; for the disk I = 4000 kg m^2. The disk is coasting at a rate of .150 rev/s when a 90 kg person drops onto the disk from an overhanging tree limb. The person lands and remains at a distance of 3 m from the axis of rotation. What will be the rate of rotation after the person has landed

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