Assignment 02: caregiving interviews | HA4120D-Management of Continum Care Services

HA4120D – Management of Continuum Care Services
Assignment 02: Caregiving Interviews
This project requires you to interview three different individuals involved in long term care. It is an important activity and time intensive.
A. Begin this assignment with an introductory overview of the different types of caregivers, their roles, and the availability of payment (if any) from third-party sources, such as insurance, for these caregivers’ services.
B. Interview the following three types of people:
• A care recipient.
• A caregiver who is not being paid (family member or friend of the care recipient).
• A professional who provides care to people with long-term illnesses (ranging from physicians to in-home assistants).
Note: Interviewing people who are part of the same dyad is not necessary. If a care recipient/caregiver pair is interviewed, each person should be interviewed alone so that answers are individual.
These interviews can be completed in person, over the phone, email, Instant Messaging, etc. However, it’s best if you can actually speak to the person.
C. Use the following sets of questions for your interviews: Questions for Person Receiving Care, Questions for In-Home Caregiver, Questions for Professional Provider.
D. Conclude the project with a critique answering the following questions, and taking into account all of the segments of the continuum of care studied to-date:
• Is the client receiving the care he/she needs?
• Are the caregivers able to provide the care needed? Why or why not?
• Is another level of care needed? Why or why not?
• What have you learned about the existing system of long-term care?
 Long-Term Care–Vitalsource [email protected]#magicMAN61 

Naked science social psychology | Psychology homework help

Naked Science – What’s Sexy
11 unread reply.11 reply.

After watching the video “Naked Science: What’s Sexy?” Explain & answer the following questions based on the viewing of this video (you will not receive credit if your information does not come from the facts revealed in this video).  Answer the following questions:

What can transform the ecstasy of love into a cocaine-like addiction?
What draws men to women together? Is  a “family guy” or a “hunky action hero” more of a natural match?
What it is that makes men go ga-ga over female curves? Why do women swoon over a masculine face? What it is that make men and women attracted to each other.
Explain why some people “click” from the first moment of attraction.
What helps them to decide to bond with that special man or woman… to settle down and raise a family?
The phrase “love at first sight” takes on what type of new meaning?
What do the studies of “the game of love” tell us (taken from brain scans and sniff tests). What is the difference between lust and love.
What makes us tick when love, or lust, calls?

Discuss with each other:  What did you find the most interesting aspect of the film?  When it comes to attraction, what did you learn the most from this video. 

Ok guys, i have a scenario here: *project scope* the project

Ok guys, I have a scenario here:
*Project Scope*
The project designs a school computer lab with the necessary hardware and software components along with the IP address for different components. The computer lab consists of one IP network with 100 computers on one Domain. The files are shared using FTP server. Servers are configured with Static IP address and clients have dynamic IP addresses received from a DHCP Server. Programming software like Java, C,C++ are installed on all the users PC’s. The softwares are also available on the FTP server, as a downloadable. Identify the necessary components like software , hardware and IP network schema to setup the network.
*How to implement the project*
The lab consists of 100 computers. So a total of 48 port *3 switches would be required. The FTP server can be Windows based or Linux flavor. Windows or Linux based DHCP servers can be setup as DHCP Server. The network address of can be configured as a Scope on DHCP Server. Since all the users are belonging to one domain, an active directory can be configured with one single domain name.

Synopsis of the project
Listing of the project needs
Graphical layout of the current network
Graphical layout of the new proposed network
Explanation of the hardware / software needed ( servers, workstations, routers, switches)
Explanation of the protocols used.
Cost breakdown and total for the proposed network
Explanation of how OSI model is addressed with the network
Explanation of how the IP/TCP model is address with the internet / cloud

Discussion thurs | Applied Sciences homework help

Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central).
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Businesses often conduct research to maximize profits as well as to understand their competitive edge. There are a number of considerations when preparing and conducting research for a business – biases, reviewing credible sources, and ethical considerations. Throughout the research process it is important to recognize and remove personal biases in order to provide a balanced and thorough review. Another important consideration is to review and utilize sources that are reliable and provide objective information. It is also important to think about the ethics of your research. Being honest, respecting the integrity of data, and being objective help to ensure the credibility of research.
Utilizing the Internet, CTU Library, and your textbook, choose 1 example (or use one of those listed below) of unethical research in a business setting, and discuss the following: 

Explain why research might be considered unethical.
Share your research topic and explain ethical considerations when conducting your research.  

Examples of unethical business research:

SECR 5080 WU Wardriving Article Reaction

WEEKS 6-9 ONLY. Man charged with stealing Wi-Fi signal ST. PETERSBURG, Florida (AP) — Police have arrested a man for using someone else’s wireless Internet network in one of the first criminal cases involving this fairly common practice. Benjamin Smith III, 41, faces a pretrial hearing this month following his April arrest on charges of unauthorized access to a computer network, a third-degree felony. Police say Smith admitted using the Wi-Fi signal from the home of Richard Dinon, who had noticed Smith sitting in an SUV outside Dinon’s house using a laptop computer. The practice is so new that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement doesn’t even keep statistics, according to the St. Petersburg Times, which reported Smith’s arrest this week. Innocuous use of other people’s unsecured Wi-Fi networks is common. But experts say that illegal use often goes undetected, such as people sneaking on others’ networks to traffic in child pornography, steal credit card information and send death threats. Security experts say people can prevent such access by turning on encryption or requiring passwords, but few bother or even know how to do so. Wi-Fi, short for Wireless Fidelity, has enjoyed prolific growth since 2000. Millions of households have set up wireless home networks that allow people to use the Web from their backyards but also reach the house next door or down the street. Prosecutors declined to comment, and a working phone number could not be located for Smith.Please read related article on WarDriving: Your reaction? Can you find other examples of wireless security concerns?

Birmingham Personal Privacy Posed by The Internet Paper

part 1You are required to submit a 1,000-word, double-spaced paper on: What are the threats to personal privacy posed by the Internet, and what actions can you take to safeguard user privacy?You will use your textbook, the university digital library and online resources with proper citations.Your paper must have three parts:_____________________________________________________________________________________________Your submission will be checked for plagiarism!  A zero tolerance policy will be strictly enforced.  part 2the picture attached belowRed Star Nationwide Insurance (RSNI) is a health insurance company that provides service to the hospitals national-wide. RSNI has five branches /centers in the USA.Please see the main parameter of RSNI company in the given diagram. QUESTION 1 Select only one center and answer the following questionsYour center /branch name:List the IT Assets in that particular center.List of possible targets in your IT system. And, order your IT Assets by their importance. Place the most important IT asset on the top of the list for your center.QUESTION  2List all cybersecurity threats that “your RSNI center” might encounter. Categorize the threats. List the countermeasures you would deploy to protect your RSNI center against the possible cyber-security threats.  Match the most important IT Asset you have cyber-security threats and countermeasures for your RSNI center.Simply write three sections for the most important   IT Asset in your RSNI center;

Case study edwards | Education homework help

Review the following Case Study: Columbus Custom Carpentry: A Compensation Case Study
Columbus Custom Carpentry: A Compensation Case Study
Columbus  Custom Carpentry is a small, successful company.  Recently, though,  labor costs have risen faster than revenue. The company president has  also found that human resource issues are taking up more and more of his  time and frequently result in production problems. Both overtime and  late shipments are increasing. Until now, the president’s administrative  assistant handled all HR-related administrative activities. You are  here as the newly-hired HR manager. You will learn about the company by  reading the employee handbook; talking with various employees; and  reviewing the human resources information system (HRIS) database. 
In  this case, you will learn and create internal and external pay equity  analyses. This case is presented as close as practical to the way  students will encounter data in the working world. Materials include  an employee handbook, and a HRIS database (i.e. Excel Workbook). 
Please  note: you may need to maximize the HRIS database spreadsheets in order  to view the multiple sheet tabs near the bottom of the screen.
Reference:  Reys, D. (2023). Columbus custom carpentry: A compensation case study.   Society for Human Resource Management, Instructor Resources. 
Using  the attached materials and information above, you will conduct an  internal and external pay equity analysis, as well as provide  recommendations.  

Assignment week 7 | Nursing homework help

The client is a 34-year-old Pakistani female who moved to the United States in her late teens/early 20s. She is currently in an “arranged” marriage (her husband was selected for her when she was 9 years old). She presents following a 21-day hospitalization for what was diagnosed as “brief psychotic disorder.” She was given this diagnosis as her symptoms have persisted for less than 1 month. 
Prior to admission, she was reporting visions of Allah, and over the course of a week, she believed that she was the prophet Mohammad. She believed that she would deliver the world from sin. Her husband became concerned about her behavior to the point that he was afraid of leaving their 4 children with her. One evening, she was “out of control,” which resulted in his calling the police and her subsequent admission to an inpatient psych unit.
During today’s assessment, she appears quite calm and insists that the entire incident was “blown out of proportion.” She denies that she believed herself to be the prophet Mohammad and states that her husband was just out to get her because he never loved her and wanted an “American wife” instead of her. She says she knows this because the television is telling her so. 
She currently weighs 140 lbs., and she is 5’ 5.

Brief | HRMT602 | American Military University

For this assignment, you will use everything you learned about the issue you chose in the Week 3 Assignment, and additional research, to demonstrate your thorough knowledge of your issue.
Suppose that the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has decided to grant review of a case deciding the fate of the issue that you chose (in the Week 3 Assignment), and they’ve called upon you as a subject matter expert to provide a comprehensive opinion on the matter. Write a formal case-brief style paper that addresses the following components:
1. What is the history of this issue in terms of the ways that American businesses have operated?
2. What is the legislative history, if any?
3. What is the current legal authority (statutes and/or case law) on the issue and what does it require of businesses?
4. What are the different arguments on each side of the issue?
5. Which arguments (if any) are stronger and why?
6. What would be your recommendation to SCOTUS in terms of a ruling on this issue, and why?
7. Are there any exceptions to your recommendation? For example, are there any employers or employees to which the ruling should not apply? Or industries that should be exempt? Why?
8. What is the anticipated future of this issue? Should SCOTUS expect to have to review it again in the future? Or does your recommendation settle the issue permanently?

Wk 1 – apply: process improvement flowchart | OPS/574

The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to create a flowchart and improve a process and summarize the results. You will create flowcharts of a process.
NOTE: The process you use for this week 1 assignment will be used again in the week 2 assignment.
Complete the Week 1 Process Improvement Flowchart Worksheet. Respond to all prompts found on the worksheet.
Create two (2) flowcharts, 1. Current Process (as is) and 2. Improved Process (to be). To learn to use MS Excel to create a flow chart go to
Measure your current process using metrics. Yhe most common metric is time.
 identify and Analyze steps using process improvement techniques needing improvement (barriers, bottlenecks, etc.)
After responding to all of the prompts on the worksheet, Write your executive summary and submit the completed flowchart worksheet.
Submit Week 1 Process Improvement Flowchart Worksheet. (Show your work)Include:A current flowchart (As-Is) – should reflect a minimum of 8 or more steps in the process.The process must be measured and shown on the As-Is flowchart. A Metric may be time, cost, or another metric that allows you to analyze the data and identify a bottleneck in the process.After your analysis of the As-Is flowchart, recommend a solution to eliminate the bottleneck and create a second (2nd) flowchart (To-Be)
You may include the flowcharts on the Worksheet, or you can attach the flowcharts separately to the assignment.
Use subject line of:Student Name, Assignment week, date dueExampleMichael Lindquist, Week 1, 4.24.2023Resources

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