Write a class named employee

Employee Class. Write a class named Employee, with the class declaration in a file called Employee.h and the implementation in a file called Employee.cpp. The class should have the following data members name A string that holds the employee’s name idNumber An int variable that holds the employee’s ID number department – a string that holds the name of the department where the employee works position – A string that holds the employee’s job statusThe class must have the following constructors A constructor that accepts the following values as arguments and assigns them to the appropriate number variables: employee’s name, employee’s ID number, department and position. A constructor that accepts the following values as arguments and assigns them to the appropriate member variable: employee’s name, employee’s ID number. The department and position fields should be assigned an empty string (“ “). A default constructor that assigns empty string (“”) to the name, department and position member variables and 0 to the idNumber member variable. Write the appropriate mutator functions that store values in these member variables and accessor functions that return the values in these member variables. Once you have written the class, write a separate program that creates 3 instances of the Employee class. Each instance of the class should use a different constructor than the other 2 objects (so all three constructors must be used). Main should use a function called displayEmployee that has one parameter which is a pointer to a constant Employee object. Main will call the function 3 times to display the information for each of the 3 instances of the Employee class. void displayEmployee(Employee* const e);Name ID Number Department PositionSusan Meyers 47899 Accounting Vice PresidentMark Jones 39119 IT ProgrammerJoy Rogers 81774 Manufacturing Engineer

Counselor and client safety | Psychology homework help


Locate a minimum of two current scholarly articles (published within the last 15 years) from the professional literature that address counselor safety and two articles that address client safety in crisis situations, for a total of four articles. Tip: You may need to look at multiple disciplines, such as counseling, social work, emergency and crisis journals, and so on.
Evaluate the key points of the articles in your own words, such as the author’s recommendations, and describe the issues related to counselor and client safety.
Evaluate the key elements of the risks to counselor and client safety associated with the types of crises you may work with in your community. Key elements of risk are discussed throughout crisis assessment in your textbook, such as assessing for lethality, determining if mental instability is present, or if substance use is involved. Chapter 6 is particularly helpful in the assessment process of a telephone or distance counseling client or a severely disturbed caller.
 Discuss the procedures for identifying trauma and abuse and for reporting abuse when safety issues arise for the counselor or the client.

***The headings for the paper are:
Research on counselor and client safety
 This first section is your paper’s introduction. For the purposes of this assignment, simply replace this text with a brief paragraph in your own words introducing the topic and informing the reader of the organization of the paper. 
Research on counselor safety  
 Research and summarize at least two articles that address counselor safety. In Chapter 4 of your text (James & Gilliland, 2013, p. 90), personal safety is shown to be an ethical, legal and professional response in counseling practice. Provide an analysis on how you envision addressing your own safety as you work with clients. 
Research on client safety
 Research and summarizes at least two articles that address client safety. James and Gilliland (2013) made reference to client safety in Chapters 3, 4, and 6. Provide an analysis on how you envision addressing client safety in your work with clients. You can include strengths that you have that will support your work, as well are potential areas of challenge.  
Key elements on risk
 Summarize the key elements of potential risks to client and counselor safety. Describe the issues with an example of a specific crisis situation in relation to at least one key element. Key elements of risk are discussed throughout crisis assessment in your textbook, such as assessing for lethality, determining if mental instability is present, or if substance use is involved. Chapter 6 is particularly helpful in the assessment process of a telephone or distance counseling client or a severely disturbed caller. 
Managing risks
  Evaluate the recommendations for managing risks identified in your research and discussed in the section above. Use a specific example of evidence-based practice to support the recommended risk management. 

The quality of the user experience is very important to the success

Assignment 4: User Frustration
Due Week 9 and worth 80 points
The quality of the user experience is very important to the success of an application. In the early days of computing, users often experienced long delays since computing power was poor and networks had comparatively slow throughput. Modern systems have largely eliminated these delays due to increased network and computing power, yet users still report a high level of frustration.
Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

Describe three (3) reasons users are still frustrated with modern applications.
Suggest one (1) method for reducing the frustrations for each of the reasons you supplied in Question one (1).
Describe methods for determining if user frustration is caused by poor system design or from the natural frustration associated with learning a new software product.
Suggest at least three (3) methods to reduce the frustrations among the disabled population and how this population can be better served.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Describe the inherent design issues across HCI environments.
Explain the use of interaction devices.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in human-computer interaction.
Write clearly and concisely about HCI topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Ab116: accounting ii unit 5: unit 5: long-term liabilities –

General Electric ® Capital, a division of General Electric, uses long-term debt extensively. In early 2002, GE Capital issued $11 billion in long-term debt to investors, and then within days filed legal documents to prepare for another $50 billion long-term debt issue. As a result of the $50 billion filing, the price of the initial $11 billion offering declined (due to higher risk of more debt).
Bill Gross, a manager of a bond investment fund, “denounced a ‘lack in candor’ related to GE’s recent debt deal.” He said, “it was the most recent and most egregious example of how bondholders are mistreated.” Gross argued that GE was not forthright when GE Capital recently issued $11 billion in bonds, one of the largest issues ever from a U.S. corporation. What bothered Gross is that 3 days after the issue, the company announced its intention to sell as much as $50 billion in additional debt, warrants, preferred stock, guarantees, letters of credit, and promissory notes at some future date.”
In your opinion, did GE Capital act unethically by selling $11 billion of long-term debt without telling those investors that a few days later it would be filing documents to prepare for another $50 billion debt offering? Please explain why the action is unethical and if the action is illegal as well.
Alban, J. (2002). Gross shakes the bond market; GE calms it, a bit. Barron’s.

Case study: oversight systems | Marketing homework help

List the question, then provide your response. 1.5 or double spaced. 12pt font. Times New Roman.
Limit your deliverable to no more than 8 pages (less is certainly fine, but be concise… not including works cited).
Good responses should be supported by cited case evidence and readings/material from the course.
Answer the following case questions:

Should Oversight pursue a partnership with Global Credit and/or Banking Worldwide? In making this decision, please specify the terms and conditions of a channel partnership, including price, exclusivity (or not), support, and the roles and responsibilities of Oversights and a channel partner. Which of these terms would you view as “must haves” if you were Patrick Taylor, and which would you view as “nice to have”?
In your view, what should be the goal(s) of a channel partnership at this stage of the venture? Please indicate how GC or BW does or does not help Oversight to achieve those goals.
What is Oversight selling? What is the customer buying? What are the implications of the buying and selling process for evaluating potential channel partners?
What can we learn about successful and unsuccessful channel partnerships form Oversight’s previous experience with Enterprise Software Giant and Concur? What are the implications for a potential partnership with GC or BW?

Consider the pivot Oversight made in its product line from the customized CCM offering to the IOD product line. What changed in the venture and what are the implications?

Assignment: controversy associated with personality and paraphilic

Between 10% and 20% of the population experience personality disorders. They are difficult to treat as individuals with personality disorders are less likely to seek help than individuals with other mental health disorders. Treatment can be challenging as they do not see their symptoms as painful to themselves or others.
Paraphilic disorders are far more common in men than in women, and generally quite chronic, lasting at least two years. Treatment of these disorders usually involves both psychotherapeutic and pharmacologic treatments.
In this Assignment, you will explore personality and paraphilic disorders in greater detail. You will research potentially controversial elements of the diagnosis and/or treatment and explain ethical and legal considerations when working with these disorders.
To Prepare

Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide on assessing, diagnosing, and treating personality and paraphilic disorders.
Select a specific personality or paraphilic disorder from the DSM-5 to use for this Assignment.
Use the Walden Library to investigate your chosen disorder further, including controversial aspects of the disorder, maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and ethical and legal considerations. 

The Assignment
In 2–3 pages:

Explain the controversy that surrounds your selected disorder.
Explain your professional beliefs about this disorder, supporting your rationale with at least three scholarly references from the literature.
Explain strategies for maintaining the therapeutic relationship with a patient that may present with this disorder.
Finally, explain ethical and legal considerations related to this disorder that you need to bring to your practice and why they are important.

Week 8 for magz64 | Law homework help

Week 8 Case Questions
Select TWO court cases (from different chapters) from the list below, and respond in writing to the case questions. 

Dillon v. Champion Jogbra (Ch 18, p 672)
Dorshkind v. Oak Park Place of Dubuque II (Ch 18, p 681)
Lockheed Martin v. Administrative Review Board (Ch 18, p 689)
Lane v. Franks (Ch 18, p 707)
Weekes-Walker v. Macon County Greyhound Park (Ch 19, p 730)
Barnett v. PA Consulting Group (Ch 19, p 736)
Nanomech v. Suresh (Ch 19, p 751)

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

Write between 750 – 1,250 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.
Use font size 12 and 1” margins.
Include cover page and reference page.
At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.
No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.
Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.
Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.

References must come from sources such as, scholarly journals found in EBSCOhost, CNN, online newspapers such as, The Wall Street Journal, government websites, etc. Sources such as, Wikis, Yahoo Answers, eHow, blogs, etc. are not acceptable for academic writing. 

Application: implementing threading in a client-server protocol

Application: Implementing Threading in a Client-Server Protocol
Server programs are rarely implemented as non-threaded applications, even though that is how you implemented your previous server application. Servers would not be able to provide the necessary throughput unless they used threading to allow for I/O to occur concurrently with servicing client requests.
For this Assignment, you will modify your finger server program from Week 6 to use threads. The server should activate a new thread to process each incoming client request, thus allowing client requests to be processed concurrently.
To prepare:
Start up NetBeans.
Open your implementation of the finger protocol from Week 6.
By Day 7, modify your finger server program to use threads. The server should activate a new thread to process each incoming client request, thus allowing client requests to be processed concurrently.
In addition, write a 5- to 7-page paper documenting the changes that you made and analyzing the impact the changes will have on the overall throughput and latency of the server.
Include in your paper responses to these questions:
What other solutions might you consider in order to increase throughput and reduce latency?
Which solution do you consider to have the better trade-off between performance and complexity?
Which solution do you consider to have the better application of modularity, abstraction, hierarchy, and layering?
Remember to properly cite your sources according to APA guidelines.
Save your implementation of the threaded finger server in a “.zip” file. You will also submit your paper documenting the implementation and analysis of your server separately

Bus 680 training and development week 4 assignment training

Ashford 5: – Week 4 – Assignment
Training Development
Last week, you submitted a proposal for the design of a two-day workshop to train managers on how to use effective feedback skills when delivering one-on-one performance reviews to employees. Design a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation that would be used in this training workshop (excluding the title and reference slides). Use the features of PowerPoint to effectively present the material to managers. Create a professional visual using various design elements, such as: background, color, font style, animations, transitions, audio, images, etc. Include approximately 50 words of speaker notes on each slide (a total of approximately 750-1,000 words).These notes are the a facilitator’s script. Identify at least three specific learning objectives for this training (making any necessary modifications to the learning objectives that were submitted in the proposal last week).
Your introductory slide must include a clear and concise description of the training. Your presentation must also include citations and references from the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text and at least three additional scholarly sources. Your final submission should include: 1) the PowerPoint with facilitator notes, and 2) a comprehensive APA-formatted Word transcript of all slide notes/ facilitator’s script (a total of approximately 750-1,000 words), including a reference page. 
As needed, use the How to create a power point presentation video for instructions and tips on how to create PowerPoint presentations and the PowerPoint 2010: Speaker Notes video for instructions on how to create Speaker notes in PowerPoint presentations.

Statistics midterm | Mathematics homework help

Homework #6
Use the following scenario to answer the next 3 questions.  Plastic bags used for packaging produce are manufactured so that the breaking strength of the bag is normally distributed with a mean of 5 pounds per square inch and a standard deviation of 1.5 pounds per square inch.   A sample of 25 bags is selected. So we have that the breaking strength of the bags is normal with µ=5 lbs/in2 and ? = 1.5 lbs/in2.   Also, n = 25.
1)         What is the probability that the average breaking strength is between 5 and 5.5 pounds per square inch?
2)         What is the probability that the average breaking strength is between 4.2 and 4.5 pounds per square inch?
3)         What is the probability that the average breaking strength is less than 4.6 pounds per square inch?
Use the following scenario to answer the next 3 questions.  Historically, 93% of the deliveries of an overnight mail service arrive before 10:30 the following morning.   Random samples of 500 deliveries are selected.  So we have a “historic” (read: population) proportion of p = .93.
Also, n = 500.
4)         What proportion of the samples will have between 93% and 95% of the deliveries arriving before 10:30 the following morning?
5)         What proportion of the samples will have more than 95% of the deliveries arriving before 10:30 the following morning?
6)         What is the proportion of the samples will have less than 90% of the deliveries arriving before 10:30 the following morning?

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