Counselor and client safety | Psychology homework help


Locate a minimum of two current scholarly articles (published within the last 15 years) from the professional literature that address counselor safety and two articles that address client safety in crisis situations, for a total of four articles. Tip: You may need to look at multiple disciplines, such as counseling, social work, emergency and crisis journals, and so on.
Evaluate the key points of the articles in your own words, such as the author’s recommendations, and describe the issues related to counselor and client safety.
Evaluate the key elements of the risks to counselor and client safety associated with the types of crises you may work with in your community. Key elements of risk are discussed throughout crisis assessment in your textbook, such as assessing for lethality, determining if mental instability is present, or if substance use is involved. Chapter 6 is particularly helpful in the assessment process of a telephone or distance counseling client or a severely disturbed caller.
 Discuss the procedures for identifying trauma and abuse and for reporting abuse when safety issues arise for the counselor or the client.

***The headings for the paper are:
Research on counselor and client safety
 This first section is your paper’s introduction. For the purposes of this assignment, simply replace this text with a brief paragraph in your own words introducing the topic and informing the reader of the organization of the paper. 
Research on counselor safety  
 Research and summarize at least two articles that address counselor safety. In Chapter 4 of your text (James & Gilliland, 2013, p. 90), personal safety is shown to be an ethical, legal and professional response in counseling practice. Provide an analysis on how you envision addressing your own safety as you work with clients. 
Research on client safety
 Research and summarizes at least two articles that address client safety. James and Gilliland (2013) made reference to client safety in Chapters 3, 4, and 6. Provide an analysis on how you envision addressing client safety in your work with clients. You can include strengths that you have that will support your work, as well are potential areas of challenge.  
Key elements on risk
 Summarize the key elements of potential risks to client and counselor safety. Describe the issues with an example of a specific crisis situation in relation to at least one key element. Key elements of risk are discussed throughout crisis assessment in your textbook, such as assessing for lethality, determining if mental instability is present, or if substance use is involved. Chapter 6 is particularly helpful in the assessment process of a telephone or distance counseling client or a severely disturbed caller. 
Managing risks
  Evaluate the recommendations for managing risks identified in your research and discussed in the section above. Use a specific example of evidence-based practice to support the recommended risk management. 

The quality of the user experience is very important to the success

Assignment 4: User Frustration
Due Week 9 and worth 80 points
The quality of the user experience is very important to the success of an application. In the early days of computing, users often experienced long delays since computing power was poor and networks had comparatively slow throughput. Modern systems have largely eliminated these delays due to increased network and computing power, yet users still report a high level of frustration.
Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

Describe three (3) reasons users are still frustrated with modern applications.
Suggest one (1) method for reducing the frustrations for each of the reasons you supplied in Question one (1).
Describe methods for determining if user frustration is caused by poor system design or from the natural frustration associated with learning a new software product.
Suggest at least three (3) methods to reduce the frustrations among the disabled population and how this population can be better served.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. 

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Describe the inherent design issues across HCI environments.
Explain the use of interaction devices.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in human-computer interaction.
Write clearly and concisely about HCI topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Unit 7 as: final projections

After you have read the chapters and lecture for this Unit, you are ready to prepare your financial projections in LivePlan. There are many sample business plans available within LivePlan and elsewhere. Take some time to look through their financial projections to get some ideas but keep in mind that just because they exist, doesn’t mean they are well done or “right.” Review them with a hefty amount of professional skepticism like an investor would. Make sure you do not copy someone else’s work as that is plagiarism and can result in serious sanctions and possibly an “F” for the course. 
Usually the best way to handle questions that you may have while doing this assignment, is to leave your comments in LivePlan in the areas where you are having difficulty. Then contact your instructor and tell them to look in LivePlan for your comments. This way your instructor can see exactly where in the projections your question pertains to.
After you have completed your projections, click on the “Benchmark” tab and see how your numbers compare to the industry averages. Don’t forget to choose the regions and size of companies for comparison. This benchmark data is just a guide and doesn’t necessarily mean that you should change your numbers. However, it can be helpful in identifying areas which may require further adjustment. This part needs to be reported in your Unit 7 DQ posting (through “editing” your initial response).
After you are done, click on the title of this assignment and leave a comment in the Submission text box to let your instructor know that your projections are ready for review. You will have two attempts on this assignment. Your grade will be based on the last attempt made prior to the due date. [email protected]

Mary francis has just returned to her office after attending

Mary Francis has just returned to her office after attending preliminary discussions with investment bankers. Her last meeting regarding the intended capital structure of Apex went well, and she calls you into her office to discuss the next steps.

“We will need to determine the required return for our intended project so that we have a decision criteria defined for the project,” she says.
“Do you have the information I need to describe capital structure and to calculate the weighted average cost of capital (WACC)?” you ask.
“I do,” she smiles. “We can determine the target WACC for Apex Printing, given these assumptions,” she says as she hands you a piece of paper.

Weights of 40% debt and 60% common equity (no preferred equity)
A 35% tax rate
Cost of debt is 8%
Beta of the company is 1.5
Risk-free rate is 2%
Return on the market is 11%

“Great,” you say. “Thanks.”
“Be sure to indicate how these costs of capital might be used to determine the feasibility of the capital project,” Mary says. “I want your recommendation about which is more appropriate to apply to project evaluation, too. Let me know what you think.”
“One more thing,” she says as she stands up to signal the end of the meeting. “You did a good job with the explanations you provided Luke the other day. Would you have time to define marginal cost of capitalfor me so I can include it in my discussions with investors? You seem to have a knack for making things accessible to nonfinancial folks.”
“No problem,” you say. “I’m glad my explanations are so useful!”

To recap, for this assignment, complete the following:

Describe capital structure.
Determine the WACC given the above assumptions.
Indicate how these might be useful to determine the feasibility of the capital project.
Recommend which is more appropriate to apply to project evaluation.
Define marginal cost of capital.

750 word APA

HUMN 100 6383 Introduction to Humanities Guided Viewing Qs on Art: The Renaissance.

Visit the Uffizi GalleryLinks to an external site., in Florence, Italy, on Google Art Project. Scroll through the collection and click on images, or use the museum viewer, to look at the different works of art on display.Locate by using the filter function the Altarpiece of St. Lucia de’ Magnoli and select one other of the many Renaissance depictions of the Madonna and Child in the gallery. Respond to the series of questions provided to explore the two works in depth.Describe each painting by providing the following information:Who is the artist?What is the title of the work?When was the work created?What medium is the work (e.g., fresco, oil, tempera)?What are the dimensions of the work?Consider the style(s) of the two works through comparison and contrast. How are the elements of “Renaissance style” apparent in each? How do they differ? Consider (among other things):DraperyHuman AnatomySingle point prescriptiveArchitectureAnalyze the subjects and settings of the two paintings.Who are the subjects? How do you know who they are?Are any of the subjects placed in more prominent positions or given pronounced attention?What are the figures in the paintings doing?Where are the paintings set? Are the artists depicting real places? Heavenly realms? Can you tell? What clues do the artists give?Consider the works’ fit with the Renaissance:How does your comparison and contrast of the two paintings fit within this chapter’s discussion of evolving Renaissance thought and style?Do the paintings demonstrate similar or differing modes of thought?Recall your initial reasons for selecting the painting you compared and contrasted with the Altarpiece of St. Lucia de’ Magnoli.What were your first impressions of each painting? Did looking at them together change any of those impressions?What immediately caught your attention in the juxtaposition of the two works?How do the paintings fit with your understanding of life in Renaissance EuropeAll written assignments must be typed using 10 -12 point fonts and 1″ margins, double-spaced, and follow standard conventions of grammar and syntax.Please use MLA formatting Links to an external site. when citing your sources.

Hr management and blockchain | Applied Sciences homework help

Prepare an 8 page APA style paper using the resources you have read in this course and at least 3 additional peer reviewed resources. Follow the writing requirements for this course. Include an introduction and conclusion in the paper. This paper should address the following questions:(1) Does Blockchain technology have the potential to cause the paradigm shift in business practices that many experts are predicting? Explain why or why not.  Support your answer with research.(2) Is there evidence to suggest that Blockchain technology will change the way HR is practiced? If there is, discuss that evidence. If there is not, what issues exist that impede its adoption?(3) Which functions of human resource management could be most impacted by Blockchain technology? How might the HR functions change? Support your answer with research.Use the following headings to organize your paper: Introduction, Blockchain and Business, Blockchain and HR, Blockchain and HR Functions, Conclusions.Course writing requirements:

References MUST be cited within your paper in APA format. Your reference page and in-text citations must match 100%. Papers without in-text citations will earn failing grades.
Always include a cover page and reference page with ALL submissions (even initial discussion posts)
Provide the EXACT web link on the reference page citations for all online sources – do not provide just the home page, but the EXACT LINK – I check all sources
No abbreviations, no contractions – write formally
Write in the third person formal voice (no first or second person pronouns)
Write MORE than the minimum requirement of the word count assigned
As always, the word count is ONLY for the BODY of the paper – the cover page, reference page, and / or Appendix (if included) do not count towards the word count for the paper
Indent the first line of each new paragraph five spaces
Refer to the example APA paper in the getting started folder under the content tab if you need an example. Also, a Power Point is provided under the information tab that addresses APA format.
Use double-spacing / zero point line spacing, a running header, page numbers, and left justify the margins.

Discussion hiring practices and ethical responsibility | SPMT326

 On December 12, 2022, the University of Texas’ men’s basketball coach, Chris Beard, was arrested on a family violence (i.e., felony) charge. On the same day, Coach Beard was suspended without pay by the University of Texas’ executive administrators. In a released statement, the University of Texas’ officials indicated “The university takes matters of interpersonal violence involving members of its community seriously.”
On December 23, 2022, Beard’s fiancée and alleged victim, Randi Trew, disputed the December 12th incident. “Chris did not strangle me, and I told that to law enforcement that evening. Chris has stated that he was acting in self-defense, and I do not refute that. I do not believe Chris was trying to intentionally harm me in any way.”
While an on-going investigation into this incident was being conducted by the Travis County (Texas) District Attorney’s office, on January 5, 2023, the University of Texas’ executive administrators fired Chris Beard and relieved him of the men’s basketball coaching responsibilities. Beard’s seven-year guaranteed contract with the University of Texas had five years remaining. Interestingly, Beard’s contract included a clause where he could be terminated for cause if he was charged with a felony. The University of Texas’ vice president of legal affairs, Jim Davis, informed Beard’s attorney, Perry Minton, that Beard demonstrated “unacceptable behavior that makes him unfit to serve as head coach at our university.”
On February 15, 2023, Chris Beard’s felony domestic violence case was dismissed, in part because of the alleged victim’s wishes not to prosecute. The Travis County (Texas) District Attorney’s “office determined the charges could not be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.”
On March 13, 2023, the University of Mississippi hired Chris Beard as their men’s head basketball coach.
Questions to be answered for Discussion: 

Please share your thoughts on the University of Texas’ firing of Chris Beard.
Was terminating Chris Beard an ethically sound decision for the University of Texas?
Also, please share your thoughts on the University of Mississippi’s hiring Chris Beard as their men’s basketball coach.
Was hiring Chris Beard an ethically sound decision for the University of Mississippi?

Aprox 200 words with 2 sources to back up opinion. 

Analyze the strengths and challenges of observing a child for a 45-minute to 1-hour period. (1–2 paragraphs)

For this Performance Task Assessment, you will select a child you  know (a relative, friend’s child, etc.) who is between the ages of 6  weeks and 5 years to observe for data related to specific developmental  domains. You will then analyze the strengths and challenges of observing  a child for a 45-minute to 1-hour period and recommend additional  assessment strategies that would help add to your understanding of  development and learning information about the child.
Your response to this Performance Task should reflect the criteria  provided in the rubric and should adhere to the required length.
This Assessment requires submission of two files, including the Running Record Form and writing assignments.
Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This  is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and  it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the  Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of  the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and  use their time most productively.
Access the following to complete this Assessment:
Gathering Data to Understand and Support Childhood Development and Learning 
For this Performance Task, select a child you know (a relative,  friend’s child, etc.) who is between the ages of 6 weeks and 5 years of  age to observe for a 45-minute to one hour period. Before you observe,  review the Ages & Stages resource from the American Academy of  Pediatrics for the age of the child you are observing. As you observe,  note your observations on the Running Record Form to refer to when you  write your paragraphs for this Assessment.
Note: In the Ages & Stages resource, the developmental domains are referred to differently depending on the age of the child.
Then, write 2- to 3-pages with the following two parts:
Part 1: Beginning a Development and Learning Assessment 

Based on the limited time you have had to observe this child, what  have you noticed about his/her development in the developmental domains  delineated in the Ages & Stages resource. (3-–4 paragraphs)

Part 2: Assessment Planning 

Analyze the strengths and challenges of observing a child for a 45-minute to 1-hour period. (1–2 paragraphs)
Recommend two additional assessment strategies that would be  beneficial to gather additional data on the child you observed, and  explain why these strategies would yield useful development and learning  information about the child. (2 paragraphs)

Business research for decision making unit 4 db & (peer responses)

Graduate Programs Discussion Boards
Discussion Boards (DB) are a key component of online learning. They foster active participation of learners and dialogue with fellow learners and instructors. Graduate-level courses require learners to create original posts to course DBs and to engage in dialogue by responding to posts created by others throughout the course. Original posts and responses should be substantive, and if references are made to the works of others, APA guidelines for in-text citations and references apply.
Minimum Weekly DB Expectations

Post an original and thoughtful Main Post to the DB prompt.
Respond to at least 2 other posts from learners and/or the instructor (Response Posts).
The first contribution (Main Post or Response Post) must be posted before midnight (Central time) on Friday of each week.
Two additional responses are required after Friday of each week.
For DB assignment prompts with a Part One and Part Two, Part One should be addressed in the first week of the unit with a Main Post and minimum of 2 Response Posts, and Part Two should be addressed in the second week of the unit with a Main Post and a minimum of 2 Response Posts.

More on DBs
At the end of each unit, DB participation is assessed based on level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion. DBs allow learners to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB are accepted after the end of the unit. Learners must demonstrate an appropriate depth of understanding of course content to receive credit for having submitted substantive posts. Typically, this is achieved with 3–4 strong paragraphs for Main Posts and 2–3 strong paragraphs for Response Posts.
This DB has three parts:

 Compare and contrast vertical and horizontal integration.  What are some of the variables make each of these integrations valuable? Provide an example of a vertical and a horizontal integration that has happened recently.
 In what circumstances should an organization consider diversification as a viable strategy?
 What benefit does a global strategy provide an organization? Describe a situation when a global strategy would not be a viable solution for an organization.  

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

Company x’s principal strength is its inbound and outbound

22. Company X’s principal strength is its inbound and outbound logistics system; its relative weakness, however, is after-sales service. Its competitor, Company Y, however is often plagued with lagging shipments and an inflexible distribution setup. Company Y remains successful because it maintains a fully staffed service department and, as a result, the company is known for its dependable service. This type of analysis allows them to identify ways to build on relative strengths and avoid dependence on capabilities at which the other firm excels.
DisaggregatingPast performance comparisonBenchmarkingIndustry comparison
23. The ability to meet humanity’s needs without harming future generations is now a top priority in most corporate agenda
24.Which component of a marketing audit includes major developments in income, prices, savings, and credit that affect the company?
25.Prestige LLC, a small company that manufactures specialty cereals and energy bars, wants to launch a “green marketing” program in response to heightened consumer awareness about environmental issues. What should the company do to maximize the program’s chances of being successful?
Explain the rules and regulations laid out by governmental agencies to protect the environment.
Demonstrate that the products will benefit both customers and the society in the long-term.
Emphasize benefits to the consumer rather than environmental benefits.
Focus on the efforts and costs incurred by the company to bring these “green” products to consumers.
26.The marketing manager needs to know the cost of the research project before approving it. During which stage of the marketing research process would such a consideration most likely take place?
Step 1 – defining the problem
Step 4 – analyzing the information
Step 2 – developing the research plan
Step 5 – drafting the report
27.New-to-the-world products are ________.
low-cost products designed to obtain an edge in highly competitive markets
existing products that are targeted to new geographical markets
new product enhancements that supplement established products
new products that create an entirely new market
28.A set of ideas on organizational control based on the belief that the separation of the ownership from management creates the potential for the wishes of owners to be ignored refers to
the moral hazard problemethical responsibilitiesAdam’s theoryagency theory
29.Which control should periodically reassess its approach to the marketplace with a good marketing audit?
Marketing controlStrategic controlEthical controlPerformance control
30. BMW’s “The ultimate driving machine,” American Express’ “Don’t leave home without it,” New York Times’ “All the news that’s fit to print,” and AT&T’s “Reach out and touch someone” are all examples of ________.
brand sloganbrand missionbrand visionbrand personality

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