Assignment week 7 | Mathematics homework help
Assignment Week 7
Question 1
To compare commuting times in various locations, independent random samples were obtained from the six cities presented in the Longest Commute to Work graphic on page 255 in your textbook. The samples were from workers who commute to work during the 8:00 a.m. rush hour. One-way Travel to Work in Minutes
St. Louis
Construct a graphic representation of the data using six sid-by-side dotplots.
Visually estimate the mean commute time for each city and locate it with an X.
Does it appear that different citites have different effects on the average amount of time spent by workers who commute to work during the 8:00 a.m. rush hour? Explain.
Does it visually appear that different cities have different effects on the variation in the amount of time spent by workers wo commute to work during the 8:00 a.m. rush hour? Explain.
Part 2
Calculate the mean commute time for each city depicted.
Does there seem to be a difference among the mean one-way commute times for these six cities?
Calculate the standard deviation for each citys commute time.
Does there seem to be a difference among the standard deviations between the one-way commute times for these six cities?
Part 3
Construct the 95% confidence interval for the mean commute time for Atlanta and Boston.
Based on the confidence intervals found does it appear that the mean commute time is the same or different for these two cities (Atlanta and Boston). Explain
Construct the 95% confidence interval for the mean commute time for Dallas.
Based on the confidence intervals found in (Atlanta and Boston) and Dallas does it appear that the mean commute time is the same or different for Boston and dalls? Explain.
Based on the confidence levels found in (Atlanta and Boston) and (Dallas) does it appear that the mean commute time is the same or different for the set of three cities, Atlanta, Boston, and Dallas? Explain
How doe your confidence intervals compare to the intervals given for Atlant, Boston, and Dallas in Longest Commute to Work on page 255?
Question 2
Interstate 90 is the longest of the east-west U.S. interstate highways with its 3,112 miles stretching from Boston, MA at I-93 on the eastern end to Seattle WA at the Kingdome on the western end. It travels across 13 northern states; the number of miles and number of intersections in each of those states is listed below.
No. of Inter
Construct a scatter diagram of the data.
Find the equation for the line of best fit using x= miles and y=intersections.
Using the equation found in part (b), estimate the average number of intersections per mile along I-90.
Find a 95% confidence interval for ?1.
Explain the meaning of the interval found in part d.
Zimbardos experiment | Social Science homework help
Read Zimbardos Experiment: The Individual and the Social Role, located on page 48 of the textbook. Discuss one (1) alternative approach to the one used in the Zimbardo experiment to investigate how role expectations shape behavior. Provide a rationale for your response.
Here is the information :
Zimbardos Experiment: The Individual and the Social Role Social psychologist Philip Zimbardo (1974; Haney, Banks, & Zimbardo, 1973) wanted to investigate how role expectations shape behavior. He was intrigued by the possibility that the frequently observed cruelty of prison guards was a consequence of the institutional setting and role, not the guards personalities. In an experiment that has since become well known, Zimbardo converted the basement of a Stanford University building into a makeshift prison. A newspaper ad seeking young men to take part in the experiment for pay drew 70 subject candidates, who were given a battery of physical and psychological tests to assess their emotional stability and maturity. The most mature 24 were selected for the experiment and randomly assigned to roles as guards or prisoners. Those assigned to be prisoners were arrested, handcuffed, and taken to the makeshift prison by the Palo Alto police. The behavior of the guards and the prisoners was filmed. Within a week, the prison setting took on many of the characteristics of actual prisons. The guards were often aggressive and seemed to take pleasure in being cruel. The prisoners began planning escapes and expressed hostility and bitterness toward the guards. The subjects in the experiment so identified with their respective roles that many of them displayed signs of depression and anxiety. As a result, some were released early, and the experiment was canceled before the first week was over. Since the participants had all been screened for psychological and physical problems, Zimbardo concluded that the results could not be attributed to their personalities. Instead, the prison setting itself (the independent variable) appeared to be at the root of the guards brutal behavior and the prisoners hostility and rebelliousness (the dependent variable). Zimbardos research shows how profoundly private lives are shaped by the behavioral expectations of the roles we occupy in social institutions.
Despite questions about the ethics of Philip Zimbardos experiment, sociologists still study his work. Is it wrong to use research data gathered by means we now consider unethical? Do the results of research ever justify subjecting human beings to physical or psychological discomfort, invasion of privacy, or deception? Stanford University archives Think It Through▶?Zimbardos experiment could not be repeated today, as it would violate guidelines for ethical research with human subjects. How might a researcher design an ethical experiment to test the question of the circumstances under which apparently normal individuals will engage in violent or cruel acts?
Reference : DISCOVERY SOCIOLGY SECOND EDITION Chambliss, William J. ; Eglistis, Diana S.
Only need 1-2 paragraphs
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Fin 4460 exam 3 | Business & Finance homework help
FIN 4460: Exam #3: Summer 2021
Multiple-choice questions are worth 3 points each for a total of 30 points.
1. Residual Earnings is defined as:
a. (ROCE-required return) Book Value of Debt
b. (ROCE-required return) Book Value of Equity
c. (ROCE-required return) Book Value of the Enterprise
2. Normal Forward P/E ratio is defined as:
a. (1+r)/r
b. 1/r
c. r/ (1+r)
3. Trailing P/E is defined as:
a. (Price+Dividend)/ Earnings
b. Dividends/Earnings
c. Price/Earnings
4. Abnormal Earnings Growth (AEG) is defined as:
a. Cumulative-dividend earnings-normal earnings
b. (EPS+DPS) (1+r)
c. PV of EPS
5. Dividend earnings + earnings is associated with the:
a. Abnormal Earnings Growth Model
b. Residual Earnings Model
c. Earnings that are based on the change in residual earnings model
6. Abnormal Earnings Growth (AEG) can:
a. Be a positive, negative number or zero number
b. Only positive
c. Only negative
7. The minimum New York Stock exchange price is:
a. A negative dollar amount like – $1.00
b. A positive one dollar amount $1.00
c. At lowest zero
8. The Change in Residual Earnings and Abnormal Earning Growth models use the following conceptual idea:
a. Future Value Interest Factor
b. Mixed Income Stream Factor
c. Perpetuity
9. The change in Residual Earnings and Abnormal earnings growth models are based on the idea:
a. VPS = Book value per share + the present value of projected earnings
b. VPS= Earnings per share + the present value of projected earnings
c. VPS = Dividends per share + the future value of projected earnings
10. The estimated formula value per share is $43 and the market price is $35. What should an investor that has a portfolio of stocks do?
a. Buy
b. Sell
c Hold
Problems: 70 points. Theyare shown on a per share basis.
Please show all of you work on the exam. Type your answers onto the exam. Thanks
1. Use the following information to calculate: A. Normal Forward P/E, b. Trailing P/E and c. Normal Trailing P/E.
The required return is 8%
Market Price per share $37.50
DPS= $.25
EPS =$3.00
Calculate the Following Ratios:
A: Normal Forward P/E:
B: Trailing P/E
C. Normal Trailing P/E:
2. Calculate the estimated value per share using theChange in Residual Earnings Method: Complete the chart:
N 0 1 2 3
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
EPS $3.00 $3.60 $4.10 $5.50
DPS .25 .25 .30 .35
BPS $15.00
Residual Earnings
Change in RE
PV Change RE
PV of CV
Capitalized VPS ________________________________________________________________________
Show RE Calculation: below
RE 2011:
RE 2012:
RE 2013:
RE 2014: _________________________________________________________________________
The required return is 8% and the growth rate is 2.5% after 2014.
CV uses the (1+g) adjustment
A. Complete the Table:
B. Calculate Value per Share using the change in residual earnings model:
3. Calculate the Abnormal Earnings Growth (AEG) Model using the information shown below:
Part A. Complete the Table. Please, note that DPS is show first followed by EPS.
Table ($) numbers are per share not total earnings or dividends.
N 0 1 2 3
2011 2012 2013 2014
DPS .25 .25 .30 .35
EPS 3.00 3.60 4.10 5.50
DPS earnings
EPS+ DPS earnings
Normal Earnings
PV of Continuing Value
Capitalized VPS
The growth rate after 2014 is 2.5% and reinvestment rate and discount rate or capitalization rate is 8%. Complete the chart.
CV uses the (1+g) adjustment
4. Chapter 7: Calculate the Expected Return (r) given the following information.
· The Book to Price ratio is 90%.
· Price is $100
· Growth rate (g) is 7%
· Earnings per share are $3.00
· Book Value is $90 per share
Calculate Expected Return:
5. Calculate the growth rate of a stock using the Residual Earnings Method that pays:
· EPS= $3.20
· Required return on equity is 3%
· BPS = $90
· Price per share is $100
Part A: Show the formula, load numbers into the formula and calculate the growth rate using Reverse Engineering g.
Case study mba schools in asia-pacific*****already a++ rated
Use the following questions for guidelines and directions on what to include in the report:
1. What is the type of data (Quantitative or Qualitative) for each of the columns (variables) in the dataset? If quantitative, is the data discrete or continuous? Neatly summarize your response below in a table for all the columns (variable).
2. Using Excel, find the mean, median, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, and the three quartiles for each of the quantitative variables identified in part 1 above. Neatly summarize it below in a table on this document. Comment on what you observe.
3. What are the minimum and maximum full-time enrollments? Which schools have the minimum and maximum full-time enrollments?
4. What is the average number of students per faculty member? Is this low or high? What does this mean to prospective applicants who are interested in pursuing an MBA in one of the leading international business schools?
5. What are the mean, median, and modal ages? What does this mean to prospective applicants?
6. What is the mean percentage of foreign students? How many and which schools have 1% and 0% foreign students? Which schools have highest percentage of foreign students? Please state these percentages.
7. What percentage of schools require the GMAT test?
8. What percentage of schools require English tests such as Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)?
9. What percentage of schools require work experience? From this percentage, does this appear to be a significant factor in gaining admissions?
10. What are the mean and median starting salaries? Which schools have the minimum and maximum starting salaries? How much are these minimum and maximum salaries?
11. What are the mean tuition for foreign students and for local students? Does there appear to be a significant difference? What is the difference between the two means?
12. How many schools require work experience and how many of them dont? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring work experience? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring no work experience?
13. How many schools require English tests and how many dont? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring English tests? What is the mean starting salary for schools requiring no English tests?
14. Comment on the skewness for the data on starting salaries.
a. Plot a histogram and determine the skewness.
b. Find the skewness coefficient.
c. Find the mean, median, and mode for starting salaries and compare the three measures to determine skewness.
Finally, use Empirical Rule on the starting salaries and determine whether the salaries follow the Empirical Rule.
Uml and class diagrams using ibm rational software architect
All Diagrams MUST BE Completed with IBM Rational Software Architect!!!
As the software architect for the SRS system, you are making good progress in your work. After finishing the Functional Modeling (activity diagram, use case diagram, and use case descriptions) of the SRS system, you are now ready to move on.
In this week, you will use the models of your Functional Modeling to determine and design your class diagram and complete a CRC card for each class. The Structural Modeling is very critical for the success of your project since it is the backbone upon which the entire project is built, so take the time to design and refine your class diagram and its corresponding CRC cards.
Deliverables: wk3
Class diagram for the SRS system
CRC cards for each class in your class diagram
Verification and validation of your work
Explanation of your work
In this week, you will use your functional and structural models as the basis for your behavioral models that need to be developed for the SRS system. Specifically, your deliverables for this week are designed to develop these two behavioral diagrams for the Register a Student for Classes use case.
Sequence diagram
Communication diagram
In addition, you will also need to create a state machine diagram for the RegistrationRecord class (the class that maintains the registration of a student in a class).
These behavioral model and diagrams are major milestones in your architectural and design work. They give you your first opportunity to verify that your use case (in this case, Register a Student for Classes) could actually be implemented using the objects of your class diagram design. If you reach this verification, then you are done with the analysis phase of your SRS project.
Deliverables: wk4
Sequence diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case
Communication diagram for the Register a Student for Classes use case
State Machine diagram for a RegistrationRecord object
Verification and validation of your work
Explanation of your work
start the design phase where you generate specific directions for the implementation of the system by the software development group. The first step in the design phase is to examine the SRS class diagram and to try to simplify its organization using a package diagram. The package diagram ensures that classes that belong together are grouped into a single package and thus simplify the development of these classes and their maintenance.
Deliverables: wk5
SRS package diagram
Verification and validation of your work
Explanation of your work
Business & finance 5-2 milestone two submission assignment | BUS 400 – Driving Business Opportunities
You are excited to see the possibilities after finishing the Business Model Canvas Template. The next step is the development of the BMC slide deck for review by the experienced former project manager mentioned in the Module Four assignment.
In the BMC slide deck, you will make educated assumptions (based on research in Marketline, Yahoo Finance, or the companys website) about your selected companys resources, partnerships, cost structures (what needs to be paid for), how the product or service will be marketed, value delivery (product sold online, in-store, or both), and the unique value proposition for a specific targeted market segment.
All 9 segments of your redeveloped BMC must encompass elements to achieve new product/service feasibility.
Beyond profitability, other key elements that the experienced project manager stressed were diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), as well as corporate social responsibility (CSR). In the marketplace, companies that have diverse project teams get varied perspectives that help the overall project. Just as important, companies that give back to the communities they serve do better and are supported by millennial buyersa big target segment for many companies.
Financials, DEI, and CSR must be addressed in the funding pitch, which you will complete as your course project, due in Module Seven.
You will create a slide deck that will help you expand on your BMC chart in detail as you refine how your selected company will create value for itself while delivering a new product or service for customers. Complete the Milestone Two Template linked in the Guidelines for Submission section for this assignment.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Deliver a unique value proposition.
Leveraging the blue ocean strategy, what makes the product or service unique?
How does it provide a strategic advantage in the marketplace?
Answer key business model questions about the customer.
Customer acquisitions
Revenue models
Price points for the product/service
Key activities for the value proposition (product or service)
Answer key business model questions about assets, partners, and cost.
Assets available
Key partners
Cost structures
Import your existing business model canvas chart from Module Four.
Clarify your business model assumptions.
Check your assumptions
Complete the assumptions chart
Prepare to meet customers.
Highlight the materials needed
Update your documentation.
Targeted segment
Type of value delivered
How the product is unique
Update your business model.
Complete any updates to the BMC chart
Guidelines for Submission
Submit the completed Milestone Two Template PPT. Sources should be cited according to APA style.
I have attached my last week assignment for reference
Also, I have attached this week’s template for the assignment.
Small business week 1 discussion
Discussion – Week 1COLLAPSE
Small Business Ethics
Small business owners firmly believe in their business, and are closely vested in the success of their venture. Instead of working for someone else, they work for themselves. As a result, they not only own the business, they own the benefits, challenges, and ethical obligations of operating a small business.
To prepare for this Discussion, read Case 2, G & R Garden Center: Lawn Care Services Division in your Entrepreneurial Small Business textbook, and consider the ethical issues involved. Do you believe that the Ash family should continue or discontinue the Big Rick, The Lawn & Garden Doctor division of their company? What are the risks and benefits of each option? Are there any other ethical and moral responsibilities that the company has to its consumers outside of those required by the law and, if so what are they?
Post your response by Day 3.
Read a selection of your colleagues postings.
Respond by Day 5 to two or more of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:
Ask a probing question.
Share an insight from having read your colleagues posting.
Offer and support an opinion.
Make a suggestion.
Expand on your colleagues posting.
Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you learned and the insights you gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.
Be sure to support your work with specific citations from the Learning Resources and any additional sources.
Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message
What lessons do the ancient greeks teach us about the role of
6 pages
MLA format
3 sources
Create a composite leader who exemplifies the qualities which the Ancient Greeks desired in a good leader. Construct your composite Greek leader by identifying and explaining significant acts by at least five (5) people created by Hesiod, Homer and/or Sophocles which demonstrate how personal character effects the actions and the effectiveness of a good leader. What can we learn from the ancient Greek ideas, which link personal character and leadership success that would help us to more clearly judge the competence of our national leaders?
Pay most attention to how, in the Greek mind, character affects the style, methods and effectiveness of national leaders.
Essay should not be an evaluation of the individual policies of modern leaders regarding specific issues such as war or the economy.
The writing guidelines at the Course Material link and the Pocket Style Manual have instructions and criteria that should be applied in the composition and correction of your work and the work of the student you evaluate. See Course Material among the menu selections on the Course Content page. Click on Selected Course Readings and consult Format for Constructing a Thesis and Considerations for Writing Papers.
Phil, please follow professors request below:
1. Where and how well does the paper follow the directions of the assignment?
2. Can you see that the writer understands Greek ideas about leadership, honor and the heroic and can draw parallels from it to the actions of recent national and local leaders?
3. Does the writer use specific examples from class readings in the analysis?
4. Are the examples from class readings adequate support for the writers thesis? Why or why not?
5. Are there additional elements in Greek literature that could be used in a better fashion by the author?
6. Has the author used clear examples from the readings to illustrate points? Explain why or why not.
7. Are there other Greek writings that could help to improve the essay?
8. Is the paper well written?
9. Does the paper have a clear thesis?
10. Is the thesis well developed?
11. Does the writer use correct grammar?
12. Is the essay well organized: does it have an introduction and a conclusion? Explain why or why not.
13. Focus the greatest part of your evaluation on points 1 through 3!
Items 1 through 5 above are the criteria that are used by the Professor and the Teaching Assistant to evaluate your final paper
Expanding the organization | MGT 576
Choose 1 country that the organization (Home Depot) youve been working on in this course could consider expanding into.
Read the selected article from the University Library.
Analyze that potential international market by considering the 4 aspects of the Diamond of National Advantage: industry rivalry, demand conditions, related and supporting industries, and factor endowments.
Analyze the forces (in the home market and international market) that will help the organization succeed with its expansion and the forces that may act as barriers to that expansion. Refer to your analysis of strengths and weaknesses completed in Wk 1, Porters Five Forces worksheet from Wk 3, and your analysis of the Diamond of National Advantage.
Evaluate the 4 adjustments leaders must make when expanding internationally (Burkus, 2012). Recommend 1 specific leadership action for each adjustment, such as developing a global mindset, developing sensitivity to cultural differences, decentralizing, deciding on the level of involvement, etc.
Recommend whether the organization should expand into the chosen country. Explain your rationale.
Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation to present your analysis and recommendation. Include the following sections in your presentation:
A cover slide
An agenda
Identification of the country you have chosen (1 slide, with brief speakers notes)
1 slide for?analysis of?each of the elements of the Diamond of National Advantage (4 slides, with speakers notes)
A summary of the analysis of the forces that will help the organization succeed in the new country (1 slide, with speakers notes)
A summary?of the analysis of the forces that will hinder the organizations success in the new country (1 slide, with speakers notes)
Leadership actions are required to make the 4 adjustments identified by Burkus (2012)
A recommendation and rationale?(1 slide, with speakers notes)
A conclusion
Cite references to support your assignment.
Empowering Growth Mindset in Education Discussion
Growth MindsetRead Carol Dwecks article, Revisiting the Growth Mindset (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and summarize what it is means to have a growth mindset and how is it different than a fixed mindset. Consider the triggers identified in the article and elaborate on any of them that may be alive in you. Defend your thoughts about how and why it is important for educators to have a Growth Mindset.Guided Response: Consider and respond to the thoughts about the Growth Mindset shared in at least two of your classmates posts. Provide your reaction to their thoughts by sharing your agreement, disagreement or suggestions to further their foundation. In addition to your two classmate responses, be sure to respond to any questions or comments posted by your instructor.You can use the Writing a Good Discussion Board Post (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. document to help create your responses.Week 4 – Discussion 2( 300 words)Week 4 – Discussion 21 1 unread reply. 1 1 reply. Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated. Do You Believe in Me?View Dalton Shermans famous keynote speech, Do You Believe in Me? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. At the time of this speech in 2008, Dalton was a 10 year old entering into the fifth (5th) grade. He address over 17,000 educators from the Dallas Texas area, challenging them to believe in him and his classmates.Then view the same young man seven (7) years later as he addresses educators at the Extra Yard for Teacher summit in 2015 with his Dont Lose Your Joy (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. speech.After viewing the Do You Believe in Me? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and the Extra Yard for Teachers Summit 2015 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., based on the Six Pillars of Character, consider the target career option in education you researched in week three, and what you know about the importance of mindset in both the student and the educator. Craft a discussion response that explains three specific ways you will show your students that you believe in them as you create your own classroom culture and climate.