Minimum number of toll collectors

Oakton River Bridge The Oakton River had long been considered an impediment to the development of a certain medium-sized metropolitan area in the southeast. Lying to the east of the city, the river made it difficult for people living on its eastern bank to commute to jobs in and around the city and to take advantage of the shopping and cultural attractions that the city had to offer. Similarly, the river inhibited those on its western bank from access to the ocean resorts lying one hour to the east. The bridge over the Oakton River had been built prior to World War II and was grossly inadequate to handle the existing traffic, much less the increased traffic that would accompany the forecasted growth in the area. A congressional delegation from the state prevailed upon the federal government to fund a major portion of a new toll bridge over the Oakton River and the state legislature appropriated the rest of the needed monies for the project.
Progress in construction of the bridge has been in accordance with what was anticipated at the start of construction.
The state highway commission, which will have operational jurisdiction over the bridge, has concluded that the opening of the bridge for traffic is likely to take place at the beginning of the next summer, as scheduled. A personnel task force has been established to recruit, train, and schedule the workers needed to operate the toll facility. The personnel task force is well aware of the budgetary problems facing the state. They have taken as part of their mandate the requirement that personnel costs be kept as low as possible. One particular area of concern is the number of toll collectors that will be needed. The bridge is scheduling three shifts of collectors: shift A from midnight to 8 A.M., shift B from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M., and shift C from 4 P.M. to midnight.
Recently, the state employees union negotiated a contract with the state which requires that all toll collectors be permanent, full-time employees. In addition, all collectors must work a five-on, two-off schedule on the same shift. Thus, for example, a worker could be assigned to work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday on shift A, followed by Sunday and Monday off. An employee could not be scheduled to work, say, Tuesday on shift A followed by Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday on shift B or on any other mixture of shifts during a 5-day block. The employees would choose their assignments in order of their seniority.
The task force has received projections of traffic flow on the bridge by day and hour. These projections are based on extrapolations of existing traffic patterns—the pattern of commuting, shopping, and beach traffic currently experienced with growth projections factored in. Standards data from other state operated toll facilities have allowed the task force to convert these traffic flows into toll collector requirements, that is, the minimum number of collectors required per shift, per day, to handle the anticipated traffic load. These toll collector requirements are summarized in the following table: Minimum Number of Toll Collectors Required per Shift

































The numbers in the table include one or two extra collectors per shift to fill in for collectors who call in sick and to provide relief for collectors on their scheduled breaks. Note that each of the eight collectors needed for shift A on Sunday, for example, could have come from any of the A shifts scheduled to begin on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.
Discussion Questions
1. Determine the minimum number of toll collectors that would have to be hired to meet the requirements expressed in the table.
2. The union had indicated that it might lift its opposition to the mixing of shifts in a 5-day block in exchange for additional compensation and benefits. By how much could the number of toll collectors required be reduced if this is done?

Acct 346 midterm | Business & Finance homework help

1. Question : (TCO 1) Managerial accounting stresses accounting concepts and procedures that are relevant to preparing reports for
taxing authorities.
internal users of accounting information.
external users of accounting information.
the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
2. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following costs does not change when the level of business activity changes?
total fixed costs
total variable costs
total direct materials costs
fixed costs per unit
3. Question : (TCO 1) You own a car and are trying to decide whether or not to trade it in and buy a new car. Which of the following costs is an opportunity cost in this situation?
the trip to Cancun that you will not be able to take if you buy the car
the cost of the car you are trading in
the cost of your books for this term
the cost of your car insurance last year
4. Question : (TCO 1) Shula’s 347 Grill has budgeted the following costs for a month in which 1,600 steak dinners will be produced and sold: materials, $4,080; hourly labor (variable), $5,200; rent (fixed), $1,700; depreciation, $800; and other fixed costs, $600. Each steak dinner sells for $14.00 each. What is the budgeted fixed cost per unit?
5. Question : (TCO 1) Which of the following costs is not part of manufacturing overhead?
electricity for the factory
depreciation of factory equipment
salaries for the production supervisors
health insurance for sales staff
6. Question : (TCO 1) Product costs
are also called manufacturing costs.
are considered an asset until the finished goods are sold.
become an expense when the goods are sold.
All of the above answers are correct.
7. Question : (TCO 1) Red Runner’s Work in Process Inventory account has a beginning balance of $50,000 and an ending balance of $40,000. Direct materials used are $70,000 and direct labor used totals $35,000. Cost of goods sold totals $135,000. Manufacturing overhead applied is $20,000. How much is cost of goods manufactured?
8. Question : (TCO 2) BCS Company applies manufacturing overhead based on direct labor cost. Information concerning manufacturing overhead and labor for August follows:
Estimated Actual
Overhead cost $174,000 $171,000
Direct labor hours 5,800 5,900
Direct labor cost $87,000 $89,975
How much is the predetermined overhead rate?
9. Question : (TCO 2) During 2011, Madison Company applied overhead using a job-order costing system at a rate of $12 per direct labor hours. Estimated direct labor hours for the year were 150,000, and estimated overhead for the year was $1,800,000. Actual direct labor hours for 2011 were 140,000 and actual overhead was $1,670,000.
What is the amount of under or over applied overhead for the year?
$10,000 underapplied
$10,000 overapplied
$130,000 underapplied
$130,000 overapplied
10. Question : (TCO 3) Which of the following describes the differences between job-order and process costing?
Job-order costing is used in financial accounting while process costing is used in managerial accounting.
Job-order costing can only be used by manufacturers; service enterprises must use process costing.
Job-order costing is voluntary while process costing is mandatory.
Job-order costing traces costs to jobs while process costing traces costs to departments and averages the costs among the units worked on during the period.
11. Question : (TCO 3) The Blending Department began the period with 45,000 units. During the period the department received another 30,000 units from the prior department and completed 60,000 units during the period. The remaining units were 75% complete. How much are equivalent units in The Blending Department’s work in process inventory at the end of the period?
12. Question : (TCO 3) Ranger Glass Company manufactures glass for French doors. At the start of May, 2,000 units were in-process. During May, 11,000 units were completed and 3,000 units were in process at the end of May. These in-process units were 90% complete with respect to material and 50% complete with respect to conversion costs. Other information is as follows:
Work in process, May 1:
Direct material $36,000
Conversion costs $45,000
Costs incurred during May:
Direct material $186,000
Conversion costs $255,000
How much is the cost per equivalent unit for direct materials?
13. Question : (TCO 4) Total costs were $75,800 when 30,000 units were produced and $95,800 when 40,000 units were produced. Use the high-low method to find the estimated total costs for a production level of 32,000 units.

Uses communication strategies to influence others

Producing an effective message encompasses efficient planning, organization, and influential communication. In this task, you will:
1.  Write a proposal for a new policy for an organization or community using the RRM3 D268 Task 3 Template located in the Supporting Documents section below the rubric.
2.  Create a professional, influential, narrated digital multimedia presentation of your proposed change using the RRM3 D268 Task 3 PPT Template also located in the Supporting Documents section below the rubric. 
For your proposal and presentation, you may:
A.  Select a topic from the “D268 Task 3 Rotating Topic List” document in the Supporting Documents section located below the rubric, OR
B.  Use a policy topic based on your own personal or professional interests. 
This task includes two parts:
1.  A written message plan
2.  A professional, narrated multimedia presentation (i.e., narrated PowerPoint or Panopto video) that focuses on a new policy for an organization or community (e.g., workplace, environmental, social group or club, neighborhood, school) 
Note: You may use a narrated PowerPoint or Panopto for this task. 
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission, and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source, can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.
You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.
Tasks may not be submitted as live documents or cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, SharePoint, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).
A.  Write your presentation plan by doing the following:
1.  Describe the audience (i.e., organization leaders, hospital administration, community council members, neighborhood association, neighbors, school board, colleagues, etc.) you wish to target who has the potential to enact your proposed policy.
a.  Explain how your proposed policy will affect your chosen target audience from prompt A1.
2.  Describe the problem to be solved by the proposed policy.
3.  Describe your proposed policy and how it will be implemented. 
B.  Present your proposed policy from part A by creating a narrated multimedia presentation (i.e., record a voiceover of you narrating a PowerPoint or Panopto video). See notes below for more details on recording options.
1.  Your presentation needs to be between 2 and 7 minutes in length.
2.  Your presentation needs to be appropriate for the selected audience.
3.  Your presentation needs to describe the problem to be solved by the proposed policy.
4.  Your presentation needs to propose the change and how it will be implemented.
5.  Your presentation needs to integrate the following principles of multimedia design:
a.  Effective organization
b.  Effective opening and closing
c.  Appropriate choice and placement of 2 relevant visual aids (i.e. images, graphs, etc.)
d.  Effective use of vocalics (i.e., pitch, tone, inflection, volume) 
Note:Recording Option 1 (PowerPoint):
•  If you use a narrated PowerPoint, do not enable the webcam as the file will be too large.
•  Your narrated PowerPoint must be submitted in .ppt or .pptx format.
•  Each slide needs to include narration.
•  The recording must feature a voiceover of you narrating your multimedia presentation.
•  For instructions on how to access and use WGU’s PowerPoint, refer to the “Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint” link in the Web Links section located below the rubric.
•  For instructions on how to record a PowerPoint, refer the “How to Make a PowerPoint with Audio” link in the Web Links section located below the rubric. 
Recording Option 2 (Panopto):
•  If you use Panopto, your webcam is optional.
•  The video must feature a voiceover of you narrating your multimedia presentation.
•  For instructions on how to access and use WGU’s Panopto, refer to the “Panopto FAQ” link in the Web Links section located below the rubric.
•  For the direct link and directions to login to WGU’s Panopto, refer to the “Panopto Access” link in the Web Links section located below the rubric.
•  For instructions on how to submit your Panopto video, refer to the “How to Submit a Panopto Video Link for Evaluation” link located in the Web Links section below the rubric. 
C.  Acknowledge sources—using in-text citations and references—for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. This includes source citation for any visual elements used in the digital presentation. 
Note: Sources are NOT required for this task, but if sources are used, they must be acknowledged and cited appropriately.
D.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. 
Note: See the rubric for what professional communication entails.

I will post questions in the description

1.       Freedom of speech and expression are fundamental human rights that are protected under the U.S. Constitution. Commonly, defenses of these rights are grounded in appeals to autonomy (in order to act autonomously, we must have the freedom to express ourselves). Thus, restrictions on our freedom of expression correlate to restrictions on our autonomy. However, several authors cited within Chapter 4 recognize that sexual harassment can have a detrimental effect on autonomy. On the surface, there seems to be a tension between appeals to autonomy in defense of freedom of speech and expression and appeals to autonomy in order to justify restrictions on freedom of speech and expression, which may result in sexual harassment. Do you believe that there is a conflict between these two positions? How may such a conflict be balanced?
2.        Central to Duska’s discussion of whistle-blowing is his conception of loyalty. Do you find his account of loyalty convincing? What elements of it might you disagree with? What implications might an altered conception of loyalty have on his contention that whistle-blowing does not require moral justification?
3.       Epstein claims that the positions of both employers and employees are essentially even with regard to EAW. Do you find this argument convincing? Why, or why not?
4.       Because no job can ever be completely free from hazards, occupational safety requires a balancing of the interests of employees and employers. Using the ethical theories that are discussed in Chapter 3, defend a position regarding how these competing interests should be balanced from a moral perspective.
5.       Explain Holley’s position in “Information Disclosure in Sales.” Next, apply his arguments to the case study “Advice for Sale: How Companies Pay TV Experts for On-Air Product Mentions” On page 331 of the textbook. What would Holley likely conclude about this case? Why? Do you agree or disagree with Holley? Why
6.       John R. Boatright in “Individual Responsibility in the American Corporate System: Does Sarbanes-Oxley Strike the Right Balance?” argues that the primary purpose of laws governing corporate responsibility is deterrence. Do you agree with this interpretation? Why, or why not? Appeal to the ethical theories discussed in Chapter 6 to support your position.
7.       Consider the practices described by Carl Elliott in his essay “The Drug Pushers.” Provide two arguments in support of the practices described in that essay. Next, provide two arguments against the practices described in that essay. Where do you stand on this issue? Explain.
8.       Two articles in Chapter 6 raise doubts about the ethical problems that underlie insider trading, primarily relying on utilitarian reasoning to support their positions. Examine the practices of insider trading from the perspective of deontological reasoning. Does this lead to different conclusions regarding the moral permissibility of these practices? Explain.
9.       Explain Cooley’s argument in “Genetically Modified Organisms and Business Duties.” What would Cooley say about the activities of Monsanto and related in the case study “Monsanto’s Round-Up Ready Wheat”? In general, do you agree or disagree with Cooley? Why, or why not?
10.   In “Intellectual Property and Pharmaceutical Drugs: An Ethical Analysis,” Richard T. De George lays out what he comes to call the “Status Quo Approach” as a defense of copyright protection of pharmaceuticals. Do you find this argument persuasive regarding ethical pricing of pharmaceuticals? Why, or why not?
11.   In “Intellectual Property and the Information Age,” Richard T. De George begins by examining the case of Napster and the practice of sharing digital music over the Internet. He concludes by arguing that determining whether an action with regard to copyright protection is moral or immoral will depend on the balancing of competing conceptions and justifications for copyright protection. Using the positions that De George lays out, examine the case with which De George begins. Do you believe that this activity is morally justified or immoral? Why?
12.   In “Internet Content Providers and Complicity in Human Rights Abuse,” Jeffery D. Smith argues that while ICPs may be complicit in human rights abuse, they may strive to minimize their complicity. Do you believe that the strategies he imagines are sufficient to absolve ICPs of any moral wrongdoing that arises from their complicity in these abuses? Why, or why not? If not, what do you believe that ICPs should do?
Other information:
The textbook for this course is below. I need someone who knows and tutor or teaches Business Ethics to respond to this. If you have experience in answering these type of questions let’s do business.
I need it back as soon as possible.
Beauchamp, T. L., Bowie, N. E., & Arnold, D. G. (2009). Ethical theory and business (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

SC President Clintons Interpretation on Governance and Reelection Campaign Essay

You will be writing a paper about how an incumbent president interpreted what happened in his first successful election to the White House, and how that shaped the way in which he governed and ran for reëlection.Choose a president other than Barack Obama and Donald Trump who came to office through election, rather than via the death or resignation of his predecessor, and then ran for another term.  I would recommend you look for one from the 20th or 21st century, since I expect you’ll find research materials easier to come by that way, but if you have a particular reason for wanting to choose one from earlier you are welcome to do so. Just so we’re all on the same page, the 20th or 21st century presidents who would qualify are: Taft, Wilson, Hoover, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Nixon, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush. First off, you’ll want to map (not literally) the broader debate over what happened in the election which put your president in the White House.  So you will want to read about the campaign itself, but more importantly, identify the stories that circulated at the time and in its aftermath about why the election turned out the way it did. Get a good grasp on who embraced and promoted which stories, and what their motives might be for doing so. Then situate the president himself in this debate. You will want to immerse yourself in the president’s understanding of how he was elected the first time, and do this by looking for his own statements, from speeches, interviews, memoirs, correspondence and diaries if those became available. You’ll also want to look at what those around him — advisers, campaign consultants, political allies and family members, among others — said about the election. Ultimately you’ll want to hone in on which stories the president embraced and believed. In some instances he will be direct and overt in this analysis. In other times, it will be implied or suggested. (For those presidents who lost campaigns for the White House before winning one, you may find find meaning in contrasting how they discuss their successful and unsuccessful runs.) Elsewhere I will want you to take note of both absence and emphasis. Which stories for his election does your president not address or invoke?  What did he ignore, discount or minimize, either directly or by implication? Did these stories, or points of emphasis within them, vary with the intended audience or did it shift over the course of his or her presidency?  You will characterize that story for me — use quotes as appropriate, but you should be synthesizing and summarizing in your own voice. Where useful, contrast your president’s analysis with the contemporaneous analysis of journalists, scholars, interest groups, political elites and others. (Don’t, however, make this a survey of everything anyone had to say about the election — draw in contrasts only where it illuminates something interesting or important about the president’s view.) Once you have that grounding, we’re interested first in how the president’s processing of these stories shaped the way he governed. What policy areas did he prioritize?  What types of proposals did he advance?  Did his take on the election affect the way he interacted with his own party and with the opposition?  What about his approach to the relative merits of legislative versus executive action? Next you’ll look at how the president’s processing of those same stories about his election shaped the way he ran for a second term. Can you see their influence on his campaign strategy, tactics or technology?  Did he try to adjust his ideological positioning or how he defined opponents? What about how he tried to assemble a winning coalition, or his areas of geographical or demographic emphasis?  In some of the above areas, you will find continuities rather than changes, and it’s good to note them but only if they are significant in light of the debate over how to interpret the elections. (For example: It’s not particularly interesting to me to learn you never leave the house with an umbrella. But I will be intrigued if you don’t bring an umbrella today after I heard you complaining yesterday about how terrible it was to be stuck outside in a surprise rainstorm.)Your citations can come in any form you choose (endnotes, footnotes, etc.) as long as you pick a style and stick to it consistently. Regardless of form, they should demonstrate that you consulted a wide and varied range of sources. Both your endnotes and the text of your paper should show that you engaged with the course readings.This project should test your research capability, your skills of analysis, and your ability to construct both narrative and argument.  I’ll consider all of those elements when grading.

Secondry source history essay | History homework help

Structure of the Paper
Section 1: Identification of Secondary Source
In this section, give the article title, author, the title of the journal in which you found it, the date of publication, and the basic topic of the article.  If relevant, give a short (one or two sentence) bio of the author.
Section 2: Thesis/Argument & Debate [MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE ASSIGNMENT]
Every academic article is written for the purpose of making an argument about how something happened in the past.  In this section, tell your reader what argument the author is making about the topic listed above.  First, outline the main argument. Then, give the specifics of the argument. Finally, note any geographical, chronological, or thematic limits that the author places on his argument. Look for phrases such as “this article will be looking at ‘x’” or “this article will not be dealing with ‘y’”)
When writing an article, a scholar enters into an ongoing discussion/debate with others who have studied the same topic or problem.  In this section, you should tell your reader what the larger debate the author is taking part in. Note if there are other historians or theories with which the author is agreeing or disagreeing. Note how the author claims that his/her work different from what has been done before in this field?
Section 3: Basic Outline of the Article’s Content
In this section, give a BRIEF summary of what the main sections of the article cover. Does the author tell a story? Use examples? Does he/she focus mainly on one case or on many?
Section 4: Sources
In this section, tell the reader what kinds of data the author uses to support his/her argument. (Qualitative or quantitative?  Primary sources or secondary sources?  Personal sources (letters, diaries, etc.)?  Official sources (government documents)? Public sources (newspapers)? Written or oral sources?  In what languages are these sources composed? If you can figure it out, note where the author found his/her data.
Section 5: Strengths and Weaknesses
In this section, identify one thing that you think the author did well and explain why you think that. Then, identify one thing that you think the author could have done better.  You might consider one of the following: whether you found his/her argument convincing, whether you could follow his/her logic, or whether the sources he/she used seemed appropriate to answer the question posed.
Section 6: Conclusion and Meditation
Having read the article, give your overall impression of it.  Did it cover the topics you hoped it would?  Was it easy or difficult to follow? Who, if anyone, might you recommend it to? Finally, having read the article, what one question would you like to pose in relation to the author’s topic?
The paper should be 3-4 pages 12 font. make sure all the reference write as footnote ( chicago style). also, you will find the grade creteria for this essay and the source that you only should use in attach file.

Read description (professionalism, ethics, and legal mandates) wk 8

DUE: Wednesday June 21, 2023
Week 8 – Discussion: Course Reflection and Takeaways
Course information: School Counselor Professionalism, Ethics, and Legal Mandates
Prepare a substantive response to the following:

What is one thing that stood out to you in the content presented in this course? Why?
How can you apply what you learned this week to your career?
What topics/items from the course would you like to explore further? Why?

Examples of other students response below
PLEASE DON’T COPY the examples This will help with ideas on what to write:
********************************************EXAMPLE 1:*******************************************
What is one thing that stood out to you in the content presented in this course? Why?
A particular concept that stood out to me in this course was the concept, “do no harm,” As I noted in my discussion post from the article “HIPPA or FERPA, or Not” (Williams, 2010). The role of a school counselor is first and foremost to “do no harm.” As “doing no harm” may be interpreted differently by individuals, various specific rules, principles and guidelines have been put in place to help counselors create a safe and supportive school environment for individuals in the school community. These include such things as (but not limited to), confidentiality and privacy, informed consent, boundaries and personal relationships, competence, referral, ethical decision making, continuous learning and self reflection (ASCA, 2022). School counselors can still have challenges with issues pertaining to confidentiality, reporting and privacy-  even when laws and guidelines are in place.
How can you apply what you learned this week to your career?
In the future, I will use the 9-step ethical decision making model to assist with issues pertaining to reporting, ethics and laws. The following steps are listed below: 

Defining the Problem 
Applying the ASCA ethical code and the legal issues: ASCA’s ethical code is to “do no harm” 
Considering the student’s chronological and developmental levels. 
Considering the setting, parental rights and minor’s rights: School counselors are required to respect the inherent rights and responsibilities of parents for their children. 
Applying the moral principle: Counselor should consider their moral responsibility in maintaining confidentiality. 
Determining a potential course of action and its consequences.
Evaluating the selected action: 
Consulting with peers: It’s always important to consult with peers for difficult cases that involve reporting to third parties, confidentiality and legal concerns. 
Implementing the selected course of action.

What topics/items from the course would you like to explore further? Why?
Further Exploration
As I proceed in my profession working as a counselor, I will ensure to follow the 9-step guide to decision making. In particular, I think it’s very important to consult with peers. Even in the discussions amongst peers in this course, I can see how some of us may approach ethical decisions quite differently – and may not always end up in the same place in decision making. In order to do “no harm” I will continue to stay abreast of professional learning opportunities that review ethical and legal issues in school counseling. 
*******************************************EXAMPLE 2:*******************************************
What is one thing that stood out to you in the content presented in this course? Why?
“A school counselor’s job is never black and white, but it is less obtuse when considering the prime ethical directive of acting in a student’s best interests. (Williams, 2010)” Although the decision-making and issues in school counseling are often vague, the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors provide a framework for dealing with the complicated issues that arise. This course taught me how to navigate scenarios utilizing mandates in place to help protect students, such as child abuse reporting, HIPPA and FERPA laws, and Title IX.
How can you apply what you learned this week to your career?
This week the appendix of the text Ethical, Legal, and Professional was assigned. I will practice Appendix E – Guidelines for counseling notes throughout my career. I found points four and five on the list particularly helpful, which suggests separating the notes into two sections: objective and subjective. In the objective section, the counselor should “write what the client said, what you said, and what you observed, not drawing any conclusions at this point.” (Remley Jr., p.447) The subjective section can be used to “record any thoughts that you will need for the future, such as impressions of the client, speculations about the reasons for the client’s problems, reminders to yourself or present thoughts.” (Remley Jr., p.447) This technique will help to organize my thoughts after meeting with students.
What topics/items from the course would you like to explore further? Why?
In week 1, the reflection assignment was regarding transgender and gender-expansive students. Although I am learning about this demographic, I still need further understanding of the terms and specific laws. Community members often bring up this topic in the district board meetings, so I must be well-versed on how to answer their questions if they arise on campus or whom to refer them to.
Remley Jr., T. P. & Herlihy, B.P.  (2020). Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in Counseling ( 6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson. ISBN: 9780135183816
Williams, R., Ed.D., LPC, NCC (2010, July 1). HIPAA or FERPA or Not. ASCA School
Counselor. Retrieved May 16, 2023, from
****** Absolutely NO Plagiarism***All writing must be original 
****NO using writing or COPYING FROM COURSE HERO
***** My Instructor checks for plagiarism on Turn It In and on Safe assign

Arson investigation-novandon discount department store fire

You are the supervisor for the Beatts City Arson Squad. It is 3:00 a.m., and the temperature is below freezing. Your unit is called to a suspicious fire scene. Your team consists of you and 3 others. Upon arrival, you discover that the fire is at the Novandon Discount Department Store. There are 6,000 of these stores in the United States, and they are very successful. This store is two stories high and has a customer elevator in the front of the store and a freight elevator in the rear.
The battalion fire chief reported to you that the crowd of onlookers braving the cold to watch the fire contains about 100 people. In addition, the battalion chief provides you with 3 plastic gas containers (3 gallons each), the type used for putting gas in lawn mowers. They all have residual amounts of what smells like gasoline in them. The spouts are attached, and the caps are off of all three cans. One of your investigators takes them as evidence. 
The battalion chief related that the fire had 3 points of origin. One point of origin is upstairs in the rear warehouse section, one in the upstairs ladies’ clothing department, and one downstairs in the side entrance of the store where the outdoor and garden section is located. It is clearly an arson fire. The battalion chief tells you that the fire will be under control in about 45 minutes, and he will release the scene shortly after that. You are aware, from local media sources, that this chain of stores has had employee relationship problems—specifically with gender inequality—and recently laid off 18 women for complaining.
Prepare a report on the details of the Novandon Discount Department Store arson fire. You should include the processing of evidence provided in the scenario and the processing of evidence found at the points of origin of the fire. This includes how and why you recorded the artifacts and the scene. You should include safety equipment and precautions you took during processing.
Explain your probable cause for getting a warrant for the scene.
Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 5–7 pages:

What are 2 actions that can be taken pertaining to the crowd of onlookers that might help you identify the offender(s)? Explain.
What are 2 areas you would check to ensure the scene can be searched safely? Explain.
What personnel records and other business papers should you subpoena from the Novandon Discount Department Store? Explain why.
What are 3 artifacts of a fire that would indicate the heat of the fire and points of origin? Explain.
What are 2 elements of evidence you would expect to find in the scene? Explain.

How would you collect them for evidence? Explain in detail.

What is 1 method for search, other than visual, you would use to identify the presence of an accelerant? Explain the process.
What are 2 items of equipment that will be absolutely necessary to conduct the crime scene search? Explain.
Promulgate a theory, based on facts and not on emotions, on the circumstances surrounding this arson investigation. Be as creative as necessary, but support all statements accordingly.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Business statistic_when an additional independent variable is added

34.When an additional independent variable is added to a regression analysis, which of the following could be indications of multicollinear independent variables?•A drop in R-squared and a drop in significance for one or more independent variable.•A drop in adjusted R-squared and an increase in significance for one or more independent variable.•An increase in adjusted R-squared and an increase in significance for one or more independent variable.•An increase in adjusted R-squared and a drop in significance for one or more independent variable
35.In a regression analysis, which of the following cannot happen when a new independent variable is added?•R-squared increases and adjusted R-squared increases.•R-squared increases and adjusted R-squared decreases.•R-squared decreases and adjusted R-squared decreases.•Any of the above can occur when a new independent variable is added.
36.The table below displays data on the composition and performance of the Massachusetts Bubble Growth (MBG) technology stock fund over the last year. The table includes data on the distribution of stocks in the fund by technology sector (information technology (IT) or biotechnology) and by last year’s “performance” (positive or negative net change in share price over the last year).
What is the probability that a randomly-chosen MBG stock is a biotech stock?
•30%•23%•7%•None of the above.
37.The table below displays data on the composition and performance of the Massachusetts Bubble Growth (MBG) technology stock fund over the last year. The table includes data on the distribution of stocks in the fund by technology sector (information technology (IT) or biotechnology) and by last year’s “performance” (positive or negative net change in share price over the last year).
What is the conditional probability that an MBG stock had a positive change in share price, given that it is an IT stock?
•24.3%•42.5%•40.0%•None of the above
38.The table below displays data on the composition and performance of the Massachusetts Bubble Growth (MBG) technology stock fund over the last year. The table includes data on the distribution of stocks in the fund by technology sector (information technology (IT) or biotechnology) and by last year’s “performance” (positive or negative net change in share price over the last year).
Regarding the stocks that made up the MBG fund last year, which of the following statements is true?
•Technology sector and performance are statistically independent.•The fact that a given stock’s performance was positive tells us nothing about its sector.•The fact that a given stock is from the biotech sector tells us nothing about its performance.•None of the above.
39.Jaune Magazine (JM) must decide whether or not to publish a tell-all story about a celebrity. If the story ends up having major impact, JM will realize substantial profits from additional magazine sales, subscriptions, and advertising revenues. However, if JM publishes the story, JM will face a lawsuit; if it loses the suit, the penalties could be substantial. The tree below summarizes JM’s decision.
What is the expected monetary value of publishing the story?
40.Jaune Magazine (JM) must decide whether or not to publish a tell-all story about a celebrity. If the story ends up having major impact, JM will realize substantial profits from additional magazine sales, subscriptions, and advertising revenues. However, if JM publishes the story, JM will face a lawsuit; if it loses the suit, the penalties could be substantial. The tree below summarizes JM’s decision.
The EMV of publishing the story is $10,000. Based on this EMV, JM should publish the story. If the publisher chooses not to publish the story, which of the following best describes the publisher’s attitude towards this decision?
•Risk averse.•Risk neutral.•Risk seeking.•Risqué.
41.Jaune Magazine (JM) must decide whether or not to publish a tell-all story about a celebrity. If the story ends up having major impact, JM will realize substantial profits from additional magazine sales, subscriptions, and advertising revenues. However, if JM publishes the story, JM will face a lawsuit; if it loses the suit, the penalties could be substantial. The tree below summarizes JM’s decision.
The EMV of publishing the story is $10,000. Based on this EMV, JM should publish the story. For what values of p = Prob[story has major impact] is publishing the story preferable to not publishing the story on the basis of EMV?
•p < 10%•p > 10%•p < 90%•None of the above.
42.Jaune Magazine (JM) must decide whether or not to publish a tell-all story about a celebrity. If the story ends up having major impact, JM will realize substantial profits from additional magazine sales, subscriptions, and advertising revenues. However, if JM publishes the story, JM will face a lawsuit; if it loses the suit, the penalties could be substantial. The tree below summarizes JM’s decision.
If JM publishes the story, the publisher may feel remorse for having violated the celebrity’s privacy. For what values of the cost of remorse would not publishing the story be preferable to publishing the story on the basis of EMV?
•Higher than $10,000•Lower than $10,000•Lower than $12,500•None of the above.
43.The manager of the Regal Beverage Company (RBC) must decide whether or not to market a new soft drink flavor. The new drink’s success depends heavily on consumer reaction to it. An initial decision analysis based on available data reveals that the expected monetary value of marketing the new drink is -$200,000. The EMV of buying perfect information for this decision is $50,000, as shown in the tree below. A market research firm offers to do market research for RBC at a cost of $30,000. Although not perfect, the market research should give RBC some information about potential customer reaction to the new flavor.Based on an EMV analysis, RBC’s manager should:
•Buy the research firm’s sample information.•Not buy the research firm’s sample information, but market the new drink.•Not buy the research firm’s sample information and not market the new drink.•The answer cannot be determined from the information provided.

Bluesky systems is a software development company that builds

Bluesky Systems is a software development company that builds software components for a variety of private and government clients. Their current infrastructure is outdated and has been prone to being attacked by hackers that have exploited vulnerabilities in their current DNS causing serious down time. In the last 4 years Bluesky has had to recover from numerous disasters due to a lack of any good business continuity planning. Remote access to the two existing sites is allowed using Cisco VPN technology. This has caused numerous security issues because of missing security patches, outdated AV signatures and missing OS patches and updates.
Bluesky currently has 45 employees in their Tucson location and 15 in their Phoenix location. Bluesky is preparing to add another remote site in Sierra Vista to support their military contracts scheduled to be awarded in 2012. The Sierra Vista location will add another 12 employees to the network. Bluesky needs to bring their current infrastructure into strict compliance with government security as a trusted network with access to government data. Bluesky Systems needs to upgrade their current infrastructure of Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008. The move is designed to improve over all server performance, security, application and data provisioning, monitoring, and business continuity. This is will also begin the process of bringing Bluesky into compliance as a trusted government network.
Current Infrastructure:
Bluesky has a main site located in Tucson Arizona with one remote site located Phoenix, Arizona. Another remote site is proposed for 2012 for Sierra Vista, Arizona which add an additional 12 employees. The three sites will be connected via a VPN connection built between their three ASA firewalls. The existing two sites are configured as follows.
The Blue Sky internal domain located in Tucson, called bluesky.local has two domain controllers. All servers run Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition. All client computers run either Windows XP, or Windows 7.
Rosa Ruiz, director of technology at Blue Sky has asked you to design a new networking infrastructure for the company.
1. A parallel network installation deploying new hardware and/or virtualization is used to replace the existing infrastructure. The existing network is left in place until a time that the network is no longer needed.

2. All proposals should have the following services and server roles present.
a. DNS
d. AD
e. Security policy
f. Auditing
g. Backup and recovery
h. Remote access
i. Continuity planning

3. Your proposal should begin with an executive summary of the proposed Server 2008 deployment for Bluesky Systems.

4. Your responsibilities for the server deployment begins at the clients demark for all three sites. No changes to any router, ASA firewall or VPN is needed.

5. Your proposal will be written using either MLA or APA formatting. Use one or the other but remain consistent throughout your proposal. Your proposal will have a cover sheet, be double spaced, include an executive summary, network diagram and have a minimum of 1000 words. There is no word limit so if you need to add more than the 1000 words, feel free to do so. Be sure to cite your sources using the proper MLA or APA formatting.

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