Social worker | Social Science homework help


How did you develop your interest in social work?
Identify your personal qualities, strengths, and weaknesses that you consider relevant to your future career in social work.
What areas of social work practice appeal to you as possible career fields? Why? 

The statement should be written in first person, active voice using proper grammar. The statement will become a permanent part of the student’s record in the social work files. All information is confidential. 

Nursing process project: peer review

Nursing Process Project: Peer Review
Initial Post
In your initial discussion board post:

Share your final Nursing Process Project: Presentation. You may upload a video file or share a link to the presentation.
Provide a brief 2–3 sentence summary of your presentation, including why you selected the character you did for this project.

Response Posts
Give feedback to two peers’ presentations and discussion post content. In your response, offer helpful topics regarding the video or information regarding the content.

Sports sociology changes | spmt379

 Consider changes over time for women, different levels of socioeconomic status, race, and athletes with disabilities in sport.  Answer only THREE out of the six questions below: Your pick.

What changes have you noticed for women in sport?
How does socioeconomic status impact sport opportunities?
How does race still impact contemporary sport?
What challenges and opportunities relate to athletes with disabilities?
Where does power lie in sports?
Evaluate the impact of power in society on sport opportunities and barriers for various groups. 

Aprox 250 words with 2 sources. 

Peer response vira | Nursing homework help

Be sure to provide 2 APA citations of the supporting evidence-based peer-reviewed articles you selected to support your thinking.
****1 paragraph for each peer response and 2 citations.********
Please be sure to follow EACH AND EVERY BULLET POINT.
(TOPIC is based on the peer that’s being reviewed)
Please do not plagiarize nor reword another person’s assignment that has been previously submitted.
Look at the attachment for responses that are needed!!!
DO NOT turn in late, please pay attention to the DUE DATE.

Sociology quick take max weber

Give me your quick take (250 words maximum) on Max Weber.
What do you think is the most troubling aspect of The Freiburg Address? Do you see any parallels between the nationalism expressed in this speech and attitudes in our own time? And is Weber a good role model for applied sociologists?
Be sure to draw upon at least one scholarly source (such as a journal article or books) beyond the material assigned for this section to support your argument. 

OL 620 SU Communicating Effectively to Stakeholders

Please view the following video in its entirety: You know from the video that there are at least 4 stakeholder groups to communicate the total rewards program for the organization. One stakeholder group is executives and another is employees. How and what would you communicate on the total rewards program to each? Does each group get the same message? Textbook information: WorldatWork. (2007). The WorldatWork handbook of compensation, benefits, & total rewards. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

Unit 3 assignment_the cell wall

Read Chapter 4, Section: The Prokaryotic Cell-The Cell Wall.
The Gram staining technique is dependent on the characteristics of the cell wall.
Write about the structural differences between Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria cell walls. Explain what would happen to the cell wall’s physical integrity while applying the Gram staining technique. 

Use APA guidelines for proper citations.
words: 500

MRU Conditional Offer of Employment Discussion

Topic: Fourteen applicants for a city of Providence, Rhode Island, police academy training class each received from the city a letter stating that it was a “conditional offer of employment” subject to successful completion of medical and psychological exams. The 14 applicants passed the medical and psychological exams. However, these applicants were replaced by others after the city changed the selection criteria. Can you identify an offer and acceptance in this case? Can you make out a bilateral or unilateral contract? Why?

Cereal company | Operations Management homework help

Imagine you work for a breakfast cereal company that makes prepared products that are served cold. Your company wants to introduce a new hot breakfast cereal that would require some minimal preparation by the consumer. How would you propose forecasting initial demand for this product? Identify one quantitative and one qualitative technique. How do the techniques complement each other?

Healthcare disccsion 6 | Marketing homework help

Each student will select a topic that is relevant to marketing, today. This topic should be selected from the readings for Chapters 11, 12, and 13. Each student will post an initial response explaining the topic AND then presenting a question or questions to the class for a response. Support the explanation of the relevance of the topic to marketing with current research. Research is REQUIRED for this assignment. 
The topic is “What is advertising?” 
please type 300 words and create 2 questions about advertising 

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