Healthcare disccsion 6 | Marketing homework help
Each student will select a topic that is relevant to marketing, today. This topic should be selected from the readings for Chapters 11, 12, and 13. Each student will post an initial response explaining the topic AND then presenting a question or questions to the class for a response. Support the explanation of the relevance of the topic to marketing with current research. Research is REQUIRED for this assignment.
The topic is “What is advertising?”
please type 300 words and create 2 questions about advertising
CU The World Economic Depression Discussion
1. Read the attached opinion piece where the author indicates that government failure caused the Great Recession of 2009. 2. Locate two JOURNAL articles which discuss this topic further. You need to focus on the Abstract, Introduction, Results, and Conclusion. For our purposes, you are not expected to fully understand the Data and Methodology. 3. Summarize these journal articles.
Opposition to Federal Civil Rights Legislation Discussion
Explain how Goldwater justified opposition to federal civil rights legislation in Chapter 4. Then explain Goldwater’s thoughts on education in Chapter 9. After addressing these two chapters, explain how his two positions in these chapters are consistent with Goldwater’s states’ rights principled conservatism (Chapter 3, though you can also use Chapters 1 and 2, as well). Answer using the relevant text as evidence. Do not use outside sources or contemporary examples. Doing either or both will result in a low score, if not a 0.
ECO 61071 CU The Next Global Recession Discussion
Question :Name one economic issue that you have heard discussed by your friends, coworkers, or on the news that you wish you understood better Research this issue. Find three explanations explaining this issue. One should be a video or popular press article, but TWO must be journal articles from ECONOMIC JOURNALS. In 500 750 words, summarize your findings on this issue.
Business capital | Business & Finance homework help
When it comes to investing business capital, a financial manager would want to know whether that investment is a good one. The capital budgeting techniques reviewed this week provide the financial manager with tools to make good investment decisions.
Imagine that you are a financial manager for a medium-sized company
Describe how you would use capital budgeting techniques to determine whether a business investment is a good idea.
Give an example of a business investment venture and how you would use capital budgeting to ensure it is a good investment
minimum 300 words
Week 2 assignment: parallel programming jan 8
Question 1 How does parallel processing work in computer architecture?
Question 2 What does Amdahl’s law state? What is Amdahl’s law and why it is used?
Question 3 What are the applications of parallel processing in computer architecture?
Question 4 What are the challenges in parallel processing in computer architecture?
Question 5 Identify reasons for and consequences of the recent switch from sequential processing to parallel processing among hardware manufacturers.
Review a paper | Business & Finance homework help
review paper on business plan organize your peer review as showen below
1. What part(s) of the paper are the most effective?
2. What part(s) of the paper are the least effective?
3. What is the big idea?
4. List the major points of support that demonstrate the paper is evidence-based.
5. Which sentences or paragraphs seem out of order, incompletely explained or otherwise in need of revision?
6. Where are citations needed?
Unit 6 discussion: careers in human services
Select a career in human services that interest you. Visit the Occupational Outlook Handbook and answer the following questions: 1) What are the primary tasks associated with this career (in other words, describe the career)? 2) What are the educational requirements, salary and projected growth of this career? 3) What motivated you to choose this career path? What values or characteristics would be reflected in this work?
600 week 4 | Nursing homework help
Points: 10 | Due Date: Week 4, Day 3 & 7 | CLO: 3 | Grade Category: Discussions
Discussion Prompt
Discuss how you intend to implement your evidence-based findings. What are your anticipated challenges? How do you intend to overcome some of those challenges?
Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years
UAG The Importance of Work Ethics in Todays Global Society Essay
Library Assignment instructions: Prepare a White Paper titled The Importance of Work Ethics in Todays Global Society.” Typically, a white paper is brief and written for an audience outside of the profession. You must be factual and concise. As a leader in your community, you need to summarize the importance of work ethics in todays global society. Your audience will be your peers, your superiors, and the community at large.