Review a paper | Business & Finance homework help

 review paper on business plan organize your peer review as showen below
1. What part(s) of the paper are the most effective?
2. What part(s) of the paper are the least effective?
3. What is the big idea?
4. List the major points of support that demonstrate the paper is evidence-based.
5.  Which sentences or paragraphs seem out of order, incompletely explained or otherwise in need of revision?
6.  Where are citations needed?

Unit 6 discussion: careers in human services

 Select a career in human services that interest you.  Visit the Occupational Outlook Handbook and answer the following questions: 1) What are the primary tasks associated with this career (in other words, describe the career)?  2) What are the educational requirements, salary and projected growth of this career? 3) What motivated you to choose this career path?  What values or characteristics would be reflected in this work? 

600 week 4 | Nursing homework help

Points: 10 | Due Date: Week 4, Day 3 & 7 | CLO: 3 | Grade Category: Discussions
Discussion Prompt
Discuss how you intend to implement your evidence-based findings. What are your anticipated challenges? How do you intend to overcome some of those challenges?

Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years

UAG The Importance of Work Ethics in Todays Global Society Essay

Library Assignment instructions:• Prepare a White Paper titled “The Importance of Work Ethics in Today’s Global Society.”• Typically, a white paper is brief and written for an audience outside of the profession.• You must be factual and concise. As a leader in your community, you need to summarize the importance of work ethics in today’s global society. Your audience will be your peers, your superiors, and the community at large.

I need in 12 hours! | QSO 510 – Quantitative Analysis

I need to submit a 3-4 page paper that describes the scenario provided in the attached case study, identifies quantifiable factors that may affect operational performance, develops a problem statement, and proposes a strategy for resolving a company’s problem. 
Calculate the central tendency for the dependent variable
Develop a histogram of the gift amount
Develop scatterplots for the gift amount for each independent variable.
I need to be able to upload the paper and calculations

Social worker | Social Science homework help


How did you develop your interest in social work?
Identify your personal qualities, strengths, and weaknesses that you consider relevant to your future career in social work.
What areas of social work practice appeal to you as possible career fields? Why? 

The statement should be written in first person, active voice using proper grammar. The statement will become a permanent part of the student’s record in the social work files. All information is confidential. 

Nursing process project: peer review

Nursing Process Project: Peer Review
Initial Post
In your initial discussion board post:

Share your final Nursing Process Project: Presentation. You may upload a video file or share a link to the presentation.
Provide a brief 2–3 sentence summary of your presentation, including why you selected the character you did for this project.

Response Posts
Give feedback to two peers’ presentations and discussion post content. In your response, offer helpful topics regarding the video or information regarding the content.

Sports sociology changes | spmt379

 Consider changes over time for women, different levels of socioeconomic status, race, and athletes with disabilities in sport.  Answer only THREE out of the six questions below: Your pick.

What changes have you noticed for women in sport?
How does socioeconomic status impact sport opportunities?
How does race still impact contemporary sport?
What challenges and opportunities relate to athletes with disabilities?
Where does power lie in sports?
Evaluate the impact of power in society on sport opportunities and barriers for various groups. 

Aprox 250 words with 2 sources. 

Peer response vira | Nursing homework help

Be sure to provide 2 APA citations of the supporting evidence-based peer-reviewed articles you selected to support your thinking.
****1 paragraph for each peer response and 2 citations.********
Please be sure to follow EACH AND EVERY BULLET POINT.
(TOPIC is based on the peer that’s being reviewed)
Please do not plagiarize nor reword another person’s assignment that has been previously submitted.
Look at the attachment for responses that are needed!!!
DO NOT turn in late, please pay attention to the DUE DATE.

Sociology quick take max weber

Give me your quick take (250 words maximum) on Max Weber.
What do you think is the most troubling aspect of The Freiburg Address? Do you see any parallels between the nationalism expressed in this speech and attitudes in our own time? And is Weber a good role model for applied sociologists?
Be sure to draw upon at least one scholarly source (such as a journal article or books) beyond the material assigned for this section to support your argument. 

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