SCI207 UAGC Our Dependence upon the Environment Discussions
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapter 4 in your course textbook.Imagine that you are a resident of Arzaville, a community whose characteristics are described below. You have come together with your neighbors for a special meeting to devise a management plan for helping the community become more resilient and sustainable in terms of its food production by 2050. A community that is resilient is able to recover quickly from events like drought or storms. By increasing its own food production, Arzaville can also reduce its food milesthe distance that imported food must travel. By making its food production more sustainable, Arzaville can help ensure that its residents food needs are supplied for generations to come, without placing undue harm on the local environment in the process.Fortunately, you have all attended the meeting with the knowledge that you have gained from your readings in this course. Now it is time to put your thinking cap on and get to work! Your ideas should consist of one or more of the following elements (some suggestions may apply to both categories):This weeks discussion will take place in an online app called Tricider. There, you will be able to post your ideas for plan components and also share pros and cons of different proposals during the week. Finally, you will be able to vote on the three components that you think the plan should include.For directions on how to use the Tricider app, please review the Tricider Help Guide Download Tricider Help Guide. In Tricider, you will be expected to do the following:You must complete the three tasks above to receive full credit for this discussion.Please note: You are welcome to post questions and comments to this board for your instructor; however, this discussion board does not have any posting requirements of its own, and no additional credit will be given for posts made here.In this discussion area, your instructor will post the following:
The role of the rn/aprn in policy evaluation fall prevention
Select an existing healthcare program or policy evaluation or choose one of interest to you.(Fall prevention).
Review community, state, or federal policy evaluation and reflect on the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the program or policy described.
Post an evaluation topic and a brief description of the evaluation. Discuss how social determinants impact this issue.
Required Reading for referencing
Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). Health policy and politics: A nurse’s guide (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Chapter 7, Health Policy and Social Program Evaluation (pp. 116124 only)
Glasgow, R. E., Lichtenstein, E., & Marcus, A. C. (2003). Why dont we see more translation of health promotion research to practice? Rethinking the efficacy-to-effectiveness transition Links to an external site.. American Journal of Public Health, 93(8), 12611267.
Shiramizu, B., Shambaugh, V., Petrovich, H., Seto, T. B., Ho, T., Mokuau, N., & Hedges, J. R. (2016). Leading by success: Impact of a clinical and translational research infrastructure program to address health inequities Links to an external site.. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 4(5), 983991.
Williams, J. K., & Anderson, C. M. (2018). Omics research ethics considerations Links to an external site.. Nursing Outlook, 66(4), 386393.
Wk8ch | Management homework help
Corporation: STARBUCKS
In this assignment, you are to use the same corporation you selected for the assignments in Weeks 3 and 6. You will examine business and corporate-level strategies and their impact on corporate success comparable to the competitive environment. Use any or all of the following resources to conduct research on the corporation: o The corporation’s website. o Public filings from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Filings & Forms page.
Use the Assignment Formatting and Tips [PDF] as guidance for this assignment. Refer back to the Week 3 assignment template as a sample, if needed.
Corporation: STARBUCKS
Write a 6-8 page academic research paper in which you include the following: *Note: The title page and source list are in addition to the 6-8 page requirement
Corporation: STARBUCKS
1. Assess the business-level strategies you believe to be most appropriate for the corporation’s long-term success. Support your position with specific evidence. 2. Assess the corporate-level strategies you believe to be most appropriate for the corporation’s long-term success. Support your position with specific evidence. 3. Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Be sure to include a comparison of the business-level and corporate-level strategies for both corporations. =» Based on your analysis, conclude which corporation is most likely to be successful in the long term. Support your determination with at least three pieces of evidence.
4. Determine whether your corporation, or its most significant competitor, would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets. Support your position with specific evidence. 5. Use three or more quality sources, including your textbook, to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. (Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources) = For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.
6. Produce writing that is clear and well organized and applies appropriate Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) style. Writing contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling
Week 10 discussion – presenting your business plan
Some investors may ask you to present your business plan in a face-to-face or virtual session using a PowerPoint or other electronic mediums.
You want to make this presentation compelling and focus on highlighting the key aspects of the business.
In this week’s discussion, you can choose how to present the business but keep in mind that you be clear on why your business is solid and what are the growth opportunities and financial benefit for the investors. Follow the specific instructions in the discussion.
the PowerPoint , keep in mind the following:
Do not exceed 12 slides (including the title slide).
Follow the template in the textbook on page 349. Make sure all the key topics required in the discussion are included.
one of the following, in addition to the slides:
speakers notes under each slide
Use bullets on the slides and no full sentences. Additional information will be provided in the speakers notes, audio, or video recording.
Insert relevant images or graphs in the presentation.
For some inspiration: check out this link with the best presentations of 2018: to an external site.
Click HERE Links to an external site.for a video on how to approach this week’s discussion.
Be creative and have fun!
Looking forward to your presentations!
3 diferents discussion 250 words. make sure you provide 2 references
Mood Stabilizing Agents
Instructions: Case Discussion on Bipolar Disorder:
Wendy is a 30-year-old, unemployed white female. She is no stranger to therapy, having seen counselors for most of her teen and adult years. Her friends would describe her as a wild woman who takes no crap from anyone. She has held various part-time jobs for the last few years because she usually gets angry at her boss or coworkers and quits. While she has had a string of boyfriends over the years, she has been seeing one man for the last year or so. He too is unemployed and has both an alcohol and methamphetamine problem. She describes the relationship as addictive and dysfunctional, yet exciting and hot. Wendy is back in treatment at the urging of her parents, who describe her behavior as erratic and unpredictable. They also claim that she has periods where she sleeps little and parties lots. There were also several occasions in the last five years when she was so depressed she didnt eat or want to leave the house. Her father also admits to periods of depression, and Trishas grandfather was diagnosed with manic depression, resulting in numerous hospitalizations in the 1950s and 1960s. Wendys only brother died in a car accident several years ago. He was drunk at the time, but she claims he had a long history of depression. Recently Trisha was arrested for disorderly conduct at a friends party. She had not slept for nearly 24 hours and was drunk and combative. When she was first approached by police, she solicited them for sex. They report that she was rather hyperverbal and hyperactive. They later had to investigate a complaint from local storeowners for bad checks she wrote in excess of $7,000.
Summarize the clinical case.
Create a list of the patients problems and prioritize them.
Which diagnosis should be considered
What is your rationale for the diagnosis
What differential diagnosis should be considered
What test or screening tools should be considered to help identify the correct diagnosis
What treatment would you prescribe and what is the rationale (consider psychopharmacology, diagnostics tests, referrals, psychotherapy, psychoeducation)
What standard guidelines would you use to assess or treat this patient
Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the students position.
Followership, team leadership and leadership ethics | PADM510
at least 350 words you must support your assertions with at least 3 scholarly citations in APA format. the textbook, the Bible, etc.).
the reading from this assignment is coming from Reading resource: Northouse, P. G. (2021). Leadership: Theory and practice (9th ed.). SAGE. ISBN: 9781544397566. (CHAPTER13,15-16)
Please discuss the role and necessity of Follower ship as well as Team Leadership within a public safety setting. Also, please discuss the importance of ethics for a leader in public safety and the impact that an ethical leader might have upon their followers. In your discussion, please touch on Heifetz and Burns perspectives on ethical leadership. Finally, please be sure to incorporate Biblical concepts/passages into your response.
Education assignment 4: cultivating a more equitable early childhood | eec 3204 | Florida International University, Modesto A. Maidique Campus
Read the following article, Beware of Equity Traps and Tropes,Links to an external site. that examines how equity implementation can sometimes get in the way of meaningful efforts.
Reflect, evaluate and respond to the following questions. Make sure to include references to the module readings and/or video when supporting your answers.
Which equity traps and tropes sound or feel familiar to you? Why?
What could you do to create a more equitable learning environment for all young children and their families? Your response needs to consider and address:
Diverse cultures
English language learners
Children with special needs
Your written response should be between 1-2 pages and include references to this week’s readings and videos and the 3 considerations listed above.
Upload to the assignment.
Final draft revised | Operations Management homework help
All drafts must be included plus a required bibliography page.
The revised draft is a vast improvement from the first draft, as this includes:
A two-part title that is striking, appropriate and informative A two-paragraph introduction that includes your main point or thesis statement for this entire projectA one to two (1-2) paragraph endingThe revised draft will be a seamless combination of all three first draftsAll three sections must be given descriptive section headers that demonstrate each sections focusAny source information mentioned must be referenced as in-text citations (narrative or parenthetical) and in a bibliography page (not an annotated bib) (For MLA, these are called Works Cited, and for APA, References.)A formatted bibliography page with up to five (5) credible sources
Managerial economics and globalization discussion 2
The focus of this discussion is on understanding the differences between economies of scale and economies of scope. What are the key differences? Use these concepts to determine whether gains from economies of scale or gains from economies of scope were the principal reason behind a merger or acquisition.
Also see the help provided in the discussion preparation.
Select one of the mergers and acquisitions below. Consider whether the merger/acquisition was about scope or scale economies.
Sirius XM acquired Pandora.
The acquisition of Credit Karma by Intuit.
The merger of Strayer University and Capella University to form SEI.
For your chosen case, address the following in your discussion post:
Explain how economies of scale and scope differ.
Describe how growth in the case you selected is created from either an economy of scope or scale.
2 00 a Day by Edin and Shaefer Book Response
In preparation for this paper, you will read the book: 9 Edin, Kathryn J. and H. Luke Shaefer. 2015. $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN: 9780544303188. After you have read this book, you will write a response to it that is between 700 and 800 words long including the title as well as any works cited or reference list that you may include. Your response should NOT be a summary of the book. Instead, I specifically want you to respond to these questions: How do the cultural contexts of the individuals in the book effect their experiences of poverty? How do their cultural backgrounds (such as gender, race/ethnicity, nationality, religion, education, geographic location, etc.) both contribute to as well as express their experiences of poverty?