Job satisfaction vs. organizational commitment m | BUS322

Job Satisfaction vs. Organizational Commitment
This assignment will build on the first assignment, with a deeper focus on motivation and performance management.  
Thinking again about your previous and current work experiences, consider what is more important to you: job satisfaction or organizational commitment. In this paper you will explain your choice, your rationale for that choice, and how it has impacted your work performance, as well as identify motivational theories and their impact on employees.  
Write a 2–3 page paper (excluding the title page and reference page in the count) in which you respond to the following:

What is more important to you: job satisfaction or organizational commitment, and why?  
How has that impacted your work performance?  
What motivational theory is used for performance management purposes by your organization, and what is the impact on employee morale? 

You will need to reference at least three quality sources in your paper.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. 
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is: 

Examine employee work performance and motivational theory in the context of a real-world organization.

Unit ii powerpoint – hrm | HRM 6301 – Human Resource Management Methods

During a recent interview with a new hire, a candidate was asked several discriminatory interview questions. The candidate filed a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). After your organization’s chief executive officer (CEO) was contacted by an investigator at the EEOC, you, as the newly hired human resources (HR) director, were asked to develop a new recruiting strategy and hiring process that will meet EEOC regulations. This process is needed immediately because a new mid-level manager needs to be hired.Your CEO has asked you to recommend your strategy for filling this position. Once you develop your strategy, you will then have to prepare a presentation in which you will brief and train the organization’s leadership who will be assisting in this hire.You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation for this briefing/training. The items below should be addressed in your presentation.

Explain at least two federal laws against discrimination that apply to recruiting and hiring employees in your organization. Include what can happen if the laws are violated.
Explain the pros and cons of three possible recruiting strategies. Recommend one to be utilized for this hire, and explain why you selected this strategy.
State the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) for the mid-level management position for which you will be hiring. You must have a minimum of three for each area.
Develop the job posting for the mid-level manager.
Discuss the hiring process and how the hiring decision will be made.
Develop five nondiscriminatory interview questions.
Discuss what should not be done in the interviews, and give examples of five discriminatory questions that must be avoided; explain why.
Discuss any legal considerations to be aware of during the selection process.

Your PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 14 slides in length, not counting the title or reference slides. You must utilize the slide notes function in PowerPoint to add speaker notes to each slide; these notes should be used in order to explain or expand on slide content as if you were actually presenting this to your audience. Alternatively, you may add audio to the slides, but if you do so, you will need to provide a transcript of your audio in a separate Word document and upload it in Blackboard in addition to the PowerPoint file.You must use at least three sources to support your presentation. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. 

Qualitative | Applied Sciences homework help

Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central).
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
The discussion assignment for this week includes a review of your fellow classmates’ research questions for their topic, survey questions, and hypothesis or statement of the problem for the research question. Review at least 1 student and provide feedback on what was done well and possible areas of improvement.
Last week you presented your research topic and shared ethical considerations for your selected topic. In developing your plan for the Unit 4 Individual Project, there are additional considerations such as the survey questions that will gather the information needed to complete your research study. There are two types of research questions- qualitative and quantitative.
Qualitative research questions are about human perceptions, descriptions, stories, or lived experiences. For example, do ABC IT employees assigned as full-time prefer to work remotely or to work in the office?
Quantitative research questions are numbers-based. For example, how does the amount of news intake correlate to anxiety levels?

Business finance – management week 10 assignment | Social Intelligence 210

Week 10 Assignment – Multiple Perspectives Reflexive Paper
We have spent several weeks seeing the world through other eyes and examining imbalances of power and privilege and the inequitable access to resources that imbalance creates. During those same weeks we have been examining ourselves and what role our personal experiences play in how we interact with the people in the world around us. During our reflexive work, we examined our worldview and potentially grew and will continue to grow in positive ways because of it.

Consider the many topics you have explored throughout the course.

Refer to the textbook, previous assignments, and supplemental content for ideas.

Select an issue that you feel strongly about.
Find an article that gives a perspective on this issue that is different from your own.

You may use a resource from the course or research your issue using the library.

Answer the following in a 2–3 page paper:

Summarize the issue and the author’s perspective.
Compare the author’s perspective with your own.

Identify where you agree. Explain why.
Identify where you disagree. Explain why.

Does reading this article expand your own understanding or perspective on this issue? Explain how.

Use one source to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite the sources listed at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

MGT 300 CTU Organizational Structure and Culture Discussion

We  learn in this module about the impacts that organizational culture and  organizational structure have on outcomes that are important at the  organizational, team, and individual levels—and internationally.Post your initial response of at least 250 words early and check back  often to continue the discussion. Be sure to respond to at least two  posts from other students or your instructor. Your responses in the  discussion board must be well written according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.).  Finally, be sure to include in your initial post at least one reference  using the CSU Library or other professional and scholarly references.Optional: Interact with your instructor and classmates in a new  way. Consider responding to this discussion using the classroom’s  audio/video option below. If you choose this option, please record a 2-3  minute response to the discussion questions, and include your  references in the text box before submitting your post. For further  instructions, click on the audio/video instructions below.Business Management and Administration Library Guide A Library Guide is available via the following link to serve as a great resource in this course for you. TheLibrary Guide provides a variety of pre-selected databases within the library that are designed to support this specific course. Be sure to use this link throughout the course to support your assignment and discussion board research efforts:RequiredRecommended

2 00 a Day by Edin and Shaefer Book Response

In preparation for this paper, you will read the book: 9 Edin, Kathryn J. and H. Luke Shaefer. 2015. $2.00 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN: 9780544303188. After you have read this book, you will write a response to it that is between 700 and 800 words long including the title as well as any works cited or reference list that you may include. Your response should NOT be a summary of the book. Instead, I specifically want you to respond to these questions: How do the cultural contexts of the individuals in the book effect their experiences of poverty? How do their cultural backgrounds (such as gender, race/ethnicity, nationality, religion, education, geographic location, etc.) both contribute to as well as express their experiences of poverty? 

Reply to two post | Biology homework help

For the first reply:
You will respond to another classmate with a substantive comment to move the science discussion forward in minimum 100, maximum 150 words in an area you are interested in after reading the main discussion.
Again, you should provide student original writing, paraphrasing from credible sources, cite your source for this post in text in parentheses, and provide full end ref information in APA 7th Edition format.
For the second reply:
You will respond to another classmate with a substantive comment to move the science discussion forward in minimum 100, maximum 150 words in an area you are interested in after reading the main discussion .
Again, you should provide student original writing, paraphrasing from credible sources, cite your source for this post in text, in parentheses, and provide full end ref information in APA 7th Edition format.

Professor macqueen | Architecture and Design homework help

This assignment is intended to help you use leadership skills to gather project members from cross-functional departments and skill sets and lead them in the fulfillment and implementation of a mock project.
Discover the various responsibilities of a project manager by organizing a project. See Chapter 19, sections 19.9 and Cases. 
Apply project management tools and a PM outline type of your choice to structure and plan the project by defining, planning, and controlling. The project will be a continuation of how to improve the process you chose in Weeks 1 and 2.
Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation (supported by Excel and Word as needed), with detailed speaker notes, that includes the following:

Project description
Project Management Charts (Critical Path, Gant Chart, etc.)
Improved Process Flowchart from Week 1
Meeting cadence/rhythm and timing
Metrics to measure the project’s success
Financial and budgetary considerations
Description of the project reporting structure

Resource guide | mhw-512

First, select a family system from the list below:

Single-parent Christian family- I choose this one

As a mental health worker, you will create a brochure resource guide for your selected family system. Use the SAMHSA website and your state resources to assist you.
 Address the following topics in your brochure:

Describe the needs of this particular population.
Explain the various culture dynamics that a family in this population deals with. Using the SAMHSA website, provide resources for the family to refer to in order to meet their needs. What challenges will this family system meet?
Describe the culture and subculture of the selected family system. Provide local community programs that your selected family system can use to meet their needs.

The brochure should be tri-fold and utilize the space on both sides. Include images, but be certain they are small files.You may use available Word templates for this assignment.
Cite two to five scholarly sources to support your claims. Provide a space for references on the brochure.

Milestone 2 | Business & Finance homework help

 Company – Berkshire Hathaway 
1.  Provide a brief summary of your company’s strategy (do not copy word for word from your discussion post) and how it is impacted by the organization’s structure as well as the environmental factors you outlined in your first milestone.
2.  Describe the strategy of at least one of your company’s top three competitors and how their strategy is impacted by the environmental factors you outlined in your first milestone.
3.  Critically assess both strategies. Consider the following questions to help develop a full assessment:
a.  How are the strategies the same?
b.  How do the strategies differ?
c.  Are they impacted by the structure of the organization?
d.  Are they impacted by the same environmental factors?
e.  Is one better than the other? Or more successful than the other?
f.  What could your company change to improve their strategy?
Your second milestone submission should follow APA format, be well supported with a minimum of five recent sources, and be a minimum of four pages long.

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