3 diferents discussion 250 words. make sure you provide 2 references

Mood Stabilizing Agents
Instructions: Case Discussion on Bipolar Disorder:
Wendy is a 30-year-old, unemployed white female. She is no stranger to therapy, having seen counselors for most of her teen and adult years. Her friends would describe her as a “wild woman” who takes no crap from anyone. She has held various part-time jobs for the last few years because she usually gets angry at her boss or coworkers and quits. While she has had a string of boyfriends over the years, she has been seeing one man for the last year or so. He too is unemployed and has both an alcohol and methamphetamine problem. She describes the relationship as “addictive and dysfunctional, yet exciting and hot.” Wendy is back in treatment at the urging of her parents, who describe her behavior as erratic and unpredictable. They also claim that she has periods where she “sleeps little and parties lots.” There were also several occasions in the last five years when she was so depressed she didn’t eat or want to leave the house. Her father also admits to periods of depression, and Trisha’s grandfather was diagnosed with manic depression, resulting in numerous hospitalizations in the 1950s and 1960s. Wendy’s only brother died in a car accident several years ago. He was drunk at the time, but she claims he had a long history of depression. Recently Trisha was arrested for disorderly conduct at a friend’s party. She had not slept for nearly 24 hours and was drunk and combative. When she was first approached by police, she solicited them for sex. They report that she was rather hyperverbal and hyperactive. They later had to investigate a complaint from local storeowners for bad checks she wrote in excess of $7,000.

Summarize the clinical case.
Create a list of the patient’s problems and prioritize them.
Which diagnosis should be considered
What is your rationale for the diagnosis
What differential diagnosis should be considered
What test or screening tools should be considered to help identify the correct diagnosis
What treatment would you prescribe and what is the rationale (consider psychopharmacology, diagnostics tests, referrals, psychotherapy, psychoeducation)
What standard guidelines would you use to assess or treat this patient

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Job satisfaction vs. organizational commitment m | BUS322

Job Satisfaction vs. Organizational Commitment
This assignment will build on the first assignment, with a deeper focus on motivation and performance management.  
Thinking again about your previous and current work experiences, consider what is more important to you: job satisfaction or organizational commitment. In this paper you will explain your choice, your rationale for that choice, and how it has impacted your work performance, as well as identify motivational theories and their impact on employees.  
Write a 2–3 page paper (excluding the title page and reference page in the count) in which you respond to the following:

What is more important to you: job satisfaction or organizational commitment, and why?  
How has that impacted your work performance?  
What motivational theory is used for performance management purposes by your organization, and what is the impact on employee morale? 

You will need to reference at least three quality sources in your paper.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. 
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is: 

Examine employee work performance and motivational theory in the context of a real-world organization.

Unit ii powerpoint – hrm | HRM 6301 – Human Resource Management Methods

During a recent interview with a new hire, a candidate was asked several discriminatory interview questions. The candidate filed a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). After your organization’s chief executive officer (CEO) was contacted by an investigator at the EEOC, you, as the newly hired human resources (HR) director, were asked to develop a new recruiting strategy and hiring process that will meet EEOC regulations. This process is needed immediately because a new mid-level manager needs to be hired.Your CEO has asked you to recommend your strategy for filling this position. Once you develop your strategy, you will then have to prepare a presentation in which you will brief and train the organization’s leadership who will be assisting in this hire.You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation for this briefing/training. The items below should be addressed in your presentation.

Explain at least two federal laws against discrimination that apply to recruiting and hiring employees in your organization. Include what can happen if the laws are violated.
Explain the pros and cons of three possible recruiting strategies. Recommend one to be utilized for this hire, and explain why you selected this strategy.
State the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) for the mid-level management position for which you will be hiring. You must have a minimum of three for each area.
Develop the job posting for the mid-level manager.
Discuss the hiring process and how the hiring decision will be made.
Develop five nondiscriminatory interview questions.
Discuss what should not be done in the interviews, and give examples of five discriminatory questions that must be avoided; explain why.
Discuss any legal considerations to be aware of during the selection process.

Your PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of 14 slides in length, not counting the title or reference slides. You must utilize the slide notes function in PowerPoint to add speaker notes to each slide; these notes should be used in order to explain or expand on slide content as if you were actually presenting this to your audience. Alternatively, you may add audio to the slides, but if you do so, you will need to provide a transcript of your audio in a separate Word document and upload it in Blackboard in addition to the PowerPoint file.You must use at least three sources to support your presentation. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. 

Qualitative | Applied Sciences homework help

Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central).
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
The discussion assignment for this week includes a review of your fellow classmates’ research questions for their topic, survey questions, and hypothesis or statement of the problem for the research question. Review at least 1 student and provide feedback on what was done well and possible areas of improvement.
Last week you presented your research topic and shared ethical considerations for your selected topic. In developing your plan for the Unit 4 Individual Project, there are additional considerations such as the survey questions that will gather the information needed to complete your research study. There are two types of research questions- qualitative and quantitative.
Qualitative research questions are about human perceptions, descriptions, stories, or lived experiences. For example, do ABC IT employees assigned as full-time prefer to work remotely or to work in the office?
Quantitative research questions are numbers-based. For example, how does the amount of news intake correlate to anxiety levels?

Business finance – management week 10 assignment | Social Intelligence 210

Week 10 Assignment – Multiple Perspectives Reflexive Paper
We have spent several weeks seeing the world through other eyes and examining imbalances of power and privilege and the inequitable access to resources that imbalance creates. During those same weeks we have been examining ourselves and what role our personal experiences play in how we interact with the people in the world around us. During our reflexive work, we examined our worldview and potentially grew and will continue to grow in positive ways because of it.

Consider the many topics you have explored throughout the course.

Refer to the textbook, previous assignments, and supplemental content for ideas.

Select an issue that you feel strongly about.
Find an article that gives a perspective on this issue that is different from your own.

You may use a resource from the course or research your issue using the library.

Answer the following in a 2–3 page paper:

Summarize the issue and the author’s perspective.
Compare the author’s perspective with your own.

Identify where you agree. Explain why.
Identify where you disagree. Explain why.

Does reading this article expand your own understanding or perspective on this issue? Explain how.

Use one source to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite the sources listed at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

MGT 300 CTU Organizational Structure and Culture Discussion

We  learn in this module about the impacts that organizational culture and  organizational structure have on outcomes that are important at the  organizational, team, and individual levels—and internationally.Post your initial response of at least 250 words early and check back  often to continue the discussion. Be sure to respond to at least two  posts from other students or your instructor. Your responses in the  discussion board must be well written according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.).  Finally, be sure to include in your initial post at least one reference  using the CSU Library or other professional and scholarly references.Optional: Interact with your instructor and classmates in a new  way. Consider responding to this discussion using the classroom’s  audio/video option below. If you choose this option, please record a 2-3  minute response to the discussion questions, and include your  references in the text box before submitting your post. For further  instructions, click on the audio/video instructions below.Business Management and Administration Library Guide A Library Guide is available via the following link to serve as a great resource in this course for you. TheLibrary Guide provides a variety of pre-selected databases within the library that are designed to support this specific course. Be sure to use this link throughout the course to support your assignment and discussion board research efforts:RequiredRecommended

4dqs on culture and asset-based approach and literacy and language

 1. As a teacher, you may encounter many different cultures in your classroom at one time. How do you ensure that you are adequately supporting and celebrating the cultural diversity of all students in your class? If you were to come across situations in the future where your culturally and linguistically diverse students and families have needs that are being overlooked or underserved, what can you do as a teacher to demonstrate compassion, stand for justice, and promote human flourishing? ONE PARAGRAPH ONE RESOURCE 
2. Mateo moved from Brazil four months ago and has been in your class for three weeks. You review his records and find out that he speaks fluent Portuguese and Spanish. Mateo’s favorite subject when he lived in Brazil was math and he was on the school’s soccer team. Mateo has become disruptive during math and is getting into fights during lunchtime. What can you do to help him assimilate and tap into his assets as a learner? ONE PARAGRAPH ONE RESOURCE
3. How can you ensure ELLs develop reading comprehension skills in the grade level or content area you teach? What reading comprehension strategies can be implemented at all levels of English language proficiency and literacy development? ONE PARAGRAPH ONE RESOURCE 
4. Keeping in mind that all students (native speakers and those who speak English as an additional language) are at various stages of English language proficiency, how can you differentiate your instruction to meet each student’s academic needs? ONE PARAGRAPH ONE RESOURCE 

Bernard arnault memo | Government homework help

Your main objective is to make observations about how the manager you study practically handles
some of the organizational issues that are covered in the course syllabus.(attached)
After reading the book named Everything Luxury: The Branding Strategy of Bernard Arnault (Bernard Arnault Books Book 1) (https://www.amazon.com/Everything-Luxury-Branding-Strategy-Bernard-ebook/dp/B09G222W29/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=Bernard+Arnault&qid=1687847026&s=books&sr=1-2) write a Memo. 
In the memo, you should talk about what leadership style Bernard Arnault has and why say so(examples).
What are his leadership skills and traits and how does he solve problems with these skills?
What I think his major skills would be:
Major Traits:



Employee-Oriented & Decision-Oriented

Feel free to add more if you have more thoughts.
Length: 2-3 pages (single-spaced); a list of references does not count toward the page limit
Sources and Collaboration: Please list any supplemental materials you used in order to
complete this assignment at the end of your memo. Any information that is taken from a specific
source (including from course readings) should be properly documented with a citation (any
the citation format is fine).
Grading Criteria
1. Usefulness of content. You should provide accurate and relevant information. The material
should address how the practitioner approaches topics covered in this course throughout
the semester.
2. Depth of content. Your project should go beyond simple reporting of facts and should
contain your own analysis (e.g., comparisons across sources, synthesis of different ideas).
Through your analysis, you should demonstrate an ability to understand and evaluate
organizational/managerial challenges and strategies.
3. General clarity and professionalism of communication. Your content should be well-organized.
– For the memo: Writing should exhibit accurate grammar/spelling and contain
formatting/organization that facilitates skimming by the reader.

Change management theories | type of change | Colorado College

Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central).
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
This assignment will be based on this scenario.
Additional Information:
The VP of HR reviewed the executive summary and decided that your recommendation was a strong course of action for the change process. In her discussions with Leroy, she mentioned that it would be good to have you participate in a focus group to discuss your experiences with the change process. She was interested in discovering some best practices for change and felt that your experiences would be very valuable to Red Carpet’s approach to change. To guide the discussion, she recommended addressing a few points that should be covered in the focus group. Leroy will gather the results of the focus group and share it with the VP of HR.
Review the Red Carpet scenario for this course and with your classmates; discuss the following questions that will provide insight into your own change experiences:

Describe a successful change from your own experiences and why it worked well.
Describe an unsuccessful change from your own experiences and why it did not achieve its intended objectives.
From your own experiences, what do you think Red Carpet should do to make the change successful?

Celebrity disease | Anatomy homework help

Celebrity Assignment
How to Complete the Celebrity AssignmentObjective1. First, select a celebrity from the following list. Each of these individuals has or had a life-altering medical condition.
Annette FunicelloPamela AndersonAndy WarholNaomi JuddBob MarleyMelissa EtheridgeSharon OsbournePeter JenningsWalt DisneyTug McGrawAlbert EinsteinLance ArmstrongMagic JohnsonSally FieldTeri GarrMontel WilliamsFormer President Ronald ReaganMuhammed AliMichael J. FoxMary Tyler MooreKate JacksonChristopher ReeveFormer Attorney General Janet RenoDavid BowieSteve Jobs
2. LIST 50 medical terms and their official definitions you would like to use related to this condition and cite your sources.
3. Thirdly, then tell their story using the actual medical terms you have chosen.Be sure to boldface or highlight your chosen medical terms in your paragraphs.Imagine you are a medical professional speaking to other medical professionals who understand medical terms well. Here you will use the actual medical terminology in your passage.This is your chance to sound medically professional with your term usage ??
Include the following points in your story.Focus more on the disease or condition rather than the celebrity overall.a. Explain the disease or condition and how it has impacted this person’s quality of life from a health perspective.b. Explain the signs and symptoms and body systems affected by this condition in a typical patient.c. Explain possible causes of the condition in general.d. Discuss a few medications or treatments for this condition in general.e. Discuss the possible prognosis.
3. Be sure to cite all your references for research and definitions. 5 reference sources total are required. (Feel free to explore any mix of these sources: websites, dictionaries, texts, magazines, books, newspapers or magazines etc) 

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