4dqs on culture and asset-based approach and literacy and language
1. As a teacher, you may encounter many different cultures in your classroom at one time. How do you ensure that you are adequately supporting and celebrating the cultural diversity of all students in your class? If you were to come across situations in the future where your culturally and linguistically diverse students and families have needs that are being overlooked or underserved, what can you do as a teacher to demonstrate compassion, stand for justice, and promote human flourishing? ONE PARAGRAPH ONE RESOURCE
2. Mateo moved from Brazil four months ago and has been in your class for three weeks. You review his records and find out that he speaks fluent Portuguese and Spanish. Mateos favorite subject when he lived in Brazil was math and he was on the schools soccer team. Mateo has become disruptive during math and is getting into fights during lunchtime. What can you do to help him assimilate and tap into his assets as a learner? ONE PARAGRAPH ONE RESOURCE
3. How can you ensure ELLs develop reading comprehension skills in the grade level or content area you teach? What reading comprehension strategies can be implemented at all levels of English language proficiency and literacy development? ONE PARAGRAPH ONE RESOURCE
4. Keeping in mind that all students (native speakers and those who speak English as an additional language) are at various stages of English language proficiency, how can you differentiate your instruction to meet each students academic needs? ONE PARAGRAPH ONE RESOURCE
Bernard arnault memo | Government homework help
Your main objective is to make observations about how the manager you study practically handles
some of the organizational issues that are covered in the course syllabus.(attached)
After reading the book named Everything Luxury: The Branding Strategy of Bernard Arnault (Bernard Arnault Books Book 1) (https://www.amazon.com/Everything-Luxury-Branding-Strategy-Bernard-ebook/dp/B09G222W29/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=Bernard+Arnault&qid=1687847026&s=books&sr=1-2) write a Memo.
In the memo, you should talk about what leadership style Bernard Arnault has and why say so(examples).
What are his leadership skills and traits and how does he solve problems with these skills?
What I think his major skills would be:
Major Traits:
Employee-Oriented & Decision-Oriented
Feel free to add more if you have more thoughts.
Length: 2-3 pages (single-spaced); a list of references does not count toward the page limit
Sources and Collaboration: Please list any supplemental materials you used in order to
complete this assignment at the end of your memo. Any information that is taken from a specific
source (including from course readings) should be properly documented with a citation (any
the citation format is fine).
Grading Criteria
1. Usefulness of content. You should provide accurate and relevant information. The material
should address how the practitioner approaches topics covered in this course throughout
the semester.
2. Depth of content. Your project should go beyond simple reporting of facts and should
contain your own analysis (e.g., comparisons across sources, synthesis of different ideas).
Through your analysis, you should demonstrate an ability to understand and evaluate
organizational/managerial challenges and strategies.
3. General clarity and professionalism of communication. Your content should be well-organized.
– For the memo: Writing should exhibit accurate grammar/spelling and contain
formatting/organization that facilitates skimming by the reader.
Change management theories | type of change | Colorado College
Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Saturday (11:59:59pm Central).
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
This assignment will be based on this scenario.
Additional Information:
The VP of HR reviewed the executive summary and decided that your recommendation was a strong course of action for the change process. In her discussions with Leroy, she mentioned that it would be good to have you participate in a focus group to discuss your experiences with the change process. She was interested in discovering some best practices for change and felt that your experiences would be very valuable to Red Carpets approach to change. To guide the discussion, she recommended addressing a few points that should be covered in the focus group. Leroy will gather the results of the focus group and share it with the VP of HR.
Review the Red Carpet scenario for this course and with your classmates; discuss the following questions that will provide insight into your own change experiences:
Describe a successful change from your own experiences and why it worked well.
Describe an unsuccessful change from your own experiences and why it did not achieve its intended objectives.
From your own experiences, what do you think Red Carpet should do to make the change successful?
Celebrity disease | Anatomy homework help
Celebrity Assignment
How to Complete the Celebrity AssignmentObjective1. First, select a celebrity from the following list. Each of these individuals has or had a life-altering medical condition.
Annette FunicelloPamela AndersonAndy WarholNaomi JuddBob MarleyMelissa EtheridgeSharon OsbournePeter JenningsWalt DisneyTug McGrawAlbert EinsteinLance ArmstrongMagic JohnsonSally FieldTeri GarrMontel WilliamsFormer President Ronald ReaganMuhammed AliMichael J. FoxMary Tyler MooreKate JacksonChristopher ReeveFormer Attorney General Janet RenoDavid BowieSteve Jobs
2. LIST 50 medical terms and their official definitions you would like to use related to this condition and cite your sources.
3. Thirdly, then tell their story using the actual medical terms you have chosen.Be sure to boldface or highlight your chosen medical terms in your paragraphs.Imagine you are a medical professional speaking to other medical professionals who understand medical terms well. Here you will use the actual medical terminology in your passage.This is your chance to sound medically professional with your term usage ??
Include the following points in your story.Focus more on the disease or condition rather than the celebrity overall.a. Explain the disease or condition and how it has impacted this person’s quality of life from a health perspective.b. Explain the signs and symptoms and body systems affected by this condition in a typical patient.c. Explain possible causes of the condition in general.d. Discuss a few medications or treatments for this condition in general.e. Discuss the possible prognosis.
3. Be sure to cite all your references for research and definitions. 5 reference sources total are required. (Feel free to explore any mix of these sources: websites, dictionaries, texts, magazines, books, newspapers or magazines etc)
Busi701: current topics in business administration manage
Discussion Assignment Instructions
Provide a 600 to 800-word summary (formatted according to APA guidelines) of the new research in this area from a minimum of five new peer reviewed journal articles and identify questions that need exploring in future research.
Your discussion should be organized in a three-paragraph format:
Introductory Paragraph: gives an overview and definition of the topic you chose. At the end of the paragraph it gives an idea of how your forum is organized.
Current Trends Paragraph: In this paragraph, you will discuss the themes that you found in the research from the 5 articles related to your topic. This paragraph should be a synthesis of the research and not just a listing of annotated summaries.
Future Research Paragraph: In this paragraph, you will discuss areas of future research by referencing the 5 articles that you identified. The future research areas should be based on the findings of the authors of those articles rather than general ideas you may have.
*A reference section should then be included at the end of your discussion.
Discussion Thread: Management
Using one of the topics from your reading or a topic related to management from the, Its the Same, Only Different links to an external site. And find five additional peer-reviewed articles in this area (in addition to any of the readings) that provide context to the topic. Write a summary and synthesis that discusses the contributions of the five additional journal articles you selected and how these help to provide additional clarity on the topic.
Its the Same, Only Different
ASU Effects of NAA on Auxiliary Growth in Plants Essay Questions
The Lab 05 exit quiz requires you to write an essay about the experiment. To complete it successfully, read the lab manual to understand the experiment’s main idea. Utilize the data provided in the PowerPoint presentation to compare the three treatments. Ensure that you answer all the questions, including the smaller ones, as each question carries points.Q1) The objective of the experiment is not only to examine the removal of the terminal bud but more about the function of NAA. Does NAA promote or inhibit auxiliary growth? Your hypothesis should focus on the effects of auxin and NOT the effects of pruning. You have to give your prediction and include it in the hypothesis.Q2) This experiment cannot be conducted correctly without including all three plant treatments (control, pruned, pruned + auxin). Explain the purpose of each treatment and make three separate predictions (use if/then statements for these) for how you think each treated plant will be affected. For each treatment, where is the auxin, and what is doing?Q3) You should process the raw data from the slides (i.e. calculate the average number) and present it in the graph. You can either draw the graph on paper or make it in the software.Q4) Explain why you choose a bar/line/pie…. graph. Did you graph values based on the class average or an individual group’s measurements?Q5) Did your predictions pan out? Why or why not? Based on the final outcome, was your original hypothesis supported or rejected? Why or why not?) Answer every small question and do not miss it.
Motivating employees | Human Resource Management homework help
Week 5 Assignment – Motivating Employees
Imagine that you have been appointed the director of health at the Kaluyu Memorial Hospital in Nairobi, Kenyaa for-profit hospital. The facility is also a referral hospital and receives severe cases of accidents and chronic and communicable diseases, and it houses an HIV/AIDS ward. As you settle into your position, you realize that the employees always act scared as they approach their superiors. Some of the employees deliver files and leave your office in a hurry.
As you make your routine departmental visits, you observe tension among the nurses and doctors, and there is a sentiment that the nurses tend to do the majority of the work within patient care but the doctors get all the credit. You notice that the employees are always looking forward to the end of their shifts when they can go home. You notice that some of the doctors come back to work wearing the same unwashed clothes as the previous day. Too many employees are calling in sick, and many of them give weak reasons for their tardiness.
There is also a sense that doctors and nurses dominate other employees in similar positions. In meetings and conference calls, some employees are quiet and never participate. You notice that people with families tend to gather and talk quietly on breaks. The new mothers working for the hospital have to use bathrooms to pump breast milk for their infants, and the refrigerators do not work well. Looking at the financial statements of the hospital, you realize that the hospital’s expenses are higher than the industry standard, and it incurs losses year after yea
Sofi stadium project | Operations Management homework help
This is a two part project the first is paper that will address the following:? What was the funding procedure for the facility?? How was the facility approved?? What types of amenities are provided at this facility?? How does it compare with other similar facilities?? What makes this facility unique or innovative?
? What hurdles did the city and/or franchise have to overcome to build the facility?? What was the cost for the facility?? What are the major sponsorship agreements they have in place?? What major events take place in the facility (e.g., sports, concerts, etc.)?? Identify a minimum of two facility issues that occurred recently (2005 to present) and discuss the impact of each issue on thefacility, the events, and the industry as a whole. Examples include improper maintenance of a facility, facility failure,inadequate security, poor risk management, spectator riots, and/or overcrowding.? Appendices may include:o Detailed and/or to scale floor plans of the inside and outside of the facilityo Model(s) of the facilityo Drawings/pictures of the interior and exterioro Itemized budget of construction, equipment, and operating costso Listing of sponsorship plans and their
The Sport Facility Project Report should be 1015 pages, double-spaced, use 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins, and contain citations in APA format. For background information on the facility, you should have no less than ten (10) references 6 must be scholorly references. These can include journals, sport management texts, newspaper articles, the teams official website, etc. use google scholar
the next part is a power point to match the paper 10 slides I have included what it should look like but to match SOFI stadium
Creating diagnosis decision tree case study for liver and breast
Looking for other expert answer to this case study. Please attached the two decision tree diagram for Liver and Breast Cancer or tumor in word format or convert word to image format.
Case StudyAs it turns out, Jane’s case also includes a rare form of liver cancer. The academic medical center’s Pathology Department wants to confirm the diagnosis with an outside institution. They want to ensure that they are accurate in their understanding of the findings and are able to add to the great corpus of knowledge around the case by writing up the results for the next pathology conference that the medical center hosts annually.
Questions for Consideration1. Who is responsible for communication with Jane regarding the usage of her data?
2. How are disagreements in coding addressed between providers?
Main Task:
Create two decision tree diagrams for potential diagnosis of Jane’s liver cancer and breast cancers. Each diagram should contain at least 20 total nodes. Be sure to include the potential “best case” and “worst case” scenarios within each and list the appropriate codes for clinical documentation.
Detail Explanation:Pick any sort of tumor for Liver and Breast cancers to create two separate decision trees for diagnosis of Liver Cancer and Breast Cancers. Each diagram should contain at least 20 total ndoes. Make sure to include the potential “best case” and “worst case” scenarios within each and list the appropriate codes for clinical documentation.
References can be included but not needed.
Please this reference link for this case study. Select any liver cancer and breast cancer types to create the decision tree. Each diagram should be at least 20 total nodes include best and worst scenarios.
Use this link:
Thank you.
FHS Geology Pleistocene Glaciation Worksheet
Download the BringingItTogether.pdf file. In the Geologic Event/Feature column, write one event/feature listed below in each box with the youngest events at the top of the column and the oldest events at the bottom. This is a relative dating exercise – specific dates or years don’t matter. Don’t worry if some boxes are left empty – it’s not important that every event fills a box. Only the broad arrangement of events with time is what matters.In the National Park column, write the name of a national park at each bullet point that corresponds with each geologic event/feature. Keep in mind that some events/features may correspond with multiple parks – just enter one park per bullet point.The Laramide Orogeny and Pleistocene Glaciation are shown as examples. Events to include in the timeline (use the abbreviations given):Laramide OrogenyPleistocene GlaciationCreation of Basement Igneous and Metamorphic RocksTerrestrial (land-derived) Deposition on Colorado PlateauCascades VolcanismBirth (initiation) of the San Andreas FaultAncestral Sierra Nevada (Creation of Sierran Batholith)Hot Spot Volcanism in Hawaii and YellowstoneUplift of Modern Sierra NevadaBasin and Range ExtensionMarine (ocean-derived) Deposition on Colorado Plateau