Describe Microsoft Project as a Microsoft proprietary software application developed for project management.

Microsoft Project is a Microsoft proprietary software application developed for project management. Using the Internet resources Describe Microsoft Project as a Microsoft proprietary software application developed for project management. What are its features and functions that help track the EHR implementation project progress? What are the pros and cons of using it for managing EHR projects? What could be its alternative(s) in terms of project management software tools (excluding Gantt Chart)? Describe at least one of these and compare its features and functions with the Microsoft Project in a table format. Which of these would you prefer for EHR implementation in your facility and why? 

Elaborate on the Theories of Psychological Development

Theories of Psychological Development

To prepare for this discussion, be sure you review the Eriksons’ Psychosocial TheoryLinks to an external site. and Suicide Assessment and SADPERSONS ScaleLinks to an external site.resources.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (2023), suicide is the second-leading cause of death among adolescents, with nearly 20% of high school students reporting thoughts of suicide. Erikson’s psychosocial theory identifies the period of adolescence as a time when young people are struggling with their identity and experimenting with different roles.
National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2023). What you need to know about youth suicide.

Describe why it is important to disarm anger and how would you manage an angry outburst from a client?

In the human services field we will encounter clients who are angry for various reasons.  Describe why it is important to disarm anger and how would you manage an angry outburst from a client?
What have you learned about assessment and case management from participating and engaging in class?  How will you apply what you have learned about assessment and case management in your professional career?  Please explain your answer and provide personal examples of how you will apply the course concepts.

UCF Statistics Binomial & Poisson Fitting Distributions Discussion

Select and post to One (1) of the following options from either Unit 3 or Unit 4 Topics for your discussion posting. Alternatively, you can post on a topic of your own creation, related to these chapters (following similar guidelines).Unit 3 Topics:1 – Hypergeometric PokerConsider a Poker game where an opponent tells you that the five cards she or he holds (and which you cannot see) represent a hand that beats 60% of all other possible hands. (If you aren’t that familiar with Poker, a quick web search will help you understand the relationships between terrible and excellent poker hands — with better hands having lower probability)Discuss how you would use that knowledge, along with the Hypergeometric Distribution, to correctly identify the hand your opponent is holding.  Be very specific in describing your step by step approach to solving the problem. Exactly what probabilities would you be calculating, in what order, and why? How accurate can you be, and why can’t you be more accurate than that?2 – Binomial & Poisson FittingIf someone tells us that a random variable is described by a Binomial or Poisson distribution, it becomes a very simple matter (presuming we know the key parameters) to be able to then predict the likelihood that any particular combination of values will be seen in a dataset containing that variable. Sometimes, though, we don’t know what kind of distribution our variable will fit, or we don’t know enough to be able to identify the key parameters needed to make accurate predictions.Part of the analysis we routinely do with datasets is to identify whether or not any of the variables included are Binomial or Poisson in nature. Discuss why it can be helpful to do this?Discuss how you would identify which variables in the dataset would benefit from such analysis. Does it provide benefit to name the distribution that applies even if you can’t precisely identify the needed parameters for that distribution?Use specific examples in your post: Provide some examples of variables that might be in your data that would be considered Binomial or Poisson. These examples should demonstrate that you understand how to recognize that a variable fit one of these distributions.3 – Predicting Defectives & DefectsDiscrete probability distributions are extremely useful in engineering statistics. One particular area where these distributions are commonly used by engineers is quality engineering.It turns out that if we know the expected defective rate of a process or product, we can make predictions about actual defectives using the Binomial distribution.  For example, if we know our defective rate is 15% and we want to produce 100 of something, the Binomial distribution will allow us to predict the probability of different levels of actual defectives that will be seen among those 100. The expect value of 15% tells us that 15 would be the average value over the long run, but it doesn’t tell us how many we’ll actually see in the next 100 produced.  It might be 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30, and the Binomial distribution can predict the probability of each outcome.It also turns out that if we have a defective process or product, the number of defects in a defective (also known as the defect density) will be predictable using the Poisson distribution.  Some defectives will have only 1 defect, while others might have many more. The parameter of interest with the Poisson distribution is the expected arrival rate.  If our quality control data tells us that the expected rate of defects in our defective products or processes is 10, then that number is a statement about how many each defective process or product will contain on average in the long run. It’snot a prediction of exactly how many defects the next defective will have. The Poisson distribution gives us the ability to predict the number of defects that we’ll see in the next defective, and it will be a value ranging from below to above the expected value.Discuss the way that probability allows you, as an engineer, to more accurately predict and manage quality in processes and products. Without these distributions, we might know that our defective rate is 15% and that the expected defects in a defective is 10.  How would we manage quality if that’s all we knew?  Alternatively, what do we know about the best case and worst case scenarios if we consider that the Binomial distribution governs the number of defectives we’ll see, and the Poisson distribution governs the number of defects we’ll see in a defective. How would you use this information to inform management about why sometimes we have good quality days, and other times we have bad quality days? How would you explain that sometimes we have lots of defects but very few defects per defective, while other times we have few defectives but each has lots of defects? How do the Binomial and Poisson distributions help you understand what is happening in each scenario? Use specific examples of probabilities in illustrating your explanations.4 – Ethics in Engineering (Columbia Space Shuttle Accident)BackgroundThe Columbia Space Shuttle Accident presents some challenges for engineers. The accident analysis that followed the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident almost 20 years earlier resulted in everyone having a pretty good idea of the reliability of the system.  Since Success/Failure of a mission is a binary outcome, the Binomial distribution would govern our understanding of the future outcome so the system based on expected reliability.DiscussionDiscuss the ethics of the circumstances that resulted in the Columbia Space Shuttle Accident.  Considering the predictions that were made years before the accident, as well as the reliability of the Binomial distribution and its implications, what could or should the engineers associated with the program have done differently?  What obligations do we have as engineers when we find ourselves in this kind of position? Ultimately, why did the system fail, and who shares the responsibility?5 – Gambler’s FallacyDescribe the Gambler’s Fallacy from our readings, and illustrate the concept using an example from the real world where a person or organization might suffer as a result of the fallacy. How would you use an explanation of the fallacy to explain to someone why they were making a mistake in their reasoning? In you respond to others on this topic, comment on whether the explanation they’ve offered is adequate for addressing the problem.Unit 4 Topics:6 – Normal ApproximationsThis week’s and last week’s readings have included the Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions. Each provides very accurate results when used in the circumstances for which they are intended in quality engineering.  However, the Binomial and Poisson distributions can get very cumbersome to calculate as the scale of the sample size grows.  The tables of values provided in most text books typically don’t provide values for very large sample sizes. (The largest sample size supported in our text appendices is 36.)  As a result, it is conventional to use the Normal distribution as an approximation of either the Binomial or Poisson distribution as sample sizes grow.Discuss what it means to use the Normal distribution as an approximation for the Binomial or Poisson distribution. Why does it work?  What are the strengths or weaknesses of doing so?  (Hint: Think about the center versus the tails.)7 – Statistics vs. AnalysisStatistical Process Control (SPC) is often described as an applied side of the Binomial, Poisson, and Normal distributions.  Many have said that an X-bar control chart is simply a Normal distribution turned on its side.  Some argue that our statistics course shouldn’t try to cover these applications because they represent an analytical skill rather than a statistical technique.Discuss, first whether or not you agree with the notion that SPC is an application of what we’re learning in this class, and second, whether coverage of the topic is helpful in this class.  How might your outcomes after this class be affected – positively or negatively – by whether or not we cover Chapter 16 in the text?8 – Distribution ParametersThe various distributions in the reading this week and last week entail probability curves that mathematically differ according to a group of parameters.  Different parameters allow for specification of the shape, scale, and location of the distribution.Discuss the role that these parameters play in establishing the characteristic form for each distribution.  Consider why our text doesn’t discuss the location parameter very much. Why might that be? Also, if we strip away these parameters from the various distribution formulas, what’s typically left?  Treat this thread as a conceptual exploration, not a detailed mathematical proof.Since our text uses these parameters but doesn’t teach them very much, feel free to use additional outside sources in formulating your response to this thread; but please cite any sources you use.9 – Why These Distributions?A classic question of logic is: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? In this class, we might adapt that question for exploring the various probability distributions we’ve seen this week and last week.  Many things we analyze as engineers can be best understood as manifestations in the world of the probabilities these distributions describe.  Knowing the appropriate descriptive distribution allows us to make predictions about what has happened, or will happen, in the world.Discuss how you would explain to a non-engineering manager why, when, and how you would make use of these distributions in order to solve a problem or address an opportunity.  What would you need to start, and what you have after your analysis?10 – Probability PlotsIn Unit 3 we learned about discrete probability distributions: Hypergeometric, Binomial, and Poisson. In Unit 4, we added the Normal distribution to our list as the first of many continuous distributions. In this unit, we are adding those other continuous probability distributions. We are seeing that the Exponential, Gamma, Weibull, Lognormal, and Beta distributions are appropriate to certain types of engineering problems. Although our readings have tended to focus the most attention on the Normal distributions, we need to recognize that to solve a particular engineering challenge, any of these distributions might be needed. We need to be able to determine which, if any, of these distributions fits any situation in which we might be doing analysis. We use a probability plot as a tool to determine if a set of data we are analyzing can reasonably be described by one of our probability distributions. I so, then the standard probabilities associated with the distribution can be used to make predictions about the process or system represented by our data. If not, we have to do some extra math to determine our own probabilities by fitting the data we have to an algebraic function (something we’ll do when we get to linear and nonlinear regression) and then integrating that function over our range of interest to determine probabilities. The math isn’t that difficult once we know the function, but it is certainly faster and easier to do our work if we can quickly show that one of the distributions we already understand fits our data well enough to use it.Discuss how a probability plot works, and why we can draw conclusions based on the level of fit we see.  If the resulting “fit” isn’t perfect (which it very rarely is), what factors do you need to consider in deciding about whether to use a particular distribution to solve your challenge? Describe how you would go about determining the best distribution for a set of data (if there actually is one).

Training proposal, methodology, and rationale assignment

OVERVIEWThe Training Proposal, Methodology, and Rationale Assignment is a formal, graduate-level work of at least 8 pages on a training topic of the student’s choice.
INSTRUCTIONSThe student must begin by reviewing the reading on Assessing HRD Needs from the textbook.After selecting a training topic, the student will then follow the training program design andimplementation process described in the textbook. Ideas for training topics. Any topic discussed in the textbook may be considered, including but not limited to thefollowing:? Sexual harassment prevention and reporting? Industry-specific training? New employee orientation? Safety training? Quality training? Team Building? Diversity training? Coaching skills? Stress management? Management developmentRequired ElementsThe body of the Training Proposal, Methodology, and Rationale Assignment, not counting the title page and references, must be at least eight complete pages of typed narrative prose using 12-point Times New Roman fonts and one-inch margins on all four sides. These eight pages include a section describing the proposed lesson plan, using the material from the reading on Designing Effective HRD Programs from the textbook. A Table of Contents is required following the title page.
The proposal must contain the following required elements:? Introduction: A comprehensive, scholarly introduction of the topic including a clearthesis statement and overview of the content, supported by in-text citations. A Level 1 heading is required.? Content/Main Body: A comprehensive, scholarly treatment of the proposed training program, including  the methodology that will be used to design, develop, implement, and evaluate the training, and the rationale for the proposal. The content must be organized under Level 1 headings and supported by in-text citations.? Conclusion: A comprehensive, scholarly conclusion to the proposal, including a summary of the issues treated in this assignment and suggestions for further study, supported by in-text citations. A Level 1 heading is required.ReferencesThe statements made in the Training Proposal, Methodology, and Rationale Assignment must be supported by references and in-text citations for the course textbook and two articles from peer-reviewed journals published within the past five years.MechanicsAll pages of all assignments, including the title page and reference list, must be double-spacedand typed in 12-point Times New Roman fonts with one-inch margins on all four sides. MS Word files only. The Training Proposal, Methodology, and Rationale Assignment must meet the standards of the current edition of the APA manual for in-text citations, references, headings, grammar, spelling and mechanics.Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Sociology discussion post 3 | SOCY 100 6984 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY

Goombay Festival in the Bahamas and Miami, Fl
People celebrate many holidays and festivals that are imbued with meaning. For your main post this week, include the following two parts:
Part 1. Choose a festival or holiday with which you are familiar. Based on your study of the Week 3 learning resources (UMGC, n.d.), explain some key aspects of the holiday or festival, including the relevant beliefs, values, norms, and symbols associated with it. As part of your post, be sure to explain why each of the different aspects would be considered a belief, value, norm, etc. (For example, why would family get-togethers on Thanksgiving be considered a norm)?
Part 2. Based on what you read about the different theoretical perspectives on society presented in the Week 3 learning resources, what role might holidays and festivals play in creating social solidarity and/or social conflict in society?  Be sure to refer to at least one of the ideas, concepts, and/or theories explained in the Theoretical Perspectives on Society section of this week’s learning resources.
References and Citations
Here is the reference you should cite in your main post:
University of Maryland Global Campus. (n.d.). Week 3. Culture and society. Document posted in UMGC SOCY 100 online classroom, archived at
Make sure to include the complete reference information at the end of your post. If you refer to any additional sources, please be sure to include them in your reference list as well. 
When referring to the different topics of the material in the Learning Resources within your posts, use the following citation format: (UMGC, n.d., name of topic). 
For example: (UMGC, n.d., What is Culture?) or (UMGC, n.d., Elements of Culture).  
If you use any additional sources in your posts, be sure to cite them in the post and include the full reference information at the end of the post. To learn more about how to cite in APA style, visit the UMGC Library at APA 7th Edition Citation Examples: General Rules.  
Provide your initial post by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday. Your initial post should be at least 200 words in length, excluding the discussion prompt and the references. Please use in-text APA citations within your post as well as full APA references at the end of your post.
Peer Responses: Respond to at least two classmates’ initial posts by 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday. Posts must be at least 75 words in length and demonstrate critical thinking, engagement with course material, and a meaningful attempt to engage in discourse.

Review assignment | Management homework help

 each question should be answered with a page and a half
pick a single company in the S&P 500 and answer the following four questions…

Experience  is a common job requirement – but aspiring professionals are often  frustrated by this obstacle to career advancement. They think “I need  experience to get the job BUT I need the job to get experience!!!” Maybe  you can relate to this. First, research and describe how your chosen  company is handling the question of education and experience  requirements in hiring. Then, explain how you would handle it  differently (if at all) if you were in charge of Human Resources and  Workforce Management for the same company. How much would or should be  necessary? Would it vary by job? If so, how? And are there any  exceptions?

2.  Some businesses focus a lot on succession  planning. Others, however, seem to just put off worrying about it until  someone dies, resigns, or gets fired. First, research and describe how  your chosen company is handling the questions of employee development  and succession planning. Then, explain how you would handle it  differently (if at all) if you were in charge of Human Resources and  Workforce Management for the same company. What kind of programs or  initiatives or incentives would you put in place? How would you measure  whether your efforts are achieving the desired goals? 
3.  Most businesses run payroll biweekly, but  some do it more frequently and some less frequently. First, research  and describe how your chosen company is handling the question of payroll  frequency. Then, explain how you would handle it differently (if at  all) if you were in charge of Human Resources and Workforce Management  for the same company. What are the advantages and drawbacks to your  chosen frequency? 
4.  Location is a critical variable in  determining not just where a business’s operations will be situated, but  also where it will find its human capital and talent. First, research  and describe how your chosen company is handling location strategy.  Then, explain how you would handle it differently (if at all) if you  were in charge of Human Resources and Workforce Management for the same  company. If you were asked to identify a new city (anywhere in the  United States) for a corporate headquarters office, what city would you  suggest and why? Be sure to consider variables like minimum wage and  taxes, average education levels, and other factors that would be  relevant to such a decision 
 minimum of eight (8) sources (two for each of the questions) 

Power point | bus499 | Augusta

In this assignment, you are to use the same corporation you selected for the assignments in Weeks 3, 6, and 8. You will prepare an executive-level PowerPoint presentation that could be delivered to the board of directors.This assignment requires the use of three or more quality resources, including your textbook. Use any or all of the following resources to conduct research on the chosen corporation:

The corporation’s website.
Public filings from the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Filings & Forms page.
Strayer University’s online databases.
The Nexis Uni database.
Other credible sources, such as the corporation’s annual report, will often provide insights that other resources may not include.
It is expected that you will use your textbook as a resource for this assignment.


Review the scoring guide (rubric) in the course guide before starting the assignment.
Download and save the Capstone Project Template [PPTX]. 
Use the template to Develop an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes and appropriate graphics. This presentation should be prepared for the board of directors of the corporation and is based only on your assignments from Weeks 3, 6, and 8, and the following:

Step 1: Create a SWOT analysis for the company to determine its major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.Step 2: Based on the SWOT analysis, outline a strategy for the company to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities, and minimize its weaknesses and threats.Step 3: Discuss the various levels and types of strategies the firm may use to maximize its competitiveness and profitability.Step 4: Outline a communications plan the company could use to make the strategies you recommend above known to all stakeholders.Step 5: Assess efforts by the corporation to be a responsible (ethical) corporate citizen and the impact on the corporation’s bottom line. Provide specific examples to support your response.

Use three or more quality sources, including your textbook, to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. (Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources)

For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library.

Produce writing that is clear and well organized and applies appropriate Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) style. Writing contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling.

For additional support, view the following LinkedIn Learning videos:Start Quickly with a Theme or Template.Add, Remove, or Rearrange Slides.Adding Images.Speaker Notes.

Note: Do not submit a recording or video of your presentation.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all support. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is as follows:

Develop a corporate presentation based on a SWOT analysis, strategies for maximizing competitiveness and profitability, a communications plan, and an assessment of efforts related to ethics.

my company is Uber 

Unit 6 responses | Human Resource Management homework help

1. For this discussion board I chose to a drug counselor. A drug counselor is someone deal with people who have a range of problems such as alcoholism, addiction and depression. Some of the duties of a drug counselor are evaluate a client’s mental and physical health, work with your client and find behaviors or situations that interfere with the clients recovery, many more. The educational requirements of being a drug consular are that you have to have a bachelors degree and a license. As of May of 2021 that estimated salary of being a drug counselor was $48,520. From 2020 to 2023 the growth is estimated to grow 23%. To be honest the real reason I have picked this career path is because I am an recovering addict and one of the hardest this for me to have to deal with in the beginning was not having someone who completely understood and could relate to the things and feelings I was dealing with. Some of the charateristics of being a drug counselor are having the ability to listen to others when they are talking, having patience, agiain they need to have interpersonal skills, and many more.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors,at (visited February 14, 2023).
2. The primary task associated with this career is to teach clients how to cope with stress and life’s problems in ways that help them recover. Refer to other services such as job placement services, support groups, evaluate the clients mental and physical health, addiction, or problematic behavior. 
The educational requirements are at least a bachelor’s degree, and if you want to be a counselor a master with 2 years of internship. The salary for this kind of job starts around $48,520 that $23.33 an hour, with a project growth from 2021 to 31 of 22%.
The motivation behind this career path is one the love of helping others, and two because my father was an alcoholic, and was not the best father to me and if I can help at least one other child from an alcoholic parent and the problems it creates, then it will be worth it.
The values or characteristics that would be reflected would be empathy, desire to help people, recognition of the need for counselors in this field.
This is the definition for this field Drug and alcohol 
Evaluate clients’ mental and physical health, addiction, or problematic behavior and assess their readiness for treatment Develop, recommend, and review treatment goals and plans with clients and their families Assist clients in developing skills and behaviors necessary to recover from their addiction or change their behavior Work with clients to identify behaviors or situations that interfere with their recovery Document and maintain records of clients’ progress Teach clients’ family members about addiction or behavior disorders and help them develop strategies to support clients in recovery refer clients to other resources and services, such as job placement services and support groups

Opportunity cost | Marketing homework help

One of the major concerns related to the US economy at the moment is INFLATION. On this Discussion you will start exploring this topic.  As so many economists say “ uncontrolled inflation is too much money chasing the same goods and services” Here you will research the forces behind inflation. Make sure you leave political views not influence your assessments of the facts. This is not even a Political Science course. Lets analyze the facts as they are. 

Under the Trump administration, the US Federal Government, approved a never seen before 2 trillion dollars Stimulus Package in response to the concerns about economic side effects COVID-19 instilled in our society. A significant part of the Stimulus Package was designated to individuals, including unemployment compensation sent to millions of people as well as PPP for business in different industries. As the Biden administration took office, in January 2021 a new Stimulus Package was signed and approved to inject another 1.9 trillion dollars into the economy. As part of the new stimulus plan, the deadline for several benefits associated to the 1st Stimulus Package were postponed and continued for longer periods of time as originally planned. The great majority of the stimulus was approved and released before the COVID 19 vaccination was in place. Under the Biden administration stimulus efforts took place at the beginning of COVID 19 vaccination and continues as of right now. Several Economists and Policy makers have argued that this injections of money created one of the forms of inflation Demand Pull inflation. However, in parallel withthe inflation created by the Stimulus there was another one happening at the same time: Cost Push Inflation
Question 1) What is Cost Push Inflation? Explain in detail and Provide source ( 10 points) How has the disruption of supply chain during the Pandemic pressured up the level of inflation? Please find a real case of either a firm, corporation or institution that has been affected by the disruption of the supply chain in their industry and explain their experience and how the situation pressured the prices they charge for their own goods and or services to a higher level. Present the evidence, explain and provide the source. (20 points) You can use up to 2 sources
Question 2) How has the labor shortage that started during the Pandemic in March 2020 and lasted all the way to the beginng of 2022 pressured up the level of inflation ? Please find a real case of either a firm, corporation  that has been affected by the disruption of the labor supply and explain their experience and how the situation pressured the prices they charge for goods and or services they offer ? Present the evidence, explain and provide the source. (20 points) You can use up to 2 sources
Question 3) Since the last quarter of 2022 several major employers in the US started announcing rounds of lay offs. Among them, Amazon, Disney Company, Morgan Stanley among others. Goldman Sachs last week indicated last week that 3,200 jobs would be eliminated. What is the opportunity cost of the high inflation ? Explain in detail provide evidence. (20 points)
Question 4) Bibliography (10 points)

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