Discuss how research is used both in K-12 and in Higher Education.

Research is a significant part of all work done in education, particularly as it relates to the development of policies and procedures. The two major types of research are quantitative research and qualitative research. For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following:

Educational research drives policy development for K-12 and Higher Education environments. Discuss how research is used both in K-12 and in Higher Education. Support your discussion with information from our text, The American Education Policy Landscape, and additional resources as appropriate.

Name and write the location of the five traditionally designated auscultatory areas and explain why it is heard there.

This Discussion has 3 parts:
Part 1: Lymphatic

Define lymphedema.
What is elephantiasis?
Provide the differential diagnosis of mumps versus cervical adenitis.

Part 2: Thorax and Lungs

Define and provide an example of a disease where these signs might be present:Dyspnea
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
Kussmaul breathing
Periodic breathing (Cheyne-Stokes).

Support your answer with a previous experience you have encountered in your career.

Part 3: Cardiovascular System

Name and write the location of the five traditionally designated auscultatory areas and explain why it is heard there.
A pregnant patient (32 weeks’ gestation) is having difficulty with dependent edema and painful varicosities. What can you suggest to help this patient’s problem and explain rationale?

How has social media helped solve and create problems in countries outside the U.S.?

Research Paper.

For this essay you are topic is ‘How has social media helped solve and create problems in countries outside the U.S.?’

Things to remember:

Provide an example of the null hypothesis and a corresponding example of the alternative hypothesis.

Discussing hypothesis testing may sound like a complicated task. It really should not be. In simple terms, the whole process is about assumptions. Analysts assume that something has validity, and they need to test whether such an assumption can be rejected. If an assumption has validity, then people can make more accurate predictions. In short, it is about assumptions and testing whether these assumptions were valid.
Provide an example of the null hypothesis and a corresponding example of the alternative hypothesis.

What international trade theory (or theories) best explain the rise of the India as a major exporter of pharmaceuticals?

Case Study: The Rise of India’s Drug Industry (reference article online for further detail on case story)
1. How might US pharmaceutical companies and US consumers benefit from the rise of the Indian pharmaceutical industry?2. Who might have lost out as a result of the recent rise of the Indian pharmaceutical industry?3. Do the benefits from trade with the Indian pharmaceutical sector outweigh the losses?4. What international trade theory (or theories) best explain the rise of the India as a major exporter of pharmaceuticals?

Develop and share your personal nursing mission statement. How will this guide and impact your nursing practice now and in the futur


Module 04 Discussion – Personal Mission Statement

Discussion Topic

Top of Form


Develop and share your personal nursing mission statement. How will this guide and impact your nursing practice now and in the future?
Your initial response to the post should be 400 words in length and include proper APA formatting when

Discuss two  major reading theories and the contributions to reading development. 

in what ways is literacy instruction top-down, bottom-up, or interventionist? What kind of model based from the chapter do you think you  will utilize?  Discuss two  major reading theories and the contributions to reading development. 
2.How might you prepare yourself for an evaluation system that combines quality of presentation with degree of student learning?

Identify the statements that might cause a reader to challenge the accuracy of Equianos narrative.

1.Determining the possible influences on an author or limitations of an author’s point of view is an important tool for understanding the validity and reliability of a source.
Read this excerpt
Identify the statements that might cause a reader to challenge the accuracy of Equianos narrative.
2.  Explain in detail the Thirty Years War, why the war broke out between Catholics and Protestants and how the Treaty of WestphaliaLinks to an external site. (1648) forever changed the history of Europe. Avalon Project – Treaty of Westphalia (yale.edu) 

Explain in details the distinct market segments at UWF and the different generic marketing offerings.

Explain in details the distinct market segments at UWF and the different generic marketing offerings. would be attractive to each of these market segments?

Describe what is an anomaly in Economics?

Choose a specific type of crime (such as identity theft, domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, etc.). You will then investigate (a) who are the victims of this crime, (b) how prevalent is this crime, (c) what are the causes of this crime, (d) in what ways do victims contribute to the crime, (e) methods of prevention, (f) resources available to assist victims of this crime, and (g) the student’s opinion of any needed changes in resources, laws, sentencing, etc. related to this crime.

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