How does warehouse site selection impact the design of a company’s supply chain? Provide a real-world example to support your analysis.

Selecting the right warehouse location for a business can have a significant impact on a company’s effectiveness, efficiency, and profitability.
First, a company must make a critical decision to lease or purchase a warehouse. Once that decision is made, selecting the right location will determine the company’s ability to compete in the marketplace and serve its customer base.
Review Location, Location, Location: Important Factors in Selecting a Warehouse’s Location for more information on physical distribution and warehouses.
Discuss the factors that will influence the decision to lease versus purchase a warehouse.
What strategy must a company take to decide upon the ideal warehouse location for optimizing business results?
How does warehouse site selection impact the design of a company’s supply chain? Provide a real-world example to support your analysis.

Consider the ways in which crime depravity has changed over time and your views on sentencing in relation to depravity.

To prepare:

Review the Learning Resources this week to deepen your understanding of the Depravity Standard and classifying crimes by severity of depravity.
Review the “About the Research” page of the Depravity Standard website, then complete the Depravity Survey located on the “Take the Survey” page.Note: To complete the survey, you must enter your email address.
Consider the ways in which crime depravity has changed over time and your views on sentencing in relation to depravity.

 Post your response to the following questions:

In what ways has crime evolved over time?
Should sentencing of offenders be based on the relative depravity of their crime? Explain your rationale.
What are potential problems in collecting and/or incorporating depravity findings in sentencing laws?

Describe if the storage of biometric data is safer locally or in the cloud? Why?

The convenience and availability of cloud services has seen a dramatic increase in business functionality being shifted from local servers to the cloud. Even our biometrics may be stored in the cloud.Assume your employer has signed up with a global authentication provider that stores user fingerprints in the users’ global identity accounts. Users can then use their biometric fingerprint from the cloud service to access websites rather than storing the fingerprint locally on their mobile device or computer.In theory, if an attacker gains access to your fingerprints (whether stored locally or in the cloud), they could compromise any of your online accounts that accept your fingerprints.Answer the following question(s):

Describeif the storage of biometric data is safer locally or in the cloud? Why?
If an attacker has your fingerprints, could multifactor authentication (MFA) still prevent the attacker from gaining access to your accounts? Why or why not?

Discuss how social determinants of health for the older adult are impacted for those living in poverty.  



Healthy aging is an important public health issue, both nationally and internationally. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes healthy aging as a process whereby all people of all ages are able to live a healthy, safe and socially inclusive lifestyle.  
Discuss how social determinants of health for the older adult are impacted for those living in poverty.  

Specifically define the role of the registered nurse in patient advocacy. Describe situations in which nursing advocacy can assist patients within the healthcare environment.


Discussion Board 1.

Specifically define the role of the registered nurse in patient advocacy. Describe situations in which nursing advocacy can assist patients within the healthcare environment. Defend why nurses are, or are not, adequately prepared, in pre-licensure education, to act as patient advocates. 
Compose at least 2-3 paragraphs all in APA format with proper references.

What was the most meaningful concept or concepts you learned while listening Elizabeth Loftus youtube video?

PSY 111: Introduction to Psychology Learning Unit 3: Assignment

Elizabeth Loftus Activity

Elizabeth Loftus is one of the world’s experts on memories, especially on eyewitness testimony and on

the controversial nature of recovered memories. Her research has shown most compellingly how

reconstructive memory is, and how potentially fallible.

Using YouTube, type in the search tool “Elizabeth Loftus”. Many videos will appear. The videos are an

opportunity to hear first-hand about Loftus’s research in the field.

Watch one (or more) of Loftus’s videos & complete the following assignment.

• Type the title of the video in the title box of the submission area when submitting your


• Give a brief overview of the content that was presented (2-3 paragraphs)

• What was the most meaningful concept or concepts you learned while listening Elizabeth Loftus youtube video?


• What was in the video that you can take away and use in your life?

© Jennifer Hess and Indian Hills Community College

How does a mobile ecosystem compare to a natural ecosystem? 

For Q1 please refer to Chapters 12, 13, and 14 from the textbook: Cloud Computing by Dr. Kris Jamsa, 2nd ED
ISBN: 9781284248203 Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning 
Q1. Write a research paper that contains the following: 

Explain the ecosystem that makes up the mobile web. 
How does a mobile ecosystem compare to a natural ecosystem? 
How do mobile-device users leverage the cloud?

Write a literature review related to different specializations in behavior-analytic practice.

For this assignment, you will Write a literature review related to different specializations in behavior-analytic practice. Now that you have found resources related to different specializations in behavior-analytic practice. the next step is to look further into how they relate to each other and shed light on your research topic. Not only will you be writing literature reviews in some of your future courses at Capella, these skills will also help you in your future career. F You will need to turn to the literature to understand what is known and what is not about that situation. Using critical-thinking skills, you can find themes and determine what course of action your treatment plan should take. Behavior analysts also rely on the literature to determine evidence-based practices when assessing, setting goals, and developing support plans for clients. 

Research on your own cultures treatment of older adults. Compare and contrast that with another culture’s treatment of the elderly.

Directions: Please Research on your own cultures treatment of older adults. Compare and contrast that with another culture’s treatment of the elderly. Use your book, the following websites, and other valid and reliable sources to support your paper.
It must be at least a full page double spaced (no name or title needed at the top of the page). It should double spaced, one inch margins, grammatically correct, and in your own words! You may include citations and a reference page but it isn’t required. This will, however, be submitted in TurnItIn so any clear cut plagiarism will result in no bonus points. Some things you should address it the paper: how your own culture views the elderly, how other culture’s views of the elderly could be incorporated in your culture’s views, problems with the various ways the elderly are seen, and what we could do to improve these problem areas.

How would you develop a realistic plan to help a patient diagnosed with stage 1 hypertension reduce his blood pressure and prevent complications?

A 56-year-old patient with newly diagnosed stage 1 hypertension has been referred to you for counseling regarding lifestyle modifications. He is married, with four children — two in high school, two in college. His job as a senior vice-president for a major retail chain requires that he work long hours and frequently eat at restaurants. He smokes two packs of cigarettes a day, has a body mass index (BMI) of 29 kg/m2, and a waist-hip ratio of 1.6. He usually drinks one to two dry martinis to relax after he gets home from work.

How would you develop a realistic plan to help a patient diagnosed with stage 1 hypertension reduce his blood pressure and prevent complications?
Which risk factors would be among your top two or three priorities for this patient, and what interventions or recommendations would you provide for modifying these?

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