Analyze the impact the new protocol (PE) has had on time in queue and service time.
Call Data_Week 4
Write a 350- to 700-word email, or memo, about the PE and PT test results after the first few days. Address the following in your email:
Analyze the impact the new protocol (PE) has had on time in queue and service time.
Determine if the PE protocol should be implemented widely in the call center with what you know so far.
Identify what additional data and analyses would be helpful to determine if the PE protocol is working.
Explain what is likely to happen to TiQ and ST if the PT protocol is kept.
Explain how a sudden increase of 20% more calls might influence TiQ and ST.
Justify whether the data is sufficient to determine if the PE test is successful.
Suggest additional metrics and supporting data needed to determine the performance of the call centers operations.
You are the Information Security Director for a medium sized company. You recently experienced a ransom-ware attack that cost the company $500,000.00. After the attack your CEO held a meeting and informed you and the other IT professionals that it WILL not happen again. Write a Directive to the employees of the company summarizing the requirement for all personnel to adopt the new 2-factor authentication for IT equipment access.
You are the Information Security Director for a medium sized company. You recently experienced a ransom-ware attack that cost the company $500,000.00. After the attack your CEO held a meeting and informed you and the other IT professionals that it WILL not happen again. Write a Directive to the employees of the company summarizing the requirement for all personnel to adopt the new 2-factor authentication for IT equipment access. Include a 30-day timeline to adopt, and the consequences of not adhering to the new policy.Instructions:
Write a 400-500 word policy using APA format. Your esay should include an introductory paragraph and a conclusion. Follow APA format for structure. Conduct research associated with 2-factor authentication and at a minimum cite 3 credible references beyond the course materials. Please note Wikipedia, Investopedia and similar websites are not credible academic references.
Aanalyze the historical background and treatment of that Native Americans and African Americans within the United States and its current status with regard to social engagement and economic security.
Some identity groups have had to deal with hardships and persecution and contend with distrust and disapproval. Others have gained quick success in climbing the economic and political ladder. All have had to make significant adjustments to secure access to health care, work, housing, and political rights, which means coming to terms with dominant cultural practices and expectations within the community.
Understanding this journey sheds light on the issues and vulnerabilities faced by historically marginalized identity groups and provides greater understanding of the complexity of the United States.
Choose one of the following identity groups from the list below. You will analyze the historical background and treatment of that identity group within the United States and its current status with regard to social engagement and economic security.
Native Americans
African Americans
Hispanic Americans
Asian Americans
White ethnic Americans
Jewish Americans (as an ethnic and not a religious group)
Arab Americans
LGBTQ+ Americans
Change in technology caused changes on the radio as well, where we see the advent of Album Oriented Radio (AOR). What were the pros and cons of AOR? How did the AOR movement narrow the role of the DJ on the radio? How did this change the power structure within the music industry?
The new technologies of the 1970s allowed listeners more personal choice in what they listened to at home and in their cars. Later, people gained even more freedom when they could listen in their portable headphones when they listened to their SONY Walkman. This change in technology caused changes on the radio as well, where we see the advent of Album Oriented Radio (AOR). What were the pros and cons of AOR? How did the AOR movement narrow the role of the DJ on the radio? How did this change the power structure within the music industry? Do you believe this was positive or negative for the music world and why?
In response to at least three of your peers, consider an album that was either positively or negatively affected by AOR. Does this albums success or failure confirm or deny your peers viewpoints?
Describe two major determinants of cancer care in Saudi Arabia. Which determinant do you think presents the biggest challenge to the overall health of the population and why?
Describe two major determinants of cancer care in Saudi Arabia. Which determinant do you think presents the biggest challenge to the overall health of the population and why?
You are a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and answers for medical college students. You design and conduct lectures, evaluate student performance and provide feedback through examinations and assignments. Answer each question separately. Include and Introduction. Provide an answer to this content
Define the terms peristalsis and segmentation. Where do each of these processes occur in the gastrointestinal tract during the digestive process?
1. Define the terms peristalsis and segmentation. Where do each of these processes occur in the gastrointestinal tract during the digestive process?
Provide answer here
2. List four accessory organs to the digestive tract and share their location as well as their main contribution to the digestive process.
Provide answer here
3. The pH of gastric juice is 2, which is very acidic. What is the main chemical responsible for this low pH, and how does the stomach lining, which is composed of epithelial cells, endure this corrosive environment?
Provide answer here
4. Define the following processes and describe the main areas of the nephron where each of these occurs: filtration, absorption, and secretion.
Provide answer here
5. What is a urinalysis, and what are some ways it can be used? List the physical characteristics of healthy urine. Specific gravity and pH values are commonly measured by urinalysis. Define and list the healthy ranges for each.
Provide answer here
Read Chapters 1 and 3 of the course text. Review the Capstone Paper in Week 5 and select the issue in social and criminal justice that you will address. Identify and develop your thesis statement and your resolution of your chosen issue.
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 1 and 3 of the course text. Review the Capstone Paper in Week 5 and select the issue in social and criminal justice that you will address. Identify and develop your thesis statement and your resolution of your chosen issue. Remember that this is just your initial version of the thesis statement for the Capstone Paper; expect that it will evolve after receiving feedback from your instructor and classmates and as you conduct more research on solutions for your chose issue. At the end of the week, reflect back on the feedback your classmates and instructor have provided.
Reference your textbook, Chapter 1.2, or the Writing Center for help with Writing a Thesis StatementLinks to an external site.. You may also use the Thesis GeneratorLinks to an external site. to help you develop your thesis.
Describe how you would implement analytics into an organization. . What tools would you use? How would you implement it? What, if any, data would need to be secured and audited?
This assignment will be an executive summary where you will explain your thoughts and ideas about how you would move forward with an analytics project. As a leader in your organization, it will be your task to drive forward projects working cross-department and cross-discipline.
Author an executive summary that is one page single-spaced about Describe how you would implement analytics into an organization. This should cover, at minimum, what groups would be involved. What tools would you use? How would you implement it? What, if any, data would need to be secured and audited?
Explain why hook up culture indicates to us that there has been a paradigm shift around marriage and sexuality
Our class meetings have focused on paradigms and marriage please write an essay 1600/2600 words explaining how paradigms will influence your understanding of marriage. Please include the following in your essay: 1 explain what a paradigm is and why it is important. 2 explain why hook up culture indicates to us that there has been a paradigm shift around marriage and sexuality 3 explain the basic assumption and tenants of pre-modernity 4 explain the basic assumption and tenants of modernity be sure to explain their understanding of reason, beliefs in a universal narrative, and how colonialism is a byproduct of modernity. Also include the critiques of Marx and Freud. 5 explain the basic assumption and tenants of postmodernity be sure to include the end of the meta-narrative or grand narrative of modernity, The context and situation of pluralism and many stories, tolerance as the great virtue, and the sense that there is no place to stand to make judgments.
Generate a report that analyzes the current systems in place at Lost Pines Outfitters and recommends changes to these systems/processes in line with client requests
Generate a report that analyzes the current systems in place at Lost Pines Outfitters and recommends changes to these systems/processes in line with client requests. This report should include initial recommendations for process and technology improvements focused on enhancing the clients systems. Additionally, the report should contain a visualization modeling the recommended system for the client.