Warby Parker is an American online retailer of prescription glasses and sunglasses, based in New York City. How do you see the balance of power in industries like the eyewear industry shifting as customers become more comfortable buying eyewear online?
Warby Parker is an American online retailer of prescription glasses and sunglasses, based in New York City. Warby Parker primarily sells products through its website, but also features retail locations across the U.S. and Canada.If you are not familiar with this retail store, visit their website After reading case 3 on page 392 & 393, answer the following questions:1. In what ways can a newer, smaller competitor punch above its weight by taking advantage of the Internet? How can the Internet be applied as a tool to help businesses avoid some of the costs associated with doing business following more conventional or old school approaches? How do you see the balance of power in industries like the eyewear industry shifting as customers become more comfortable buying eyewear online?2. What impact does Warby Parkers decision to donate a pair of eyeglasses for every pair purchased from them have on customers perceptions of the company? How does Warby Parkers focus on being a great place to work influence how the company is seen in the market?3. Problem Solving. As an operations management consultant, youve been contracted to help a large, traditionally configured clothing company Marquee Clothes to become more Internet enabled and competitive in light of customers shopping habits, attitudes, and expectations. The company has a well-established supply chain infrastructure, currently has more than 50 retail locations, and has been in business for more than 20 years. Over the last several years, with increasing numbers of mall closings, the business has had to shut several of its stores and is seeing much of the foot traffic that traditionally was its bread and butter start to decline as well. Sales have been off the last three quarters, and the 56-year-old owner of the privately held company is concerned that shell have to close more stores if things dont turn around. Shes been convinced by her college-age daughter that in order to compete, the company is going to have to undergo a makeover and become a twenty-first-century player, with a fully fleshed-out approach and strategy. What should she do? What are some of the first things that youd advise? What steps need to be taken to help take Marquee Clothes fully into the twenty-first-century?4. Further Research. Whats happening now with Warby Parker? What kinds of things is the billion-dollar company doing to stay ahead of other competitors and make headway in the eyewear market? What kinds of steps has Luxottica taken to defend itself against Warby Parkers disruptive tactics?
Explain a time when you experienced or were challenged by an ethical dilemma in your nursing practice. What did you learn from this experience?
Im working on a health & medical writing question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.
Explain a time when you experienced or were challenged by an ethical dilemma in your nursing practice. What did you learn from this experience?
Provide a hypothetical example if you have not experienced a dilemma in your practice.
Discuss how your nursing practice is influenced by a particular theorist.
You are a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and answers for medical college students. You design and conduct lectures, evaluate student performance and provide feedback through examinations and assignments. Answer each question separately. Include and Introduction. Provide an answer to this content
All social science research starts with a question that indicates the human behavior being studied. Draft a research question related to the four advertisements you chose earlier in the course.
OverviewAll social science research starts with a question that indicates the human behavior being studied. Draft a research question related to the four advertisements you chose earlier in the course. To do this, you will need to dig deeper into what each advertisement is communicating. Are there any deeper or unspoken meanings besides the obvious goal of selling a product or service?PromptUse the provided Module Four Activity Template Word Document to complete this activity. Revisit your previous assignments to review how individuals, groups, cultures, and stereotypes are presented in your four advertisements. Make sure to also consult the feedback your instructor provided. Based on this information, identify the underlying or socially significant messages communicated by your four advertisements. You will use your analysis to write a social science research question. Finally, explain how you used a social science perspective to help create your research question.You are not required to answer each question below the rubric criteria but may use them to better understand the criteria and guide your thinking.Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:Describe the underlying meanings or socially significant messages each of your advertisements communicates. In previous activities, you were asked to make objective observations. You can now use the knowledge gained from the course to interpret the social significance of your ads.What messages about culture, relationships, biases, or social norms are being communicated? Go beyond the surface of the ad and look for deeper meanings.Write a research question based on a social science perspective and related to at least one of your advertisements. What patterns or themes did you notice when analyzing your ads? What elements popped out and made you curious? Consider what the ads say about individuals, groups, institutions, or society. If you were to design a sociological, psychological, or anthropological study of your ads, what question would you want to answer?Your research question only needs to be related to one of your four advertisements. But if you find a common trend in your ads, you may tie your research question to more than one.It is expected that you will revise your research question, but you will need to finalize it by the end of the next module.Describe how you used a social science perspective to create your research question. Each branch of the social sciences (sociology, psychology, anthropology, political science, and economics) is interested in different aspects of human behavior. Depending on the perspective you chose, how might a sociologist, psychologist, or anthropologist look at your ads? What would they focus on? What types of questions would they want to answer?
What is the importance of using P&ID for process engineering?
What is the importance of using P&ID for process engineering?
I currently work at Georgia Pacific in wood products, we make OSB. I have worked as an electrician on shift for several years which meant that there were several times that I would have to troubleshoot and identify issues on my own because I was the only electrician in the entire mill most of the time. I used P&ID’s a lot during this time and it helped me with comparing I/O in the PLC to the actual field devices. The P&ID would point me exactly to where the field device was that I was having the issue with. P&ID’s can also be used to understand the flow of the process as well; identifying gas trains, induced draft systems and more.
Elaborate on the history and development of the ISA standard 5.7 and discuss examples of P&ID uses.
The ISA standard’s main focus upon its creation was to create a set of recorded documents that can be shared on a national basis. ISA5.7 is the development and use of process flow diagrams and P&ID’s.
Links to an external site.
Bartelt, T. L. (2011). Industrial Automated Systems: Instrumentation and Motion Control. Cengage Limited. https://ecpi.vitalsource.com/books/9781305474277
Find two ads for management or executive positions (Copy and paste them).What leadership attributes (competencies) are mentioned in these ads?
Find two ads for management or executive positions (Copy and paste them).
What leadership attributes (competencies) are mentioned in these ads? (There are eight [8] listed in Chapter 12, p. 460).
Leadership Motivation
Knowledge of the Business
Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) and Practical Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.)
If you were on the selection panel, what methods (or questions) would you use to identify these specific leadership attributes (competencies) in job applicants? (For example, what questions would you ask the applicant to decipher his or her leadership competencies? BE SPECIFIC).
You are a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and answers for medical college students. You design and conduct lectures, evaluate student performance and provide feedback through examinations and assignments. Answer each question separately. Include and Introduction. Provide an answer to this content
What is performance studies?
Please fill out this worksheet. The worksheet has prompts, some questions ask you find quotes or explain what you think a passage means. There are 10 questions and a two page reflection. Form can be typed or handwritten depending on your learning style. This is a very important article that helps explain what performance studies is so make sure you take your time with the article and work to understand what Conquergood means. Worksheet- ConquergoodConquergood, D. (2002). Performance Studies: Interventions and Radical Research. TDR/The Drama Review, 46(2), 145156. doi:10.1162/105420402320980550 ? What is performance studies? Hint its on (p. 145). ? What is the power of text? -Conquergood unpacks the terms of gapencillitin and mapencillitin used by the Garifuna people, an African descended minoritized group in Belize. Explain and unpack what does the pencil determine? gapencillitin mapencillitinCompare and Contrast ? Fredrick Douglas subtle but significant instruction to outsiders to listen in silence. ? Geertzs scene (a more traditional view of ethnography) stands above and behind the people and, uninvited, peers over their shoulders to read their texts, like an overseer or a spy. Zora Neal Hurston ? Hurston foregrounds the terrain of struggle, the field of power relations on which texts are written,The 3 As2 Synthesis using 3-4 quotes from the article please answer – What did you learn about performance?
Explain in your own words the ethical responsibilities communication researchers face and must address in their research.
This online activity focuses on information found in Chapter 3 of your textbook. All parts of the assignment must be completed in order to receive credit. You will be graded not only on whether or not you completed all parts, but on the quality of your answers. Once you finish this activity, you must upload to Canvas by the specified due date on the syllabus. ============================================================================= Exploring Research Ethics and the IRB Instructions: Read the following questions carefully and answer them thoroughly. 1. Explain in your own words the ethical responsibilities communication researchers face and must address in their research. 2. Search on the CSUN website for information about the Institutional Review Board or Human Subjects Review Committee. After reviewing the site, answer the following questions: a. What is the URL for the site? Copy and paste the URL in the space below. b. Are students responsible for obtaining permission to conduct research that is only to be submitted as coursework? If yes, describe the procedures that apply. c. Are students responsible for obtaining permission to conduct research that may be submitted to a convention or conference? If yes, describe the procedures that apply.3. For a study using quantitative research methods, describe how you might assign identification numbers to participants who respond to a questionnaire. 4. Assume you have just collected audiotaped interviews from 10 people in your citys government.
As a teacher, you may encounter many different cultures in your classroom at one time. How do you ensure that you are adequately supporting and celebrating the cultural diversity of all students in your class?
1. As a teacher, you may encounter many different cultures in your classroom at one time. How do you ensure that you are adequately supporting and celebrating the cultural diversity of all students in your class? If you were to come across situations in the future where your culturally and linguistically diverse students and families have needs that are being overlooked or underserved, what can you do as a teacher to demonstrate compassion, stand for justice, and promote human flourishing? ONE PARAGRAPH ONE RESOURCE
2. Mateo moved from Brazil four months ago and has been in your class for three weeks. You review his records and find out that he speaks fluent Portuguese and Spanish. Mateos favorite subject when he lived in Brazil was math and he was on the schools soccer team. Mateo has become disruptive during math and is getting into fights during lunchtime. What can you do to help him assimilate and tap into his assets as a learner? ONE PARAGRAPH ONE RESOURCE
3. How can you ensure ELLs develop reading comprehension skills in the grade level or content area you teach? What reading comprehension strategies can be implemented at all levels of English language proficiency and literacy development? ONE PARAGRAPH ONE RESOURCE
4. Keeping in mind that all students (native speakers and those who speak English as an additional language) are at various stages of English language proficiency, how can you differentiate your instruction to meet each students academic needs? ONE PARAGRAPH ONE RESOURCE
Create a diagram of the supply chain of one or more products/services the organizations provides to its customers. Identify the specific suppliers, distributors, manufacturers/Service providers, wholesalers, retailers and end users (Customers).
This assignment is intended to help you build a supply chain plan/diagram for a new business by analyzing factors that affect sourcing, logistics, metrics, suppliers, and risk. A grading rubric is used for this assignment. Ensure you address each element of the grading rubric thoroughly.
This assignment has a grading rubric
Create a diagram of the supply chain of one or more products/services the organizations provides to its customers. Identify the specific suppliers, distributors, manufacturers/Service providers, wholesalers, retailers and end users (Customers).
NOTE: Do not submit as generic supply chain diagram. Use actual names of companies or products who participate in your chosen supply chain.
Use one of the following tools:
Excel – Recommended
Other faculty-approved platform
Value Chain – identify the value each member of the supply chain provides to the customers perceived value of the product or service you provide.
Flow – On your supply chain diagram identify the flow of raw materials, finished goods, communication, and finances.
Inputs and outputs – Name specifically those items flowing through your supply chain.
Risk – What are the risks to the efficiency of your chosen supply chain?
Sourcing – From whom do you get your raw materials (suppliers), and how do you determine which suppliers to utilize?
Location – How do you decide where you receive raw material in relationship to your manufacturing site and location relationship from manufacturing to customers?
Logistics (transportation) – How do raw materials travel from suppliers to manufacturing and finished goods from manufacturers to customers?
Define the terms peristalsis and segmentation. Where do each of these processes occur in the gastrointestinal tract during the digestive process?
1. Define the terms peristalsis and segmentation. Where do each of these processes occur in the gastrointestinal tract during the digestive process?
Provide answer here
2. List four accessory organs to the digestive tract and share their location as well as their main contribution to the digestive process.
Provide answer here
3. The pH of gastric juice is 2, which is very acidic. What is the main chemical responsible for this low pH, and how does the stomach lining, which is composed of epithelial cells, endure this corrosive environment?
Provide answer here
4. Define the following processes and describe the main areas of the nephron where each of these occurs: filtration, absorption, and secretion.
Provide answer here
5. What is a urinalysis, and what are some ways it can be used? List the physical characteristics of healthy urine. Specific gravity and pH values are commonly measured by urinalysis. Define and list the healthy ranges for each.
Provide answer here