What is a discipline? What is a profession? What is the difference? What are examples of each?

Nurse scholars have claimed that nursing is both a discipline and a profession. In order to understand these claims, we must first know what it means for nursing to have a “unique body of knowledge.” If we assume that nursing does, indeed, possess a unique body of knowledge, we can claim that nursing is a “basic science” rather than an “applied science.” Despite these claims, debate continues about nursing as discipline, profession, and science. Is nursing a discipline? A profession? Is nursing a basic science and/or applied science? In your initial post, state what you think about nursing as discipline, profession, and science. Explore the literature beyond that assigned to you for this week’s readings to help you formulate your position. You should include the following:

What is a discipline? What is a profession? What’s the difference? What are examples of each?
Does nursing fit the criteria for a “discipline” and “profession”?
What is a “basic science”? What is an “applied science”? What’s the difference?
Is nursing a “basic” or “applied” science?
Support your statements with scholarly references. You may use those from the assigned readings for this module, but you must also select and use (via your literature search) a minimum of one scholarly reference outside of assigned readings in your initial post.
Present your posts and replies in a professional, scholarly manner. Use the APA publication manual to format citations and references.

Why is cellular respiration considered to be an energy-releasing metabolic pathway? What are the key differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?

Energy Releasing Pathways
This discussion has two parts. Be sure to address both parts.
Part 1: Below are a few questions that will help you think about how our bodies convert energy rich foods to molecules like ATP that can be used to power our bodies. Take a question or two and expand on it. If you have questions, post them.
Why is cellular respiration considered to be an energy-releasing metabolic pathway? What are the key differences between aerobic and anaerobic respiration?
What are the main reactants and products of aerobic respiration?
What are the three stages of aerobic respiration. Where in a cell does each stage occur?
How does the cell utilize ATP generated by respiration?
Part 2: Photosynthesis
Photosynthesis is an interesting process, a little complex, but once it makes sense it is great.
There are two major components that I would like you to focus on. One is the capture of energy in chloroplasts, on the thylakoid membrane. That energy is derived from the sun. The sun is captured in the photosystems that are housed in the thylakoid membrane. These are the light dependent reactions. 
Some of you, in this discussion, please describe the light dependent reactions. What is happening in these reactions? What are the products? What are the reactants?
Then, there is a second set of reactions, the light-independent reactions. The light independent reactions use energy made in the light dependent reactions and make an important product.

Microsoft Project is a Microsoft proprietary software application developed for project management. Using the Internet resources describe this software application. What are its features and functions that help track the EHR implementation project progress? What are the pros and cons of using it for managing EHR projects?

Microsoft Project is a Microsoft proprietary software application developed for project management. Using the Internet resources describe this software application. What are its features and functions that help track the EHR implementation project progress? What are the pros and cons of using it for managing EHR projects? What could be its alternative(s) in terms of project management software tools (excluding Gantt Chart)? Describe at least one of these and compare its features and functions with the Microsoft Project in a table format. Which of these would you prefer for EHR implementation in your facility and why? 

You are a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and answers for medical college students. You design and conduct lectures, evaluate student performance and provide feedback through examinations and assignments. Answer each question separately. Include and Introduction. Provide an answer to this content

Research two career specializations and two professional organizations.

Research two career specializations and two professional organizations.
(NOTE: this assignment is due in Unit 2, but is introduced here so you can start working on it).
Hi everyone,
Copy and paste the assignment below and provide your answers below each section.
Read Careers in Psychology (in module 1). Choose two career specializations in different areas of psychology (research; physical and mental health; teaching and student services; social development; business and industry) and two professional organizations related to the career specializations. Complete the following assignment for each career specialization and professional organization:
1. Thoroughly research each career specialization from the reading and reputable online sources:
a. name the career specialization and area it is related to;
b. give a detailed description of the career specialization;
c. describe the education requirements for the career specialization including degrees, licensing, certification, etc.,
d. describe the specific job responsibilities for the career specialization,
e. identify the population of clients,
f. identify the work settings,
g. give the salary range including the source and year,
h. give the future job growth percentage for the career specialization,
2. Thoroughly research a professional organization related to each career specialization:
a. name the organization
b. identify the mission and general information about the organization,
c. list the membership types and fees,
d. describe three benefits of joining the organization

Compare and evaluate 4 garments: 1 t-shirt, 1 tank top, 1 camisole, 1 polo shirt. Each should have similar properties as well as differing elements. Identify the manufacturer. Does the garment conform to the TFPIA and Care Labeling Acts? Explain. 

You are to Compare and evaluate 4 garments: 1 t-shirt, 1 tank top, 1 camisole, 1 polo shirt.
Each should have similar properties as well as differing elements. Identify the manufacturer.
Does the garment conform to the TFPIA and Care Labeling Acts? Explain. 
These garments must be from different labels and come from a wide variety, ranging from what you consider the highest to lowest quality. They must be in the knit fabrics assigned.  NO WOVEN FABRICS.
Ultimately you will present an educated comparison of the quality, value, and durability of these garments. (You might, in the future, have to purchase, justify, and merchandise such goods for the company employing you). 
You will submit a business report, prepare an oral presentation, and covering the following:  

Identify the manufacturer.
Does the garment conform to the TFPIA and Care Labeling Acts? Explain. 
Be thorough in your examination of each garment from the outward appearance to the inward construction. 
Elements of style and design execution should be evaluated. (Neckline, sleeve, silhouette.)
Include a “Quick Cost” breakdown with your justification of the cost values. 
Include a photo of the front and back of each garment you evaluate. 

What to Submit:
Your report will be given to the class orally, but you must submit a DETAILED product report written in Business Format, double spaced, and checked for grammatical and spelling errors. 1 point will be deducted for each error.  Please refer to the How to Write a Business Report PDF for writing guidelines. 
Be prepared for a 3-5 minute presentation of your evaluation.Make sure you bring all garments to class in order to visually reinforce your evaluation.You will not be able to present in class if you do not have the assigned garments.

Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the Invasive aspergillosis.


A 49-year-old patient with rheumatoid arthritis comes into the clinic with a chief complaint of a fever.
Patient’s current medications include atorvastatin 40 mg at night, methotrexate 10 mg po every Friday morning and prednisone 5 mg po qam.
He states that he has had a fever up to 101 degrees F for about a week and admits to chills and sweats.
He says he has had more fatigue than usual and reports some chest pain associated with coughing.
He admits to having occasional episodes of hemoptysis.
He works as a grain inspector at a large farm cooperative.
After extensive work-up, the patient was diagnosed with Invasive aspergillosis.

The Assignment
(1- to 2-page case study analysis-this does not include title page and reference page)
Develop a 1- to 2-page case study analysis in which you:

Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described. (Not a trick question but reflective of a patient on immunosuppressive drugs and a high-risk employment for exposure to Aspergillosis)
Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the Invasive aspergillosis.
Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.

Define what the term “family” means to you and describe how your definition of family influenced the content of the genogram.

This scholarl doc is an interpretive analysis of the comprehensive genogram illustration which highlights trends in family relationships, marital status, family issues, family patterns of mental illness, and substance abuse.
Develop a scholarly doc in word format that addresses the following criteria:

Complete a 5-6 page in-depth analysis of the information gained in the family genogram ALREADY DONE (SEE ATTACHED).
Three issues should be addressed in this narrative:
Define what the term “family” means to you and describe how your definition of family influenced the content of the genogram. Include cultural, spiritual and ethnic influences in your response.
Describe your family’s structure.  Include household composition, sibling constellations, unusual family configurations and multiple families, i.e., foster care, adoption, stepfamilies, and god-families.  Provide specific examples of open-type, closed-type, or random-type communication and the presence of boundaries, if any.  
Discuss your reasons for excluding family members that may have been logical to include.
Use key terms to interpret the family dynamics and communication and how it impacts the family.  
Interpret the family’s patterns and functioning between and within generations.  Provide specific examples to explain the family’s relationship with each other i.e., relationship dynamics between generations and intergenerational and family member roles.  Use key terms to interpret life events like marriages, divorces, transitions, traumas, family secrets, and critical life changes.


Research elasticity information for two particular goods: one with an elastic demand and one with an inelastic demand. Using elasticity information you gather, predict changes in demand.

Unit I introduced the benefits of markets to improving outcomes for producers and consumers. Unit II examined the role of costs and prices in decision-making. For this assignment, you will answer a series of questions in the form of an assignment. Support your answers with research from at least three peer-reviewed journal articles using the CSU Online Library (or other sources).

Research elasticity information for two particular goods: one with an elastic demand and one with an inelastic demand. Using elasticity information you gather, predict changes in demand. The United States Department of Agriculture website has a good resource to help with this.
Describe how marginal analysis, by avoiding sunk costs, leads to better pricing decisions.
Explain the importance of opportunity costs to decision-making and how opportunity costs lead to trade.
Evaluate how better business decisions can benefit not just the producer but the consumer and society as a whole. In your evaluation, contrast the deontology and consequentialism approaches to ethics.

Chapter 10: Carter Cleaning company – The New Pay Plan10-20. Is the company at the point where it should be setting up a formal salary structure based on a complete job evaluation? Why?

Answer the following questions:Chapter 10: Carter Cleaning company – The New Pay Plan10-20. Is the company at the point where it should be setting up a formal salary structure based on a complete job evaluation? Why?10-21. Is Jack Carter’s policy of paying 10% more than the prevailing rates a sound one, and how could that be determined?10-22. Similarly, is Carter’s male–female differential wise? If not, why not?10-23. Specifically, what would you suggest Jennifer do now with respect to her company’s pay plan?Chapter 11: Carter Cleaning Company – The Incentive Plan11-20. Should this plan be extended to pressers in the other stores?11-21. Should other employees (cleaner/spotters, counter people) be put on a similar plan? Why or why not? If so, how, exactly?11-22. Is there another incentive plan you think would work better for the pressers? Describe it.11-23. A store manager’s job is to keep total wages to no more than 30% of sales and to maintain the fuel bill and the supply bill at about 9% of sales each. Managers can also directly affect sales by ensuring courteous customer service and by ensuring that the work is done properly. What suggestions would you make to Jennifer and her father for an incentive plan for store managers?BOOK TITLE: Fundamental of Human Resources ManagementAUTHOR: Gary DesslerEDITION: 5thISBN:9780136878858PUBLISHER: PearsonPUBLISHED: 2020 

 Explain both the technical and the interpersonal processes as essential elements of providing quality health care. What is the synergy between them? What are the benefits and the challenges we must be aware of?

Before starting on any of the assignments. Please ensure that you check over the required readings and follow the directions as instructed.
Assignment Overview
In all settings, healthcare quality processes must be designed and implemented in a way that meets or exceeds the expectations of patients. Accreditation requirements must be met or exceeded as well, and all applicable laws must be obeyed. With the bar constantly being raised on the quality and safety indicators of patient outcomes and experiences, we must be prepared to provide consistently excellent patient care experiences, to only provide necessary services, and to do all of this at the lowest cost possible.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, in cooperation with the Institute of Medicine, currently promotes six quality aims/dimensions for health care provision. Considered together, these six dimensions provide us with a timely framework to begin understanding the foundation of quality assurance in health care provision in both the public and the private sectors. The first Case allows you to explore what each of these six quality dimensions are, and understand how we assess them in terms of their quality indicators. Under this framework, the technical and interpersonal processes of providing health care come together—and we examine that interaction for both its benefits and its challenges.
Homework Case Assignment
Using the information in the required readings as well as some additional research in peer-reviewed sources, complete your Case Assignment by answering the following:
1.  Research and articulate the six current quality aims/dimensions of providing health care as promoted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the Institute of Medicine.
2.  Provide a summary of how each of the six aims/dimensions are commonly assessed and then managed in terms of quality. What are the identified best practices for ensuring quality in each of the six dimensions? Be specific in your explanations.
3.  The Agency for Health Research and Quality (AHRQ) recognizes that health disparities impact the health status of different groups creating a higher rate of disease and increased rates of death and suffering.  AHRQ has developed specific health guidelines to combat these health challenges in an effort to improve health outcomes. Using the link below, choose two health programs and develop a short summary of the remediation efforts of for each and their effectiveness. https://effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/products/cultural-competence/research-protocol
4.  Explain both the technical and the interpersonal processes as essential elements of providing quality health care. What is the synergy between them? What are the benefits and the challenges we must be aware of?
Assignment Expectations
1.  Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.
2.  Provide a response of 3-5 pages, not including title page and references.
3.  As we have multiple required items to be addressed herein, please use subheadings to show where you’re responding to each required item and to ensure that none are omitted.
4.  Support your paper with peer-reviewed articles and reliable sources. Use at least three references, and a minimum of two of these from peer-reviewed sources. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see:Angelo State University Library. (n.d.). Library Guides: How to recognize peer-reviewed (refereed) journals. Retrieved from https://www.angelo.edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php
and for evaluating internet sources:Georgetown University Library. (n.d.). Evaluating internet resources. Retrieved from https://www.library.georgetown.edu/tutorials/research-guides/evaluating-internet-content
5.  You may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment:Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). General APA guidelines. Retrieved from https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/.
6.  Paraphrase all source information into your own words carefully, and use in-text citations.

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