Develop a report on marketing strategies used by a UK firm of your Choice (i have usedSony Ericsson) using the following guidelines: 1. Introduction 2.Situational Analysis 3. SWOT analysis 4. Differential advantage 5. Segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy 6.Marketing Objectives and goals (Use the 7-Ps) 7.Conclusion

Develop a report on marketing strategies used by a UK firm of your Choice (i have usedSony Ericsson) using the following guidelines:
1. Introduction
2.Situational Analysis
3. SWOT analysis
4. Differential advantage
5. Segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy
6.Marketing Objectives and goals (Use the 7-Ps)
Last page References adhere strictly to APA referencing style both in bibliography page and in text citations
. 11

Craft a letter to the editor of a professional journal about the global perspectives on economics and healthcare finance.  You will share your views about the causes affecting the increase in cost expenditure in the United States and compare them with the situation in developing countries. It is important that you support your letter with scholarly evidence.

 During this week, you will also craft a letter to the editor of a professional journal about the global perspectives on economics and healthcare finance.  Remember–this is a letter to the editor and should be formatted as such. I have attached a reference that should help you to organize your thoughts for the letter. You will share your views about the causes affecting the increase in cost expenditure in the United States and compare them with the situation in developing countries. It is important that you support your letter with scholarly evidence. It is critical that you only use sources that have been published in the last five years. Please remember that I grade you using the provided rubric and that all the sources in your assignments should be cited according to APA style.   
*** use rubric vebatim
** use template
Textbook link:
Reading: Global Health Care: Issues and Policies, Chapters 2, 3, and 4 
What to Submit

Prosecutors often possess unfettered discretion in making charging decisions.  The prosecutors essential duty is to ensure that charging decisions are based upon the existence of probable cause.  However, some would expand the prosecutors duty to matters surrounding social justice.  In fact, K. Babe Howell suggests that Prosecutors have a duty to seek justice and to decline prosecution when prosecuting would result in social inequities.  Present an argument in favor of and against Howells position.  Make sure to include case reference(s) to explain your position. 


1.  Prosecutors often possess unfettered discretion in making charging decisions.  The prosecutor’s essential duty is to ensure that charging decisions are based upon the existence of probable cause.  However, some would expand the prosecutor’s duty to matters surrounding social justice.  In fact, K. Babe Howell suggests that prosecutors have a duty to seek justice and to decline prosecution when prosecuting would result in social inequities.  Present an argument in favor of and against Howell’s position.  Make sure to include case reference(s) to explain your position. 
2.  Defendant “A” is arrested for possession 14 grams of oxycodone.  Law enforcement met with a confidential informant, of whom was attempting to work with law enforcement to reduce their own sentence.  The informant notified law enforcement that they could set up a controlled buy and procure a trafficking amount of oxycodone.  The informant knew that “A” possessed a large quantity of the drug.  Although “A” did not regularly sell, “A” was in desperate financial need and would likely cooperate.  “A” has no criminal history, but became addicted to oxycodone after being prescribed the drug to regulate severe back pain.  “A” routinely procured the drug through illicit means, but maintained possession for personal use.  Because “A” regularly procures the drug through illicit means, “A” has personal knowledge of the suppliers, and could identify them.  However, “A” is unlikely to cooperate with law enforcement because he is fearful of retaliation. Law enforcement agreed to the controlled buy, and ultimately “A” agreed to sell the narcotics to the informant.  After the buy is complete, “A” is taken into custody.  “A” is arrested for trafficking, and is subject to a mandatory minimum sentence.
You are a career prosecutor.  Your community has significant drug-related problems and associated high-crime activity.  The State Attorney has made it clear that drug-related offenses must be prosecuted, and that all attempts should be made to identify and target major suppliers.  You find out, during your investigation, that the informant is not reliable, and you question whether the informant should have been used by law enforcement. You know that you do not need to use the informant as a witness, but you are concerned nonetheless. 
A.  Refer to Florida Statute 893.135.  Do you charge “A”, and if so, with what offense?  Why do you make this decision?
Links to an external site.

B.  You decide to engage in “hard bargaining” with the defense.  How do you structure your plea offer?  What is your goal?  What advice must defense counsel provide to “A”? How might “hard bargaining” impact “A’s” decision? 

Describe how personal significance can make semantic memories easier to remember. How can this information be used to enhance learning and retention of learned materials? How can this relate to various aspects of life and career? Provide a real-world example of how this was or can be applied. Was it helpful??Why or why not?

1. Describe how personal significance can make semantic memories easier to remember.2. How can this information be used to enhance learning and retention of learned materials?3. How can this relate to various aspects of life and career?4. Provide a real-world example of how this was or can be applied. Was it helpful??Why or why not?

Discuss at least five reasons some organizations forbid employees to use instant and text messaging.

Please read chapter 5
 and chapter 6.

Chapter 5:

#2 Why is workplace e-mail unlikely to go away anytime soon? (L.O. 1)

#3 Why do many workers complain about e-mail? (L.O. 1)

#4 Name at least five reasons some organizations forbid employees to use instant and text messaging. (L.O. 2)

#7 Explain why companies use blogs. (L.O. 4)

#10Why do you need to critically evaluate all information that engulfs you daily? (L.O. 5)


Chapter 6:

#4 Why should businesses welcome customer comments online? (L.O. 2)

#6 What is a claim? When should it be straightforward? (L.O. 3)

#7 What are a writer’s three goals in composing an adjustment message? (L.O. 4)

#9 What are five characteristics of goodwill messages? (L.O. 5)

#10Name four groups of people to whom business communicators might write letters of appreciation. (L.O. 5)


Part 2.  

Page 140-141

Message Openers and Subject Lines (L.O. 1)
Your Task:

Compare the following sets of message openers. Circle the letter of the opener that illustrates a direct opening. Write an appropriate subject line for each opening paragraph.

16.) An e-mail announcing a study:
a. We have noticed recently a gradual but steady decline in the number of customer checking accounts. We are disturbed by this trend, and for this reason I am asking our Customer Relations Department to conduct a study and make recommendations regarding this important problem.
b. Our Customer Relations Department will study the gradual but steady decline of customer checking accounts and recommend potential solutions.

Subject line:

17.) An e-mail announcing a new procedure:
a. It has come to our attention that increasing numbers of staff members are using IM to send business messages. We realize that IM saves time and gets you fast responses, and we are prepared to continue to allow its use, but we have developed some specific procedures that we want you to use to make sure it is safe as well as efficient.
b. The following new procedures for using instant messaging at work will enable staff members to continue to use it safely and efficiently.

Subject line:

18.) An e-mail inquiring about software:
a. Please answer the following questions about your voice-recognition software. We would like to know how reliable the machine transcription is and whether the software can be trained to recognize various voices.
b. We are interested in your voice-recognition software that we understand allows users to dictate and copy text without touching a keyboard. We are interested in answers to a number of questions, such as the reliability of the machine transcription. We also want to know whether the software can be trained to recognize various voices.

Subject line:

19.) An e-mail announcing introducing a new manager:
a. Please welcome our new HR manager, Kristi Bostock, who comes from our Chicago office. Kristi is a 17-year management veteran with a strong focus on diversity and inclusion. Please join us in warmly welcoming our new HR manager.
b. This is a message to bring you good news. You will be pleased to learn that our long wait is over. After going without an HR chief for many weeks, we are finally able to welcome our new manager, Kristi Bostock, who comes from our Chicago office.

Subject line:

Page 175

Critical Thinking

11.) In this chapter you learned that badmouthing businesses online can have costly consequences. Some companies have used so-called SLAPP laws to sue consumers for writing negative reviews on the Internet. The acronym stands for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. Opponents consider such lawsuits frivolous and believe they threaten the public’s free speech rights under the First Amendment. Therefore, 30 states and the District of Columbia currently have anti-SLAPP laws allowing early dismissal of meritless lawsuits brought to intimidate and silence reviewers and other public critics. Is trying to silence reviewers on social media fair, or are businesses within their rights to protect from illegitimate damaging complaints? (L.O. 3)

What are the meanings of sustainability and globalization to you, both personally and in the context of your family history?

What are the meanings of sustainability and globalization to you, both personally and in the context of your family history? This week’s paper is a full swing for the first Unit on Sustainability. We did have an opening Discussion with regards to the theme, now we are going full circle. Please write about the theme and make reference to at least three of the readings, and/or videos in your context from the first few weeks along with the Sustainability Goals. Give your critical reaction as always as you bring in the readings and videos.
Follow the same guidelines as reaction paper and the scoring Rubric:
Remember to not only answer the question but back up with any readings or Sustainability goals, etc. that apply that we have studied in this unit.
Make sure to give all references in the paper and citations.
You may also use outside sources if they apply.

The general manager of a business encounters many different types of business transactions. Provide an example for each of the following transactions that would describe its effect on the accounting equation. Each situation is independent of the other situations. The transaction would increase an asset account and increase a liability account. The transaction would decrease an asset account and decrease the owner’s equity account.

The general manager of a business encounters many different types of business transactions. Provide an example for each of the following transactions that would describe its effect on the accounting equation. Each situation is independent of the other situations. The transaction would increase an asset account and increase a liability account. The transaction would decrease an asset account and decrease the owner’s equity account.
The transaction would increase an asset account and increase the owner’s equity account.
The transaction would decrease an asset account and decrease a liability account.

  Look for the following title on your virtual Library:  Knowledge of Staff nurses regarding Legal aspects of patient care. Shenai, S. N. A., Joseph, J., & Kachappillil, A. J. (2019). Knowledge of staff nurses regarding legal aspects of patient care. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research, 9(1), 143-145. doi: Why do the authors consider is important for nurses to know the ethics and law; in Nursing as a profession?

Look for the following title on your virtual Library:  Knowledge of Staff nurses regarding Legal aspects of patient care. Shenai, S. N. A., Joseph, J., & Kachappillil, A. J. (2019). Knowledge of staff nurses regarding legal aspects of patient care. Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research, 9(1), 143-145. doi: Why do the authors consider is important for nurses to know the ethics and law; in Nursing as a profession?
b-) What were their main results?
c-) What were the recommendations of this study?
2- Define Negligence and Malpractice. Comment an example of each of them in the nursing profession. 
3- Review this website article and make your own summary of the tasks the RN can delegate to the UAP and to the LPN: (Links to an external site.)
4- Review the principles of delegation in the attached PDF.
5- Analyze the following picture to discuss in the following class.

Which was NOT a known consequence of the Little Ice Age? War and other types of conflict increased due to competition for scarce resources. Forced confinement and wintry landscapes inspired the creation of new works of art and literature. Stark conditions aggravated the instability in China that ultimately brought about the end of the Ming Dynasty. Coastal communities suffered the most due to their inability to leverage trade to diversify foods and supplement their diets. Isolated inland communities suffered the most due to their inability to leverage trade to diversify foods and supplement their diets.

15 ptsQuestion 1


Examine the Northern European painting (Hans Holbein the Younger, The Ambassadors, 1533) and the Southern European painting
(Caravaggio, Crucifixion of St Peter, 1600), and use them to discuss the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter-
Reformation. Include at least three important points in your short essay.

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9 ptsQuestion 2

Edit View Insert Format Tools Table

12pt Paragraph

First, explain the meaning of the term Columbian Exchange, and then describe the impact of two specific items that transferred between
the New World and the Old World.

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3 ptsQuestion 3

Which was NOT a known consequence of the Little Ice Age?

War and other types of conflict increased due to competition for scarce resources.

Forced confinement and wintry landscapes inspired the creation of new works of art and literature.

Stark conditions aggravated the instability in China that ultimately brought about the end of the Ming Dynasty.

Coastal communities suffered the most due to their inability to leverage trade to diversify foods and supplement their diets.

Isolated inland communities suffered the most due to their inability to leverage trade to diversify foods and supplement their diets.

3 ptsQuestion 4

Which statement is NOT true?

A major element of the scientific revolution was the proliferation of tools that greatly enhanced researchers’ ability to observe the world around them.

According to Enlightenment thinking, humans were inherently good but susceptible to degrees of corruption due to flawed institutions.

Christianity remained a foundational belief system to Enlightenment thinkers, an extension of the scientific revolution.

A virtuous society, to revolutionary figures of the 18th century, would be founded on rational, well-ordered, representative government.

Submit Quiz

 Review the qualification levels for the use of psychological assessment presented in Naugles Counseling and Testing. Compare these qualifications to your state laws or rules in your specialization to determine your qualification level, and describe what type of assessments you may be qualified to administer with appropriate training and supervision after you are licensed in your state.

 Review the qualification levels for the use of psychological assessment presented in Naugles Counseling and Testing. Compare these qualifications to your state laws or rules in your specialization to determine your qualification level, and describe what type of assessments you may be qualified to administer with appropriate training and supervision after you are licensed in your state. As a licensed or certified counselor in your specialization, which level will you qualify under in your state, and what do training and supervision entail for Level A, B, and C tests? 

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