Cryptography is divided into two types: Symmetrical and Asymmetrical. Symmetrical cryptography uses a secret key to encrypt data and the same key to decrypt the ciphered data. Asymmetrical cryptography uses a public key to encrypt data and a public key to decrypt data.Compare symmetrical and Asymmetrical encryption using common algorithms from each encryption types
Please be sure to follow APA guidelines for citing and referencing source. Assignments are due by 11:59 pm Eastern time on Sunday.
Cryptography is divided into two types: Symmetrical and Asymmetrical. Symmetrical cryptography uses a secret key to encrypt data and the same key to decrypt the ciphered data. Asymmetrical cryptography uses a public key to encrypt data and a public key to decrypt data.Compare symmetrical and Asymmetrical encryption using common algorithms from each encryption types. Your analysis should focus on speed, key length, and implementation.
Provide the name of the national or international union you are going to report on. In doing your report use Union Report outline with bullet point sentences under each report element. Pay particular attention to the History and Current Challenges portion of the report.
My Topic is: The National Education Association Labor union (NEA)
Provide the name of the national or international union you are going to report on. In doing your report use Union Report outline with bullet point sentences under each report element. Pay particular attention to the History and Current Challenges portion of the report. See attached Union Report outline to help you get started on your report. Do not rely only on the union website, Wikipedia or other encyclopedias for your report. Use other resources like Google, and the New York Times to find useful articles about the union you have chosen. Cornell University and the University of California-Berkeley have excellent resources. Also, consider your sources. The Center for Union Facts has some useful information but it is a right-wing, anti-union organization. The Economic Policy Institute is a liberal think tank that is pro-union. The actual report is due at the end of lesson 8. See report outline below. Use bullet point sentences for your report.
Search the Bible (either the Old or New Testament) for verse(s) that would guide you in answering the Ethical/Social/Financial Issues (you may choose from topics from the Thompson textbook) that you have identified or that may be present in the firm and how this would guide strategic choice. Discuss this Bible verse(s) and your Christian worldview as theyrelate to your chosen Ethical/Social Issues questions.
Review the Thompson text and apply your knowledge of strategy/policy and your Christian worldview as you evaluate the firm used in the case study.
Search the Bible (either the Old or New Testament) for verse(s) that would guide you in answering the Ethical/Social/Financial Issues (you may choose from topics from the Thompson textbook) that you have identified or that may be present in the firm and how this would guide strategic choice.
Discuss this Bible verse(s) and your Christian worldview as theyrelate to your chosen Ethical/Social Issues questions.
A suggested format for this assignment is as follows:a. First section: Discuss a problem or key area identified in your research of the firm. What is the Ethical/Social/Financial Issues identified (from a strategy/policy perspective).b. Second section: State and discuss the Bible verse(s) that are relevant to the identified area. To properly address this section, it will require biblical research to put your verse(s) into context for the next section.c. Third paragraph: Discuss/analyze the importance of the Bible verse(s) in addressing your chosen topic from a Christian worldview perspective.
Evidence can be grouped into categories involving the same color, size, model, brand, caliber, patterns, and other various descriptives. These items of evidence fall into groups of evidence having class characteristics, which display similarities but do not identify them as a match conclusively. List 3 items of evidence and what characteristics they might have that would be considered class characteristics. Relate why they fall into the category of class characteristics.
Evidence can be grouped into categories involving the same color, size, model, brand, caliber, patterns, and other various descriptives. These items of evidence fall into groups of evidence having class characteristics, which display similarities but do not identify them as a match conclusively.
Items that match conclusively indicate that a certain item of evidence made impressions from normal wear or defects that make it unique. Only that item of evidence could have made those impressions or markings or only that item of evidence can be compared to another piece of evidence, showing that the two pieces were one. Those items of evidence have individual characteristics and to the exclusion of all others rule out any other similar item matching them.
List 3 items of evidence and what characteristics they might have that would be considered class characteristics. Relate why they fall into the category of class characteristics.
List 3 items of evidence and what characteristics that they might have that would be considered individual characteristics and how they match to the exclusion of all other items of a similar nature.
For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.
Describe how to apply professional use of self and leadership skills through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
1400 words
The purpose of the assignment on advocacy, social action, community practice, and administrative practice is to create an innovative community-based initiative to address a social, economic, or environmental injustice. Social media tools are widely used to create instant communication and information sharing opportunities. Further, social media is used promote professional networking, personal connections, fundraising, political agendas, and community events. The traditional barriers of time, location, and resources have been reduced based on the low cost of the use of technology. Because of technology, messages are able to reach a wider array of people; technology allows for greater service to global communities in promotion of social justice.
By successfully completing this assignment, you demonstrate your proficiency in the following competencies and specialized behaviors:
Competency 1: Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior.
C1.SP.A: Apply professional use of self and leadership skills with colleagues, clients, groups, organizations, and communities.
C1.SP.B: Articulate and provide leadership in the application of the core values and ethical standards of the social work profession through an ethical problem-solving model to aid in critical thinking, affective reactions, and ethical decision making related to individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to guide and inform ethical practice in the specialization of advanced generalist social work.
Related Assignment Criterion:
5: Describe how to apply professional use of self and leadership skills through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
C1.SP.C: Integrate the ethical and effective use of technology at all levels of practice in the specialization of advanced generalist social work with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Related Assignment Criterion:
6: Describe how to promote community well-being through the ethical and effective use of the technology standards.
Competency 2: Engage diversity and differences in practice.
C2.SP.A: Analyze dimensions and differentiation in diversity and apply the influence of relationships, intervention techniques, and technologies with diverse clients, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Related Assignment Criterion:
8: Analyze the dimensions of diversity and differentiation that influence relationships.
Competency 3: Advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.
C3.SP.A: Apply leadership skills and technology to engage in collaborative practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to advocate for appropriate services, resources, and supports to achieve goals and foster positive change.
Related Assignment Criterion:
3. Apply a social media tool to develop, support, and sustain a local community initiative.
4. Promote community well-being through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
7. Advocate for the identified issue.
10: Analyze how collaborative involvement promotes success.
C3.SP.B: Apply leadership behaviors by engaging in reflective and professional practices that address and advance social, economic, and environmental justice issues.
Related Assignment Criterion:
5: Describe how to apply professional use of self and leadership skills through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
C3.SP.C: Analyze and respond to evolving leadership, technological, political, economic, social cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts to shape the specialization of advanced generalist practice.
Related Assignment Criterion:
2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
Competency 4: Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice.
C4.SP.A: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and the use of technology to inform evidence-based research practice to develop, implement, evaluate, and communicate interventions across the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings.
Related Assignment Criterion:
1: Analyze a social or economic injustice in the local community that can be reduced through the use of social media.
Competency 5: Engage in policy practice.
C5.SP.A: Apply leadership skills and decision making as social change agents to collaborate with clients, colleagues, and identified stakeholders to advance social and economic well-being in the delivery of effective and technology-assisted social work services to individuals, families, and groups.
Related Assignment Criterion:
10: Analyze how collaborative involvement promotes success.
Competency 6: Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
C6.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice when engaging with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Related Assignment Criterion:
9: Integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice.
C6.SP.C: Apply leadership skills and emerging technologies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice when engaging with individuals, families, group, organizations, and communities to promote systemic change towards client sustainability.
Related Assignment Criterion:
2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
Competency 7: Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
C7.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice when assessing individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Related Assignment Criterion:
9: Integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice.
C7.SP.C: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and emerging technologies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice when assessing individuals, families, group, organizations, and communities to promote systemic change towards client sustainability.
Related Assignment Criterion:
2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
Competency 8: Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
C8.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice interventions with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Related Assignment Criterion:
9: Integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice.
C8.SP.C: Apply leadership skills and emerging technologies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice when engaging with individuals, families, group, organizations, and communities to promote systemic change towards client sustainability.
Related Assignment Criterion:
2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
Competency 9: Evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
C9.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice evaluation with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Related Assignment Criterion:
9: Integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice.
C9.SP.C: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and emerging technologies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice evaluation with individuals, families, group, organizations, and communities to promote systemic change towards client sustainability.
Related Assignment Criterion:
2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
C9.SP.D: Analyze and respond to evolving leadership, technological, political, economic, social cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts to shape the specialization of advanced generalist practice evaluation.
Related Assignment Criterion:
2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
Assignment Description
In this assignment, you will use the information and feedback you have gathered in the course to develop an advocacy and community practice proposal; specifically, the readings presented in the courseroom, the knowledge gained from the previous assignments, and the “NASW, ASWB, CSWE, & CSWA Standards for Use of Technology in Social Work Practice.” You will present this proposal to an agency, a community, an organization, an individual, or a group for its support.
In your proposal, you will develop a community-based initiative to bring awareness to, or educate about, the presence of a local social or economic injustice through the use of a social media tool. You will describe a plan that could be used to sustain or maintain a local community initiative. Discuss how you will create the social media presence, present a plan to maintain the social media tool, and ensure its alignment to the technology standards. For example, the social media tool may be the use of Facebook, Skype, Twitter, or a blog. It is recommended that you reference the technology standards in your proposal.
Assignment Instructions
For this assignment:
Develop a community-based initiative to eliminate or reduce the presence of a local social or economic injustice through the use of a social media tool.
Explain how to apply a social media tool to develop a local initiative. The social media tool may be the use of Facebook, Skype, Twitter, a blog, or others.
Describe the social or economic injustice you desire to eliminate or reduce in the local community.
Create a social media presence, including a plan to sustain or maintain the social media tool, and ensure its alignment to the technology standards.
Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
What population will the initiative serve?
How is the initiative different than others in the community?
Apply the social media tool used to promote the initiative and how you will promote community well-being through the use of the technology standards.
Discuss why this tool was chosen and its benefits for your initiative.
Discuss how you will create access to the social media.
Discuss how you will maintain and sustain the social media presence to promote the initiative.
Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to the area of social or economic injustice you have identified.
Describe how to apply professional use of self and leadership skills through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
Describe how you will promote community well-being through the ethical and effective use of the technology standards.
Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to respond to evolving leadership, technological, political, economic, social cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts and why it is important.
Analyze how the collaborative involvement of the agency, community, organization, group, or individual you are presenting to will promote the success of the proposed initiative that advocates for appropriate services, resources, and supports to achieve goals and foster positive change.
Articulate and provide leadership in the application of the core values and ethical standards of the social work profession through an ethical problem-solving model to aid in critical thinking and ethical decision making related to individuals, families, organizations, and communities to guide and inform ethical advanced generalist social work practice while conducting advocacy to the issue you identified.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
Resources: A minimum of five scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.
Business valuation is based on many things, such as competition, growth potential, reputation, etc. Assume you are thinking of purchasing Columbia College, what value would you put on it? How did you arrive at that figure? What variables did you use to calculate your valuation of CC? Look at what other students calculated, do you agree with their final valuation, the variables they used, etc? Why or why not?
Business valuation is based on many things, such as competition, growth potential, reputation, etc. Assume you are thinking of purchasing Columbia College, what value would you put on it? How did you arrive at that figure? What variables did you use to calculate your valuation of CC? Look at what other students calculated, do you agree with their final valuation, the variables they used, etc? Why or why not?
What are deadweight losses, and what are their causes?What are the market effects of a deadweight loss?What are the major factors that determine who will bear the burden of a tax or the incidence of a tax?
respond to 1 of the discussion questions below and submit your response to the Discussion Area. Use the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading. Support your answers with examples and research and cite your sources using APA format.
choose only one question from the 2
Discussion Question 1:
One of the problems in a competitive market environment is deadweight losses.
What are deadweight losses, and what are their causes?What are the market effects of a deadweight loss?What are the major factors that determine who will bear the burden of a tax or the incidence of a tax?
Discussion Question 2:
Adam Smith, usually referred to as the father of economics, expounded the theory of free markets and opposed any form of concentration of economic power. He believed that any authority establishing a price that provided a fair price to the providers of the factors of production would distort the market’s natural ability to determine prices and output levels. In general, he believed that competitive markets would allocate resources to their highest and best use. However, in recent times, we have seen the market mechanism fail and allocate too many or too few resources to the consumption or production of some goods and services.
What are some of the reasons for this failure?
Has government intervention into competitive markets changed the efficiency of these markets? Why or why not?
Was Smith correct or incorrect in his theories concerning the efficiency of the markets in allocation of resources?
Justify your answer.
Start reviewing and responding to at least two of your classmates’ postings
Create a feasibility and competitive analysis report to determine the likelihood of success for a proposed new venture. Include the macro environment affecting your ventures industry, the value proposition, the main customer segments, and a competitive analysis for your new venture.
Create a feasibility and competitive analysis report to determine the likelihood of success for a proposed new venture. Include the macro environment affecting your venture’s industry, the value proposition, the main customer segments, and a competitive analysis for your new venture.
This assessment examines ways to identify customers and target markets as well as how to conduct a feasibility and competitive analysis report for a new venture. You will conduct a feasibility and competitive analysis that:
Analyzes the macro environment affecting your venture’s industry.
Specifies the value proposition.
Identifies the main customer segment.
Conducts a competitive analysis for your new venture.
A bootstrap marketing plan can be used to identify customers and target markets for a new venture. The goal of marketing is to create and deliver desired goods and services to customers, and it includes all of the activities for winning and retaining loyal customers (Scarborough & Cornwall, 2019). These activities include identification of the customers who are most likely to buy products or services from your business and focusing marketing efforts on these customers. A competitive and feasibility analysis can be used to identify the viability of a business idea. This analysis is the first step in determining if there is a market for the new venture’s product(s) and/or service(s), and determines how much the product(s) and/or service(s) appeal to potential customers.
Scarborough, N. M., & Cornwall, J. R. (2019). Essentials of entrepreneurship and small business management (9th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
Conduct a feasibility and competitive analysis to ascertain the viability of your proposed new venture and determine if it will have sufficient likelihood of success. Draft a 56 page report that:
Analyzes the macro environment affecting your venture’s industry.
Specifies the value proposition.
Identifies the main customer segments
Conducts a competitive analysis for your new venture.
Use the Feasibility Analysis for New Venture [DOCX] template to complete this assessment.
Your paper must cover the following (these are all listed on the template):
Macro Environment Analysis.
Determine how attractive the industry is/will be in which your new venture will operate. Identify opportunities, threats, and risks. Evaluate potential niche(s) in the industry your new venture can profitably focus on. Cover at least four of these factors:
Economic forces.
Socio-cultural forces.
Technological forces.
Demographic forces.
Political and legal forces.
Global forces.
Value Proposition.
Explain why customers will purchase your product(s) or service(s). Are you providing new value or solving a problem for your customers? Are you helping them save money, time, et cetera? Questions to consider:
Will the product or service provide new or unique designs, features, or functionality?
Will the product or service help your customers save time?
Will the product or service improve the lives of your customers?
Will the product or service solve a particular problem that customers currently face?
Will the product or service add value to existing product/service?
Will the product or service optimize resources or reduce waste?
Main Customer Segments.
What is the key target market?
What are the main customer segments?
What are the demographic characteristics of each customer segment?
Competitive Analysis.
Identify direct competitors.
What differentiation strategies will address direct competitors?
Identify indirect competitors.
What differentiation strategies will address indirect competitors?
Consider the potential threat of new entrants in your industry.
Formatting Guidelines
Length of paper: Use the template linked above. The body of your paper must be 56 full single-spaced pages, not including References list or Appendices.
Section headings: Follow the template linked above.
Written communication: Your paper should demonstrate graduate-level writing skills and should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
References: Support your paper with at least 3 academic resources from the Capella library. You must follow current APA style to list your references. Refer to the Capella Writing Center’s APA Style and Format module for more information
Formatting: This assessment is a professional business document and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, which can be found in the MBA Program Resources in the courseroom navigation panel.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 3: Analyze financial considerations for new ventures based on risk, environmental considerations, and business objectives.
Describe different types of risk for an entrepreneur.
Competency 4: Develop a feasibility analysis for an entrepreneurial venture.
Analyze the environment for the proposed venture.
Analyze competitors to the venture and their differentiation.
Analyze viability of the identified customer segments.
Recommend the feasibility of the entrepreneurial venture with justification for the recommendation.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.
Develop written communication that is professional, clear, concise, grammatically correct, and well-organized.
Communicate appropriately for identified audience.
Apply citations appropriately in recognition of intellectual property.
What are the emerging sub-markets in the fast food industry? What are the alternative responses available to McDonalds, assuming that it wants to stay relevant to customers interested in healthier eating
All parts of the question must be answered. Chapter 4 attached.
1. What are the emerging sub-markets in the fast food industry? What are the alternative responses available to McDonalds, assuming that it wants to stay relevant to customers interested in healthier eating
2. Identify markets in which actual sales growth was less than expected. Why was that the case? What would you say was the most important reason why the bottom fell out of the dot-com boom? Why did all the B2B sites emerge and why did they collapse so suddenly?
3. Pick a company or brand/business on which to focus. What are the emerging sub-markets? What are the trends? What are the strategic implications of the sub-markets and trends for the major players?
4. Choose a market or sub-market on which to focus, and discuss the expected profitability for participants in that market using Porters five forces model. Which of the five forces make this a good market to participate in? Which forces make it a bad one? Are there any important aspects of the market that you dont think the five forces model captures?
5.Choose a market or sub-market on which to focus, and identify a current trend in that market. Why do you think it is a real trend and not a fad? What are the drivers of the trends future growth? What uncertainties might affect your forecast? Can you identify another current trend in the same market that you think is actually a fad?
Create the first three slides of your PowerPoint deck. This PowerPoint will inform you how a social media tool of your choice can help an organization achieve its goal of presenting a positive image to the public. Your audience will be a manager who is familiar with social media but wants to learn more about how its use can help an organization reach its goals.
For this Professional Experience, you will Create the first three slides of your PowerPoint deck. This PowerPoint will inform you how a social media tool of your choice can help an organization achieve its goal of presenting a positive image to the public. Your audience will be a manager who is familiar with social media but wants to learn more about how its use can help an organization reach its goals.
Step 2: Choose a topic related to how a company can use social media in the workplace.
Do not use any other topics.
Step 3: Develop the first three slides of your presentation
Slide 1: Develop a title slide with the name of your presentation, your name, and the date of submission.
Slide 2: Develop an agenda slide that lists the key information you might use in your body slides for Week 6.
Slide 3: Develop an introduction slide that provides an overview of the uses of social media.
Apply best practices for developing presentations as described in Figures
12.1 PROCESS FOR PLANNING, PREPARING, AND REHEARSING PRESENTATION in the BCOM text as a guide for developing your presentation.
12.2 PRESENTATION PLANNER in the BCOM text to organize the information for your presentation.