Describe how to apply professional use of self and leadership skills through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.

1400 words
The purpose of the assignment on advocacy, social action, community practice, and administrative practice is to create an innovative community-based initiative to address a social, economic, or environmental injustice. Social media tools are widely used to create instant communication and information sharing opportunities. Further, social media is used promote professional networking, personal connections, fundraising, political agendas, and community events. The traditional barriers of time, location, and resources have been reduced based on the low cost of the use of technology. Because of technology, messages are able to reach a wider array of people; technology allows for greater service to global communities in promotion of social justice.
By successfully completing this assignment, you demonstrate your proficiency in the following competencies and specialized behaviors:

Competency 1: Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior.

C1.SP.A: Apply professional use of self and leadership skills with colleagues, clients, groups, organizations, and communities. 
C1.SP.B: Articulate and provide leadership in the application of the core values and ethical standards of the social work profession through an ethical problem-solving model to aid in critical thinking, affective reactions, and ethical decision making related to individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to guide and inform ethical practice in the specialization of advanced generalist social work.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

5: Describe how to apply professional use of self and leadership skills through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.

C1.SP.C: Integrate the ethical and effective use of technology at all levels of practice in the specialization of advanced generalist social work with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

6: Describe how to promote community well-being through the ethical and effective use of the technology standards.

Competency 2: Engage diversity and differences in practice.

C2.SP.A: Analyze dimensions and differentiation in diversity and apply the influence of relationships, intervention techniques, and technologies with diverse clients, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

8: Analyze the dimensions of diversity and differentiation that influence relationships.

Competency 3: Advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.

C3.SP.A: Apply leadership skills and technology to engage in collaborative practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to advocate for appropriate services, resources, and supports to achieve goals and foster positive change.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

3. Apply a social media tool to develop, support, and sustain a local community initiative.
4. Promote community well-being through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
7. Advocate for the identified issue.
10: Analyze how collaborative involvement promotes success.

C3.SP.B: Apply leadership behaviors by engaging in reflective and professional practices that address and advance social, economic, and environmental justice issues.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

5: Describe how to apply professional use of self and leadership skills through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.

C3.SP.C: Analyze and respond to evolving leadership, technological, political, economic, social cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts to shape the specialization of advanced generalist practice.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.

Competency 4: Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice.

C4.SP.A: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and the use of technology to inform evidence-based research practice to develop, implement, evaluate, and communicate interventions across the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

1: Analyze a social or economic injustice in the local community that can be reduced through the use of social media.

Competency 5: Engage in policy practice.

C5.SP.A: Apply leadership skills and decision making as social change agents to collaborate with clients, colleagues, and identified stakeholders to advance social and economic well-being in the delivery of effective and technology-assisted social work services to individuals, families, and groups.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

10: Analyze how collaborative involvement promotes success.

Competency 6: Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

C6.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice when engaging with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

9: Integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice.

C6.SP.C: Apply leadership skills and emerging technologies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice when engaging with individuals, families, group, organizations, and communities to promote systemic change towards client sustainability.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.

Competency 7: Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

C7.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice when assessing individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

9: Integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice.

C7.SP.C: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and emerging technologies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice when assessing individuals, families, group, organizations, and communities to promote systemic change towards client sustainability.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.

Competency 8: Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

C8.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice interventions with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

9: Integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice.

C8.SP.C: Apply leadership skills and emerging technologies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice when engaging with individuals, families, group, organizations, and communities to promote systemic change towards client sustainability.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.

Competency 9: Evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

C9.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice evaluation with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

9: Integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice.

C9.SP.C: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and emerging technologies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice evaluation with individuals, families, group, organizations, and communities to promote systemic change towards client sustainability.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.

C9.SP.D: Analyze and respond to evolving leadership, technological, political, economic, social cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts to shape the specialization of advanced generalist practice evaluation.

Related Assignment Criterion: 

2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.

Assignment Description
In this assignment, you will use the information and feedback you have gathered in the course to develop an advocacy and community practice proposal; specifically, the readings presented in the courseroom, the knowledge gained from the previous assignments, and the “NASW, ASWB, CSWE, & CSWA Standards for Use of Technology in Social Work Practice.” You will present this proposal to an agency, a community, an organization, an individual, or a group for its support.
In your proposal, you will develop a community-based initiative to bring awareness to, or educate about, the presence of a local social or economic injustice through the use of a social media tool. You will describe a plan that could be used to sustain or maintain a local community initiative. Discuss how you will create the social media presence, present a plan to maintain the social media tool, and ensure its alignment to the technology standards. For example, the social media tool may be the use of Facebook, Skype, Twitter, or a blog. It is recommended that you reference the technology standards in your proposal.
Assignment Instructions
For this assignment:

Develop a community-based initiative to eliminate or reduce the presence of a local social or economic injustice through the use of a social media tool.
Explain how to apply a social media tool to develop a local initiative. The social media tool may be the use of Facebook, Skype, Twitter, a blog, or others.
Describe the social or economic injustice you desire to eliminate or reduce in the local community.
Create a social media presence, including a plan to sustain or maintain the social media tool, and ensure its alignment to the technology standards.
Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important. 

What population will the initiative serve?
How is the initiative different than others in the community?

Apply the social media tool used to promote the initiative and how you will promote community well-being through the use of the technology standards. 

Discuss why this tool was chosen and its benefits for your initiative.
Discuss how you will create access to the social media.
Discuss how you will maintain and sustain the social media presence to promote the initiative.

Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to the area of social or economic injustice you have identified.
Describe how to apply professional use of self and leadership skills through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
Describe how you will promote community well-being through the ethical and effective use of the technology standards.
Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to respond to evolving leadership, technological, political, economic, social cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts and why it is important.
Analyze how the collaborative involvement of the agency, community, organization, group, or individual you are presenting to will promote the success of the proposed initiative that advocates for appropriate services, resources, and supports to achieve goals and foster positive change.
Articulate and provide leadership in the application of the core values and ethical standards of the social work profession through an ethical problem-solving model to aid in critical thinking and ethical decision making related to individuals, families, organizations, and communities to guide and inform ethical advanced generalist social work practice while conducting advocacy to the issue you identified.

Additional Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
Resources: A minimum of five scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.

Business valuation is based on many things, such as competition, growth potential, reputation, etc. Assume you are thinking of purchasing Columbia College, what value would you put on it? How did you arrive at that figure?  What variables did you use to calculate your valuation of CC? Look at what other students calculated, do you agree with their final valuation, the variables they used, etc? Why or why not?

Business valuation is based on many things, such as competition, growth potential, reputation, etc. Assume you are thinking of purchasing Columbia College, what value would you put on it? How did you arrive at that figure?  What variables did you use to calculate your valuation of CC? Look at what other students calculated, do you agree with their final valuation, the variables they used, etc? Why or why not?

What are deadweight losses, and what are their causes?What are the market effects of a deadweight loss?What are the major factors that determine who will bear the burden of a tax or the incidence of a tax?

respond to 1 of the discussion questions below and submit your response to the Discussion Area. Use the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading. Support your answers with examples and research and cite your sources using APA format.
choose only one question from the 2
Discussion Question 1:
One of the problems in a competitive market environment is deadweight losses.

What are deadweight losses, and what are their causes?What are the market effects of a deadweight loss?What are the major factors that determine who will bear the burden of a tax or the incidence of a tax?

Discussion Question 2:
Adam Smith, usually referred to as the father of economics, expounded the theory of free markets and opposed any form of concentration of economic power. He believed that any authority establishing a price that provided a fair price to the providers of the factors of production would distort the market’s natural ability to determine prices and output levels. In general, he believed that competitive markets would allocate resources to their highest and best use. However, in recent times, we have seen the market mechanism fail and allocate too many or too few resources to the consumption or production of some goods and services.

What are some of the reasons for this failure?
Has government intervention into competitive markets changed the efficiency of these markets? Why or why not?
Was Smith correct or incorrect in his theories concerning the efficiency of the markets in allocation of resources?
Justify your answer.

Start reviewing and responding to at least two of your classmates’ postings

In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers’ choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people?

In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers’ choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people?

Download and review the Week 6 Assignment Template [DOCX]. Use it to assist you with the assignment.
Choose one of the following industries to frame your paper:

The pharmaceutical industry.
The payday loan industry.
Cloning for medical purposes.


Describe the background of the industry and its customer base for which you are framing your argument.
Prepare a sound argument that explained the major reasons you support the industry or the customer with strong supporting evidence.
Justify your beliefs on whether it is possible for a company to simultaneously cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer, or if one always must prevail.
Use at least two quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Determine the ethical considerations for balancing corporate and social responsibilities.

List all the various healthcare protocols, regulations, and compliance requirements that healthcare companies need to follow when deploying cloud services in their organizations?

List all the various healthcare protocols, regulations, and compliance requirements that healthcare companies need to follow when deploying cloud services in their organizations?(For 1st question, please write minimum 4-5 pages answer)Provide recent healthcare statistics on how Cloud Computing is helping to transform the HealthCare industry? In your answer, please include a minimum of 2 charts and any 2 healthcare statistics tables to support your explanation. For every chart and Table, please include reference, proper table/chart name along with one paragraph summary.

Name three historical lenses that you could apply to gain a fuller picture of the relationship between Natives and white settlers. 

Reflect in ePortfolio Download Print Open with docReader

Module Seven Short Response Guidelines and

HIS 200 Module Seven Short Response Guidelines and Rubric 

The short response activities in the webtext throughout this course are designed to show your understanding of key concepts as you engage

with course content.

During the seventh week of the course, you will respond to several questions in the webtext as you complete each learning block. At the end of

Module Seven, you will review your answers to these questions and ensure that you have responded to each question. It is important that you

answer each question; otherwise, the words “[no response]” will appear in brackets when you submit the assignment. The questions and their

original locations in the webtext are listed in this table in case you want to refer back to the reading as you edit, but you can edit your

responses to all the questions directly in Module Seven: Thinking About History, learning block 7-4 (page 4) in the webtextModule Seven: Thinking About History, learning block 7-4 (page 4) in the webtext, before

exporting to Word for submission to your instructor in your learning environment.

Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-1 (page 2): Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-1 (page 2): 

Question 1Question 1: Name three historical lenses that you could apply to gain a fuller picture of the relationship between Natives and white


Question 2Question 2: Revise the thesis statement at the top of this page to reflect a more complex view of the relationship between Natives and

white settlers. Your revised thesis statement should be longer than one sentence. 

Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-2 (page 2): Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-2 (page 2): 

Question 3Question 3: Name three historical lenses that you could use to look at the events described in the video you just saw. 

Question 4Question 4: Massasoit’s decision to approach the Pilgrims about an alliance was contingent on what previous event or events? (Name one

or two.) 

Question 5Question 5: Name one short-term consequence and one long-term consequence of the alliance between the Wampanoag and the


Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-3 (page 3): Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-3 (page 3): 

Question 6:Question 6: How has your understanding of the historical event in your essay changed as a result of your research? Describe one instance

of a misconception or a wrong idea you had about your topic that has been corrected after researching and writing about it. 

Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-4 (page 2): Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-4 (page 2): 

Question 7Question 7: Name four historical lenses through which you could analyze the events of the Cherokee Removal. Specify one aspect of this

event for each lens that you cite. 

Question 8Question 8: Agree or disagree with the following thesis statement: “The Treaty of New Echota was invalid, and the National Party was

correct to oppose it.” Cite at least three historical facts that support your position. 

What to Submit
Your response to Question 1 should be no more than 1 sentence in length. Your responses to Questions 2, 6, 7, and 8 should be 2–3 sentences

in length. Your responses to Questions 3, 4, and 5 should be 1–2 sentences in length. Follow the instructions at the bottom of Module Seven:Module Seven:

Thinking About History, learning block 7-4 (page 4) in the webtextThinking About History, learning block 7-4 (page 4) in the webtext, to download your work and submit it to your instructor as a single

Microsoft Word document uploaded to your learning environment. Refer to the Submitting Webtext Assignments Guide for assistance on

downloading, saving, and submitting this

Module Seven Short Response Rubric

CriteriaCriteria ExemplaryExemplary Proficient  Proficient  

Not EvidentNot Evident ValueValue

EngagementEngagement Written responses

completely address

all short answer

prompts (100%) 

Written responses

completely address

the majority of short


prompts (85%) 

Written responses

address the minority

of short answer

prompts (55%) 

No written responses

provided to address

any short answer

prompts (0%) 


RelevanceRelevance N/A Written responses

directly address short

answer prompts,

drawing from

presented course

concepts and

terminology (100%) 

Written responses

are topically related

to short answer

prompts, but

responses do not

consistently draw

from presented

course concepts and

terminology (85%) 

Written responses do

not address topics

identified in short

answer prompts (0%) 


AccuracyAccuracy Written responses

are completely

accurate (100%) 

Written responses

contain minor errors

but are mostly

accurate (85%) 

Written responses

contain major

errors (55%) 

No written responses

are provided (0%) 


Critical Thinking Critical Thinking  N/A Written responses


understanding of

course content

through inclusion of

original ideas and

examples (100%) 

Written responses


understanding of

course content

through reiteration of

provided materials,

but do not

consistently include

original ideas and

examples (85%) 

Written responses do

not reflect original

ideas and

examples (0%) 


Articulation ofArticulation of

Response Response 

N/A Written responses

are captured in

complete sentences

without grammatical

errors impacting

legibility and the

clarity of

response (100%) 

Written responses

are captured in

incomplete sentences

or include numerous

grammatical errors

that negatively

impact legibility and

the clarity of

response (85%) 

No written responses

are captured in


sentences (0%) 


Total:Total: 100%


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Table of Contents Assignment Information Module Seven Short Response Guidelines and Rubric

Activity Details

What do you see as the main benefits and drawbacks to wireless for the general users? 25%How about for the a large company? 25%For the large company, how would you maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks? 25%How would you get the support of your end users in the company? 25%And also respond to this persons discussion.What do you see as the main benefits and drawbacks to wireless for the general users? 25%Some of the benefits would be mobility and convenience since you are not connected to a wire.

What do you see as the main benefits and drawbacks to wireless for the general users? 25%How about for the a large company? 25%For the large company, how would you maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks? 25%How would you get the support of your end users in the company? 25%And also respond to this persons discussion.What do you see as the main benefits and drawbacks to wireless for the general users? 25%Some of the benefits would be mobility and convenience since you are not connected to a wire. The drawbacks can be slower speeds, interference, or security concerns since wireless networks are more susceptible to breaches if not configured correctly.How about for the a large company? 25%For a large company, the benefits would be scalability, flexibility, and probably cost savings. The drawbacks would be security risks and slower performance.For the large company, how would you maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks? 25%You could maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks by investing in security measures like encryptions, security protocols, and authentication. You could implement redundancies in more critical areas by having wired connections where they are necessary. Training is something simple that would always benefit a company.How would you get the support of your end users in the company? 25%There are many ways to get support from your end users in the company. You could conduct training to educate employees about the benefits of wireless or wired. You could also show and demonstrate how wireless enhances productivity, collaboration, and ultimately saves money. 

Examine the importance of ethical conduct, communication, social responsibility, and corporate responsibility in the global environment.

Page 1 of 5
Course Definitions

Artifacts are the assignments and/or presentations that students will be uploading to their portfolio.

Core Signature Assignments:

The Core Signature assignments can be from any of the Management Core Required classes. The 24 hours of core

required classes are:

Core Requirements (24 semester hours)

Code Title Semester Hours

HRMT413 Employment and Labor Relations 3

INFO331 Management Information Systems 3

MGMT310 Principles and Theory of Management 3

MGMT311 Organizational Behavior 3

MGMT314 Management Ethics 3

MGMT315 Management Communications 3

MGMT410 Strategic Management 3

TLMT313 Supply Chain Management 3

Concentration Signature Assignments:

Concentration assignment can be from any of the Management concentration courses. For this degree program and
may select from a General Concentration, Entrepreneurship Concentration, Human Resource Management
Concentration, Leadership Concentration, or Retail Management Concentration. To see the list of concentration courses
visit APUS catalog.

Program and Learning Objectives and Course Requirements

In addition to the institutional and degree level learning objectives, graduates of this program are expected to achieve
these learning outcomes:

1. Evaluate the functions and applications of various management processes in the areas of planning, organizing,
staffing, directing, leading, and controlling.

2. Develop strategies for organizational challenges using management theories, principles, and practices.

3. Analyze the impact of international, legal, social, political, economic, technological, and environmental issues as
they relate to organizational behavior in terms of the individual, group/team, and overall organizational

4. Examine the importance of ethical conduct, communication, social responsibility, and corporate responsibility in
the global environment.

Page 2 of 5
5. Demonstrate skills in critical thinking, data interpretation, and decision making necessary for developing
systematic processes and approaches in the management of human capital and achievement of organizational

General Concentration Requirements (15 semester hours)
A general concentration allows you to take courses across a number of areas of study within your program based on
your own interests.

Objectives: Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:
1. Examine various laws, rules, regulations, and policies affecting human capital in today’s workplace.
2. Compare and contrast compensation packages and incentives used to recruit and retain employees for various

positions in an organization.
3. Assess leading trends and issues in the field of Human Resource Management.

Code Title Semester Hours

Select 5 courses from the following: 15

ACCT105 Accounting for Non Accounting Majors
BUSN250 Analytics I
HIMA100 Medical Terminology
HIMA110 Introduction to Health Information Management
PBHE111 Introduction to Health Care Administration
PBHE112 Health Services Organization
EDMG101 Introduction to Emergency Management
EDMG220 Emergency Planning
EDMG230 Emergency and Disaster Incident Command
RTMG221 Retail Photo Operations
BUSN313 Global and Competitive Strategy
BUSN316 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
BUSN350 Analytics II
EDMG320 Natural Disaster Management
EDMG340 Consequence Management
FINC300 Foundations of Financial Management
HRMT407 Human Resource Management
ITMG321 Information Technology Project Management
ITMG322 Project Management Using MS Project
ITMG421 Virtual Management
MGMT312 Leadership & Motivation
MGMT313 Organizational Change

Page 3 of 5
Code Title Semester Hours

MGMT331 Leading Yourself Foundations
MGMT332 Leading Others Leadership Counseling
MGMT414 Strategic Planning
MKTG307 Consumer Behavior
SPHE379 Contemporary and Social Issues in Sport
SPHE400 Sports Management Foundations
SPHE430 Sports Communication
SPHE440 Sports Event Management and Planning
SPHE450 Sports Governance
Concentration in Entrepreneurship (12 semester hours)
Focuses on key concepts and principles of being a successful entrepreneur or small business owner. You will examine
leadership practices, feasibility of ideas, funding, and customer service specific to a small business.

Upon completion of this concentration, students will be able to:

1. Establish entrepreneurial factors affecting product and services in the reverse logistic environment
2. Apply customer service skills to entrepreneurial projects, programs or organizations
3. Analyze entrepreneurial ventures understand sources of funding and other legal requirements

Code Title Semester Hours

Select 4 courses from the following: 12

ENTR150 Idea Generation
ENTR200 Leadership in Small Business Ventures
ENTR210 Entrepreneurs as Leaders
ENTR300 Foundations of Entrepreneurship
ENTR310 The Family Owned Business
ENTR311 Business Plan Foundations (Prerequisites: ENTR150 – Idea
Generation, ENTR215 – Innovation Design and Prototyping, and ENTR300 –
Foundations of Entrepreneurship)

ENTR340 Small Business Customer Service
ENTR425 Operating a Small Business (Prerequisite: ENTR311 – Business Plan

Concentration in Human Resource Management (15 semester hours)
Delves into the laws, rules, regulations, policies, trends, and issues affecting both human capital in the workplace and

the field of human resource management. Compares compensation packages and incentives used to recruit and retain

Page 4 of 5
employees. Includes the selection, training, and development of employees, as well as performance appraisal and

reward systems.

Objectives: Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:
1. Examine various laws, rules, regulations, and policies affecting human capital in today’s workplace.
2. Compare and contrast compensation packages and incentives used to recruit and retain employees for various

positions in an organization.
3. Assess leading trends and issues in the field of Human Resource Management.

Code Title Semester Hours

HRMT407 Human Resource Management 3

HRMT412 Compensation and Benefits 3

HRMT415 Human Resource Management Information Systems 3

HRMT416 Human Resource Development 3

HRMT419 Recruitment and Staffing 3

Concentration in Leadership (15 semester hours)
Provides a foundation in the leadership process and motivation. Examines management techniques in organizational
change and transformation, and the processes of conflict resolution. Additional topics include common leadership
theories exercised in business, military, and political contexts in public and nonprofit organizations.

Objectives: Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:
1. Examine measurement tools that will assist one with determining levels of self-awareness, emotional

intelligence, and personality.
2. Demonstrate techniques that will lead others to greater personal self-awareness through general counseling and

active listening.
3. Develop strategies on creating change in the workplace, including how to build teams and lead staff during

critical times.
4. Evaluate the principles of leader development in organizations and the tools that allow development and growth

to occur (i.e. 360-degree assessments, mentoring).

Code Title Semester Hours

HRMT411 Dispute Resolution 3

MGMT312 Leadership & Motivation 3

MGMT313 Organizational Change 3

MGMT331 Leading Yourself Foundations 3

MGMT414 Strategic Planning 3

Concentration in Retail Management (15 semester hours)
This concentration provides students with practical skills and theoretical knowledge needed to become effective retail
managers in the global environment. The program is designed to focus on interpersonal, managerial, human resource,
leadership, communication, and critical thinking skills necessary to assess and evaluate retail management practices.

Page 5 of 5
In addition to the institutional and general education level learning objectives, the Bachelor of Arts in Management
Retail Management concentration also seeks the following specific learning outcomes of its graduates. With reference to
each of the respective areas of Retail Management, graduates in this degree program will be able to:

1. Examine the functions and applications of various retail management processes in the areas of planning,
organizing, staffing, directing, leading, and controlling.

2. Determine the needs of today’s retail managers in assessing and implementing strategies used in the
management of information technology, financial, and human resources in the retail workplace.

3. Evaluate and apply retail managerial concepts to strategic issues impacting the effectiveness of retail managers
in today’s competitive and global organizations.

4. Demonstrate the ability to recognize the importance of ethical conduct, social responsibility, and corporate
responsibility in the global retail environment.

Code Title Semester Hours

RTMG300 Retail Strategy 3

RTMG301 Retail Innovation 3

Select 3 courses from the following: 9

MKTG307 Consumer Behavior
RTMG150 Retail Organization Fundamentals
RTMG220 Retail Asset Protection
RTMG221 Retail Photo Operations
RTMG302 Retail Operations
RTMG303 Retail Merchandising Operations
TLMT311 Introduction to Transportation Management

Course Definitions

Core Requirements (24 semester hours)

Program and Learning Objectives and Course Requirements
General Concentration Requirements (15 semester hours)

Objectives: Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:

Concentration in Entrepreneurship (12 semester hours)

Concentration in Human Resource Management (15 semester hours)

Objectives: Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:

Concentration in Leadership (15 semester hours)

Objectives: Students who successfully complete this program will be able to:

Concentration in Retail Management (15 semester hours)

Pick one topic that has been covered in class thus far from the following options: deviance or poverty. Apply one theory to a discussion of how this topic is supported in politics, education and religion. Do these institutions support social solidarity on this topic, or do they promote social dysfunction?


Pick one topic that has been covered in class thus far from the following options: deviance or poverty.
Apply one theory to a discussion of how this topic is supported in politics, education and religion.
Do these institutions support social solidarity on this topic, or do they promote social dysfunction? Use evidence from the module readings and viewings to support your answer.

 A cartoon from a Northern American newspaper of 1874 on the efforts of the White League in Louisiana to intimidate and disenfranchise Black voters
 Crime: Crash Course Sociology #20 .  

Discuss the  importance of ethics for a leader in public safety and the impact that  an ethical leader might have upon their followers.

 the reading from this assignment is coming from Reading resource: Northouse, P. G. (2021). Leadership: Theory and practice (9th ed.). SAGE. ISBN: 9781544397566. (CHAPTER13,15-16)
 Please discuss the role and necessity of Follower ship as well as Team  Leadership within a public safety setting. Also, please discuss the  importance of ethics for a leader in public safety and the impact that  an ethical leader might have upon their followers. In your discussion,  please touch on Heifetz and Burns perspectives on ethical leadership.  Finally, please be sure to incorporate Biblical concepts/passages into  your response. 

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