Choose a type of cell that has not already been chosen and answer the following questions. What type of cell is it? What type of organism is the cell found in? Where in the organism is the cell found? What is its function or duty? How does it contribute to the ability of the organism to maintain homeostasis? Describe the cell’s characteristics. Are there organelles? Does the cell contain components that are unique to that type of cell? Can the cell reproduce, if so, how does this occur? Is this type of cell found in other organisms?
For this discussion, choose a type of cell that has not already been chosen and answer the following questions. What type of cell is it? What type of organism is the cell found in? Where in the organism is the cell found? What is its function or duty? How does it contribute to the ability of the organism to maintain homeostasis? Describe the cell’s characteristics. Are there organelles? Does the cell contain components that are unique to that type of cell? Can the cell reproduce, if so, how does this occur? Is this type of cell found in other organisms?
Describe how you will be involved with the decision-making process using the DECIDE model. Include an example from a clinical situation you experienced in the healthcare setting.
Nurse Leader and Manager Decisions
Nurse leaders and managers and are responsible for making decisions in the healthcare setting.
First Post
Describe how you will be involved with the decision-making process using the DECIDE model. Include an example from a clinical situation you experienced in the healthcare setting.
Reply Post
Respond to at least one of your peers about their example that illustrates their interpretation of DECIDE. Expand on your peers ideas.
Expand on your peers ideas needs more than 1 – 2 sentences for an acceptable reply.
If you refer to a website or article, be sure to cite it in APA format. This prevents plagiarism and allows your fellow students to review the cites and increase the class knowledge base.
Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least one other student’s post by the end of the week. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
Identify your earliest exposure to people who were racially or culturally different from you through movies, television shows, or music, What was your age? Who was the person and how was he or she different? What impressions did you have about these people from these media?
Legacy of Racism Reflection Essay
Identify your earliest exposure to people who were racially or culturally different from you through movies, television shows, or music, What was your age?
Who was the person and how was he or she different?
What impressions did you have about these people from these media?
From a cultural pluralists perspective, do you think this experience was positive or negative for you?
Please list 3 features (in other words, characteristics) of the debt employed by the Greece government; How would you describe the inflationary and interest rate impacts relating to the Greek debt?
After reading the pdf.
Answer the questions below in a word document in less than 3 pages (double spaced), with Calibri font, and with 1 inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right).
Please list 3 features (in other words, characteristics) of the debt employed by the Greece government; How would you describe the inflationary and interest rate impacts relating to the Greek debt?
Looking ahead 2 to 3 years in the future, could you predict what kind of bond rating the Greek debt will have?
Based on the information in the case, please estimate the fair value of Greeces debt. (Meaning value the debt of this sovereign). In other words, how would you describe going about this process? The response which I’m looking for here could be either quantitative or qualitative in nature.
Would you recommend that Greece adopts accrual accounting if you were the newly appointed Greek Finance Minister? Why or Why not?
Assume Student A and Student B are in your classroom. Apply what you have learned from the IRIS Center Module and our text to reflect on the following student behavior scenarios: discuss the following: Which interventions or actions could you use to influence the student to behave appropriately? Explain your choices. Which logical consequences would be appropriate?
Assume Student A and Student B are in your classroom. Apply what you have learned from the IRIS Center Module and our text to reflect on the following student behavior scenarios:
discuss the following:
Which interventions or actions could you use to influence the student to behave appropriately? Explain your choices.
Which logical consequences would be appropriate?
Which domains of Social-Emotional Learning could be utilized in your instruction to support the students appropriate behavior in the future? Explain how the SEL domains will help.
How would you use your relationships with the student, family members, or professional colleagues to prevent this behavior from reoccurring?
Identify a for-profit business whom you admire. Scan the businesss environment. Be sure to: Use two pages of text to identify issues, trends, and concerns that could affect an organizations current and planned activities
Identify a for-profit business whom you admire. Scan the businesss environment.
Be sure to:
Use two pages of text to identify issues, trends, and concerns that could affect an organization’s current and planned activities (Cite 3 references that support your claims).
Make sure you also:
Double space and use complete sentences.
Submit the assignment by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. EST/EDT.
View the Environmental Scanning Rubric for more details.
The Executive Director was able to get the board to approve seeking a grant for the new program. You will now need to determine what your specific needs are for the tutorial program. Why is it that at-risk youth in your community need tutoring? How does this program relate to your organizations mission, goals, and objectives?
Proposing the Grant
Good news! The Executive Director was able to get the board to approve seeking a grant for the new program. You will now need to determine what your specific needs are for the tutorial program.
The development of the problem/need statement is critically important, as this is the first impression the potential funder will have of your program and to determine its suitability for funding. The problem/need statement should answer the following questions:
Why is it that at-risk youth in your community need tutoring? How does this program relate to your organization’s mission, goals, and objectives?
What will happen if this program is not funded?
And what do you need the money for specifically?
Here is what you know so far about the program:
The program is specifically for high school students, grades 912.
There is currently no community-wide tutoring program for high school students.
The current drop-out rate has increased overall the last several years and currently sits at 30%.
Students will likely have other needs met by other organizations that may contribute to their success in school (ex: food security)
Ideally it will not only improve graduation rates but also the number of students that go on to pursue some kind of post-secondary opportunity.
Part 1
To develop your problem/need statement, use the table provided in Winning Grants Step by Step, Worksheet 3.1A. Fill out the table using information provided in this assignment as well as research you complete on your community. See Worksheet 3.1B for an example.
Worksheet 3.1A: Statement of Problem Questionnaire (Example)Who? Where? When?What? Why?Evidence of ProblemImpact If Problems ResolvedWho is in need (people, animals, land, and so forth)?What? Why? (Get specific)What evidence do you have to support your claim?Impact If Problems Resolved?Where are they? (General: city/state; and specific: neighborhood, geography)Why does this problem exist?When is the problem evident?How is the problem linked to your organization?
Part 2
Using the information gathered in your table, write a 2-3 paragraph problem/need statement. This statement should be succinct and grab the attention of the funder and compel them to want to assist with solving the problem.
When developing a problem/need statement it is important to utilize statistics that clearly document the unmet need or problem (i.e., lack of tutorial programs); provide citations of persons who have authority on the problem, document appropriately the resources utilized for the development of the statement, use compelling and anecdotal stories of people to provide examples, and provide a coherent sense of urgency of the request.
The written proposal should meet the following requirements:
The problem or need statement should fully but succinctly answer each of the four questions outlined in the assignment instructions and should include statistics, citations, anecdotal stories, and examples that emphasize the need and provide a sense of urgency.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Write a proposal for a grant.
List all the various healthcare protocols, regulations, and compliance requirements that healthcare companies need to follow when deploying cloud services in their organizations?
List all the various healthcare protocols, regulations, and compliance requirements that healthcare companies need to follow when deploying cloud services in their organizations?(For 1st question, please write minimum 4-5 pages answer)Provide recent healthcare statistics on how Cloud Computing is helping to transform the HealthCare industry? In your answer, please include a minimum of 2 charts and any 2 healthcare statistics tables to support your explanation. For every chart and Table, please include reference, proper table/chart name along with one paragraph summary.
Name three historical lenses that you could apply to gain a fuller picture of the relationship between Natives and white settlers.
Reflect in ePortfolio Download Print Open with docReader
Module Seven Short Response Guidelines and
HIS 200 Module Seven Short Response Guidelines and Rubric
The short response activities in the webtext throughout this course are designed to show your understanding of key concepts as you engage
with course content.
During the seventh week of the course, you will respond to several questions in the webtext as you complete each learning block. At the end of
Module Seven, you will review your answers to these questions and ensure that you have responded to each question. It is important that you
answer each question; otherwise, the words [no response] will appear in brackets when you submit the assignment. The questions and their
original locations in the webtext are listed in this table in case you want to refer back to the reading as you edit, but you can edit your
responses to all the questions directly in Module Seven: Thinking About History, learning block 7-4 (page 4) in the webtextModule Seven: Thinking About History, learning block 7-4 (page 4) in the webtext, before
exporting to Word for submission to your instructor in your learning environment.
Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-1 (page 2): Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-1 (page 2):
Question 1Question 1: Name three historical lenses that you could apply to gain a fuller picture of the relationship between Natives and white
Question 2Question 2: Revise the thesis statement at the top of this page to reflect a more complex view of the relationship between Natives and
white settlers. Your revised thesis statement should be longer than one sentence.
Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-2 (page 2): Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-2 (page 2):
Question 3Question 3: Name three historical lenses that you could use to look at the events described in the video you just saw.
Question 4Question 4: Massasoits decision to approach the Pilgrims about an alliance was contingent on what previous event or events? (Name one
or two.)
Question 5Question 5: Name one short-term consequence and one long-term consequence of the alliance between the Wampanoag and the
Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-3 (page 3): Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-3 (page 3):
Question 6:Question 6: How has your understanding of the historical event in your essay changed as a result of your research? Describe one instance
of a misconception or a wrong idea you had about your topic that has been corrected after researching and writing about it.
Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-4 (page 2): Module Seven: Thinking About History, Learning Block 7-4 (page 2):
Question 7Question 7: Name four historical lenses through which you could analyze the events of the Cherokee Removal. Specify one aspect of this
event for each lens that you cite.
Question 8Question 8: Agree or disagree with the following thesis statement: The Treaty of New Echota was invalid, and the National Party was
correct to oppose it. Cite at least three historical facts that support your position.
What to Submit
Your response to Question 1 should be no more than 1 sentence in length. Your responses to Questions 2, 6, 7, and 8 should be 23 sentences
in length. Your responses to Questions 3, 4, and 5 should be 12 sentences in length. Follow the instructions at the bottom of Module Seven:Module Seven:
Thinking About History, learning block 7-4 (page 4) in the webtextThinking About History, learning block 7-4 (page 4) in the webtext, to download your work and submit it to your instructor as a single
Microsoft Word document uploaded to your learning environment. Refer to the Submitting Webtext Assignments Guide for assistance on
downloading, saving, and submitting this
Module Seven Short Response Rubric
CriteriaCriteria ExemplaryExemplary Proficient Proficient
Not EvidentNot Evident ValueValue
EngagementEngagement Written responses
completely address
all short answer
prompts (100%)
Written responses
completely address
the majority of short
prompts (85%)
Written responses
address the minority
of short answer
prompts (55%)
No written responses
provided to address
any short answer
prompts (0%)
RelevanceRelevance N/A Written responses
directly address short
answer prompts,
drawing from
presented course
concepts and
terminology (100%)
Written responses
are topically related
to short answer
prompts, but
responses do not
consistently draw
from presented
course concepts and
terminology (85%)
Written responses do
not address topics
identified in short
answer prompts (0%)
AccuracyAccuracy Written responses
are completely
accurate (100%)
Written responses
contain minor errors
but are mostly
accurate (85%)
Written responses
contain major
errors (55%)
No written responses
are provided (0%)
Critical Thinking Critical Thinking N/A Written responses
understanding of
course content
through inclusion of
original ideas and
examples (100%)
Written responses
understanding of
course content
through reiteration of
provided materials,
but do not
consistently include
original ideas and
examples (85%)
Written responses do
not reflect original
ideas and
examples (0%)
Articulation ofArticulation of
Response Response
N/A Written responses
are captured in
complete sentences
without grammatical
errors impacting
legibility and the
clarity of
response (100%)
Written responses
are captured in
incomplete sentences
or include numerous
grammatical errors
that negatively
impact legibility and
the clarity of
response (85%)
No written responses
are captured in
sentences (0%)
Total:Total: 100%
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HIS-200-H1819 Applied History 23EW1 Christopher Middleton
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Table of Contents Assignment Information Module Seven Short Response Guidelines and Rubric
Activity Details
What do you see as the main benefits and drawbacks to wireless for the general users? 25%How about for the a large company? 25%For the large company, how would you maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks? 25%How would you get the support of your end users in the company? 25%And also respond to this persons discussion.What do you see as the main benefits and drawbacks to wireless for the general users? 25%Some of the benefits would be mobility and convenience since you are not connected to a wire.
What do you see as the main benefits and drawbacks to wireless for the general users? 25%How about for the a large company? 25%For the large company, how would you maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks? 25%How would you get the support of your end users in the company? 25%And also respond to this persons discussion.What do you see as the main benefits and drawbacks to wireless for the general users? 25%Some of the benefits would be mobility and convenience since you are not connected to a wire. The drawbacks can be slower speeds, interference, or security concerns since wireless networks are more susceptible to breaches if not configured correctly.How about for the a large company? 25%For a large company, the benefits would be scalability, flexibility, and probably cost savings. The drawbacks would be security risks and slower performance.For the large company, how would you maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks? 25%You could maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks by investing in security measures like encryptions, security protocols, and authentication. You could implement redundancies in more critical areas by having wired connections where they are necessary. Training is something simple that would always benefit a company.How would you get the support of your end users in the company? 25%There are many ways to get support from your end users in the company. You could conduct training to educate employees about the benefits of wireless or wired. You could also show and demonstrate how wireless enhances productivity, collaboration, and ultimately saves money.