You are the owner of an athletic facility. This organization may be hypothetical.  please create a MS  PowerPoint (PPT) presentation discussing three (3) ethical issues  employees could encounter and explain how these issues should be handled  (i.e., resolved). 

You are the owner of an athletic facility. This organization may be hypothetical.
 please create a MS  PowerPoint (PPT) presentation discussing three (3) ethical issues  employees could encounter and explain how these issues should be handled  (i.e., resolved). 
Some possible issues are:

Client flirting with an employee (do not use an employee flirting with a client).
Employee helping client obtain performance enhancing drugs (PEDs).

Athletic  administrators (e.g., facility owners) must consider their ethical  practices (i.e., fairness, integrity, responsibility, and respect) when  making decisions for resolving these issues.
Your PPT should be composed/designed in a way to serve as a training tool to educate newly hired employees working for your athletic facility.
Your PPT should include:
I. Title
II. Table of Contents
III. Introduction. Be sure to identify your athletic facility, and include some history, affiliation, location, etc. 
IV. Athletic Facility’s Code of Ethics. Code of ethics for their organization (i.e., athletic facility) as a whole.  Present one (1) slide identifying at least three (3) code of ethics  (i.e., rules and policies that govern) for your athletic facility.
V.  Identify three (3) ethical issues employees could encounter and explain  how these issues should be handled (i.e., resolved). As the athletic  facility’s owner, consider one’s ethical practices (i.e., fairness,  integrity, responsibility, and respect) when explaining how each issue  will be resolved. Present at least one (1) separate slide of text (i.e.,  bullet-points) for each ethical issue discussed within PPT.
VI. Concluding Summary. Reiterate main points discussed within PPT.
VII. References. Include a minimum of three (3) references supporting information presented within PPT.
The  information on the slides should be in bulleted format (i.e.,  bullet-points) with no smaller than 24-point type (i.e., font size).  Visually appealing layouts and graphics need to be included.
The  script for the presentation should be presented in the NOTES section of  the PPT; NOT included on the actual slides. The script should be  written such that someone could read it and make the presentation for  you. Welcome the audience, introduce yourself, and speak directly to the  audience (i.e., newly hired employees) throughout presentation. Do not  write statements like, for this slide I would say, or this slide shows  that . . . You need to write as you would present the information to the  audience. Notes should be presented in text (i.e., words) and complete sentences. Vocal Notes (i.e., audio recordings) will not be accepted (i.e., reviewed).
Notes  are placed on the same slide (i.e., beneath) information being  presented pertaining to a specific area of the PPT. See “Click to add  notes” at bottom of slide – Notes will be placed in this area.  Suggestion – use MS PowerPoint “help” to review instructions for  inserting “Notes” using your specific version of MS PowerPoint.
Here is an example.
If  Notes are not included within the same slide throughout presentation, a  ten (10)-point deduction will be assessed prior to reviewing a  student’s submission.
A  minimum of three (3) references should be listed on the References  slide(s). Feel free to use additional slides at the end of presentation  to display References. In addition, each reference’s in-text citation  should be presented on the slide (or in Notes) where each literary  source is mentioned (i.e., cited) within PPT. References and in-text  citations should be displayed in American Psychological Association  (APA) format. Information regarding American Psychological Association  (APA) format is presented here. Also, a suggestion – visit the APUS Online Library to review Writing@APUS.

One of the security findings in the gap analysis given in the Case Document was high turnover and low morale among employees. List five ideas for a worksite wellness program to help employees improve their stress anxiety, fatigue, and boredom.

One of the security findings in the gap analysis given in the Case Document was high turnover and low morale among employees. Upon further investigation, you discover that the company does not provide specialized training to bridge special skill gaps, and there is no wellness system in place to help employees keep in physical shape. After completing the assigned readings (The Impact of Rewards Programs on Employee Engagement PDF and How Employee Wellness Programs Can Generate Savings for Your Company), address the following in your initial post:

List five ideas for a worksite wellness program to help employees improve their stress anxiety, fatigue, and boredom.
To what extent do you think a wellness program influences employees’ productivity?
To what extent do you think rewards affect employee performance?
What strategies do you propose to address lack of knowledge, skills, and abilities? 

See attachments

Why would a single case of smallpox be considered an incident of national significance, indeed an incident of international significance?

HSE 420 WK 2 DP

Select one (1) of the following writing prompts to answer:

Prompt 1: Why would a single case of smallpox be considered an incident of national significance, indeed an incident of international significance?

Prompt 2: Select one of the Category A agents and discuss the reasons why it is a threat to society. Apply the four Category A criteria to each of the agents and diseases.

Prompt 3: Consider a case of bubonic plague in the Emergency Room of a New York City hospital. Why would this be a “red flag” event for public health officials?

Resource: Chapter 3 Powerpoint
Book: Ryan, J. (2016). Biosecurity and Bioterrorism (2nd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann.


1. Discussion Forum

Participation in discussion forums is critical to the successful completion of this course. Please keep in mind the following guidelines to help you develop and formulate sound, thought-provoking responses and earn the maximum grade available.

General Guidelines

· Take the time to organize your thoughts prior to formulating your response.
· Use proper citations and formatting when stating examples or quoting sources.
· Carefully proofread your response before submitting it to the forum.
· Provide peer feedback using polite and courteous language.
Post substantive contributions. Posts such as “I agree” or “Good job” will not be awarded any credit in the discussion forums.

Rubric Guidelines


Engagement / Interaction
 counts the number of peers you interact with. To earn full credit, you must engage in a dialog with 
at least two or more peers. The content of your posts must be meaningful and relevant and should encourage further discussion.



 counts the number of days you were active in each of the discussion forums in a module. To earn full credit, you must contribute to the forum over the course of 
two or more days for EACH forum where there are more than one in a module, not collectively. For example, if you have a course that has two discussion forums, you must participate and engage over 
a period of two days or more days and times for EACH forum. They do not count together. They are graded separately.


Content / Topic Relevance
 measures you’re maintaining focus on the topic being discussed. To earn full credit, all your discussion forum contributions need to address the main topic.


 measures when you first post your response to the discussion forum question. To earn full credit, you must post your response to the main topic before the first post due date for each forum.

Global Online Learning College (OLC)
· The due dates for posting your first posts in the discussion forums can be found on the course calendar, course schedule, the News and Announcement forums, or in the actual discussion forum post directions themselves. If you have any questions, contact your instructor at the appropriate email address found in the syllabus.
· Please note that discussion forums are graded as separate assignments. For courses that have more than one discussion forum, guidelines and requirements are for EACH forum, not collectively.
Content / Topic Knowledge measures your understanding of the course material and topic. To earn full credit you must display an excellent understanding of the material.

Discussion forum participation will be graded using the following criteria:

2 points

3 points

4 points

5 points

Engagement / Interaction

N/A – no points are available for this criterion

engaged in a meaningful and relevant dialog with at least one peers

N/A – no points are available for this criterion

engaged in a meaningful and relevant dialog with
 two or more peers


N/A – no points are available for this criterion

participated on one days=

N/A – no points are available for this criterion

participated on
 two or more days

Content / Topic Relevance

discussion forum contributions rarely addressed the main topic

discussion forum contributions sometimes addressed the main topic

discussion forum contributions very often addressed the main topic

discussion forum contributions always addressed the main topic


N/A – no points are available for this criterion

responded to main topic one day after the first post due date

N/A – no points are available for this criterion

responded to main topic the day of the first post due date

Content / Topic Knowledge

displays a fair understanding of the material

displays a good understanding of the material

displays a very good understanding of the material

displays an excellent understanding of the material

What are neurodevelopmental disorders? What disorders are within autism spectrum disorder? Perform a search and power point representation about one of these disorders.  



Note: include and develop achievements that reflect the data provided and the capabilities acquired, provide examples where required



What are neurodevelopmental disorders? What disorders are within autism spectrum disorder? Perform a search and power point representation about one of these disorders.



Can autism symptoms be confused with epilepsy symptoms? Explain your answer and explain the relationship between the two cases.



  Is Purkinje Cell Decline in Autism the Most Robust Neuropathological Finding in Relation to Autism? Explain .




Make a chart chronologically explaining the evolution of autism including the theories of Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger.

Chapter 4 outlines three ways to respond to others. They also provide you with templates for practicing each of these strategies. 1. Identify which of the three methods you like best and then explain why. Other questions to consider as you do so: Which method is most suited to your own writing style?

Chapter 4 outlines three ways to respond to others. They also provide you with templates for practicing each of these strategies.
1. Identify which of the three methods you like best and then explain why. Other questions to consider as you do so: Which method is most suited to your own writing style? Which do you think you could most comfortably adapt as a new technique? Which do you think would work best in developing an argument you wish to make? And why?

What has been the most interesting sociological topic or concept you’ve learned about so far? How does the sociological perspective on this topic or concept differ from common ways of thinking about it in everyday social life? How has the sociological perspective changed your way of thinking about it?

In your response, you must fully answer all aspects of the question and support your answer with reference to course materials (textbook, supplementary readings, videos, etc).Online students must additionally respond to the submissions of at least two other students in no less than.What has been the most interesting sociological topic or concept you’ve learned about so far? How does the sociological perspective on this topic or concept differ from common ways of thinking about it in everyday social life? How has the sociological perspective changed your way of thinking about it?Assignment Instructions:Summarize General Strain Theory, Social Control Theory, and Social Learning Theory. Provide an example for each.Assignment Instructions:Discussion post instructions:View the following video. How can law enforcement officers approach individuals with Mental Health issues? Do police know if an individual has a mental illness? How can the community help Law Enforcement? 

Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to form water and sodium chloride (NaCl). 

Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction between hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to form water and sodium chloride (NaCl). 

Pick a specific section of that week’s reading assignment and critically analyze the main points the author is stating. For the second half, you will write how the text connects to and impacts your personal life.

Written Responses: For the first half of your response, pick a specific section of that week’s reading assignment and critically analyze the main points the author is stating. For the second half, you will write how the text connects to and impacts your personal life. These papers will be your guide during our weekly discussions of the readings. Even though there are 12 weeks of written responses, you are only required to complete 10 to earn full creditBook: Who Rules America by Domhoff

Identify a company that have changed its logos over time. Discuss the change and the reasons behind this change. How have these changes helped the company communicate to the customer?

Activity: Identify a company that have changed its logos over time. Discuss the change and the reasons behind this change. How have these changes helped the company communicate to the customer?

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