Accountants rely heavily on using Excel to perform a wide range of activities to record transactions and report their results. Identify and discuss at least three (3) tools an accountant can use to make the recording and reporting of accounting transactions efficient and effective. 

Discussion, Problem EA1-A2 (chapter 1), Problem EA2-A2 (Chapter 2).
Discussion: “Enhancing Our Use of Excel”

Accountants rely heavily on using Excel to perform a wide range of activities to record transactions and report their results. Identify and discuss at least three (3) tools an accountant can use to make the recording and reporting of accounting transactions efficient and effective. 

Watch TV show or movie could be said to represent a subculture of mainstream society. From your chosen example: How are each of the four components of culture (language, values, norms, and symbols) identified as a subculture or counterculture of mainstream American culture?  


You don’t need textbook to do this assignment. Work is online
1. Using the textbook, define each of the four components of culture: language, values, norms (behaviors), and symbols. Be sure to paraphrase and cite your sources if applicable. 
2. Next, choose a popular or your favorite television show of your choice-(examples may include 
The Simpsons, 
The Big Bang Theory, 
Modern Family, 
Orange is the New Black) or a movie you have enjoyed.  

 For your chosen show or movie, provide specific examples for each component of culture (language, values, norms, and symbols) found within your show or movie.
· Each TV show or movie could be said to represent a subculture of mainstream society. From your chosen example: How are each of the four components of culture (language, values, norms, and symbols) identified as a subculture or counterculture of mainstream American culture?  
 Finally, choose 1 of the following theorists: Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, or Charles H. Cooley. (Each of these theorists would view culture differently- you may refer to our text: Chap. 2 and 4 to assist you with this area of your essay) What does your chosen theorist say about the role of culture in shaping human behavior?

Public policy can be used to provide more incentives for conserving and penalties for consuming. For example, raising the gasoline tax by 50 cents or $1 per gallon would create pressure for smaller and more fuel-efficient vehicles. These taxes could be used to support mass transit. Large tax credits could be given for using sustainable energy such as solar and wind power, and prices for natural gas and electricity could be increased. This would encourage energy conservation and the greater use of renewable energy. Tax incentives could be provided for making existing housing more energy efficient. Building codes could be changed to require greater energy efficiency and the use of renewable building products. Greater efforts could be made to encourage or require recycling. The use of hazardous chemicals could be banned. Corporations could be taxed for the depletion of resources and for pollution. This might encourage greater environmental responsibility. Tax credits for children could be capped at two children. This would be an attempt to limit population growth.  What is your opinion of measures such as these?

Public policy can be used to provide more incentives for conserving and penalties for consuming. For example, raising the gasoline tax by 50 cents or $1 per gallon would create pressure for smaller and more fuel-efficient vehicles. These taxes could be used to support mass transit. Large tax credits could be given for using sustainable energy such as solar and wind power, and prices for natural gas and electricity could be increased. This would encourage energy conservation and the greater use of renewable energy. Tax incentives could be provided for making existing housing more energy efficient. Building codes could be changed to require greater energy efficiency and the use of renewable building products. Greater efforts could be made to encourage or require recycling. The use of hazardous chemicals could be banned. Corporations could be taxed for the depletion of resources and for pollution. This might encourage greater environmental responsibility. Tax credits for children could be capped at two children. This would be an attempt to limit population growth.  What is your opinion of measures such as these? Can a sustainable future be achieved without severely damaging the economy and undermining individual rights? 

Case study: A 25-year-old woman presents for evaluation of right-sided breast pain. She reports the onset suddenly 7 days ago. She has never been pregnant, her menses occur monthly, and she is using combined oral contraceptive pills as her method of contraception. She denies significant medical and surgical history, no change in weight, and has no first degree or family relatives with breast cancer, either maternally or paternally. What portion of the physical exam is of most concern for the APRN? Provide three differential diagnoses based on the case presented.


Week 1 Discussion
Breast Conditions
A 25-year-old woman presents for evaluation of right-sided breast pain. She reports the onset suddenly 7 days ago. She has never been pregnant, her menses occur monthly, and she is using combined oral contraceptive pills as her method of contraception. She denies significant medical and surgical history, no change in weight, and has no first degree or family relatives with breast cancer, either maternally or paternally. What portion of the physical exam is of most concern for the APRN? Provide three differential diagnoses based on the case presented. Her Pap smear 2 years ago was normal, and she is sexually active with one male partner. Her last menstrual period was 3 weeks ago and today is day 22 of her cycle. She denies trauma to the chest area, has no nipple piercings, and no significant breast stimulation during sexual activity. She does not practice monthly breast exams and her last clinical breast exam was 2 years ago. She drinks socially approximately 2 alcoholic beverages per week and does not smoke or use illicit substances.
Using the Master of Science in Nursing Clinical Note format
1. What portion of the physical exam is of most concern for the APRN? Provide three differential diagnoses based on the case presented.
3. Please list the plan/intervention for management for this condition.

How do the traditional learning and online learning methods compare in effectiveness for college students globally?


Is Online Learning Effective?

Education has undergone various transformations over the last two decades. Some of the major transformations have been greatly influenced by external factors like technology and the 2019 Covid pandemic. The evolution of technology over the same period has greatly influenced learning with the growth of the internet leading to an increase in online learning. The Covid-19 pandemic led to an increase in online learning as physical attendance to classes was banished.
Online learning has gained prominence over the last three years with more students preferring it to traditional learning methods. This study is supposed to show whether online learning is effective an aspect that will help more students in picking the learning method. The significance of this paper is to show whether online learning is effective through the various research papers that have been carried out.

Research Question

How do the traditional learning and online learning methods compare in effectiveness for college students globally?

Research Methodology

This study aims to show whether online learning is effective. Online learning has gained prominence over the last five years with more students preferring this learning method than traditional learning methods. To show the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of online learning, secondary data will be used for the study. The study will use previous studies on the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of online learning. The data will be sourced from the internet.

Preliminary Supposition and Implications

Some of the studies on online learning have been inconclusive (Abuhmaid & Jarrah, 55). However, in comparison to the COVID-19 period, online learning was effective and has, over the years, gained prominence. This study is supposed to show its effectiveness by gathering data from other studies.
Online learning is effective, and that’s why it has gained prominence over the last five years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, when classes had been suspended, online learning was effectively used to ensure learning did not stop (Ali et al., 578). One of the satisfactions gained by online learning is quick feedback from lecturers to students (Tran, 107).


There is a lot of study to explore on the effectiveness of online learning to offer a comparison with traditional learning methods. This makes the topic of great importance, as the information gained can be used to make important recommendations on online learning. The impact that certain worldwide issues, such as COVID-19, has proven to use that the impact of online learning is very important.
Abuhmaid, Atef, and Hani Jarrah. “Education Leaders’ Perception on the Effectiveness of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Crises in UAE Universities.” 
Nurture 16.2 (2022): 54-64.

Ali, Qamar, et al. “Exploring the Students’ Perceived Effectiveness of Online Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Empirical Analysis Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).” 
Behavioral Sciences 13.7 (2023): 578.

Tran, Van Dat. “Perceived satisfaction and effectiveness of online education during the COVID-19 pandemic: The moderating effect of academic self-efficacy.” 
Higher Education Pedagogies 7.1 (2022): 107-129.

Prepare a 12-15-slide PowerPoint presentation on the topic of psychotropic medications. The presentation must include a discussion of the following: 1. Antipsychotic medication agents 2. Antidepressant medication agents 3. Mood stabilizers or antimanic medication agents 4. Antianxiety medication agents 5. Medication agents used in the treatment of substance abuse 6. Mental health therapy in conjunction with the use of medication agents 7. Criticism of any of the medication agents, including alternative treatments Provide a minimum of three scholarly resources to support your explanations.


Psychotropic Medications PowerPoint

Prepare a 12-15-slide PowerPoint presentation on the topic of psychotropic medications. The presentation must include a discussion of the following:
1. Antipsychotic medication agents
2. Antidepressant medication agents
3. Mood stabilizers or antimanic medication agents
4. Antianxiety medication agents
5. Medication agents used in the treatment of substance abuse
6. Mental health therapy in conjunction with the use of medication agents
7. Criticism of any of the medication agents, including alternative treatments
Provide a minimum of three scholarly resources to support your explanations.
Speaker notes of 75-100 words for each slide are required.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, including an APA formatted title and reference slide, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the 
LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Think of an organization you’re familiar with, such as one you’ve worked for or even a place of worship or school, What kind of organizational structure does the organization use?What other organizational structures discussed in this week’s textbook readings might allow the organization to operate more effectively?

Organizations are arranged or structured in ways that best support the organization’s ability to meet its goals. Organizational structure refers to reporting relationships, accountability, assignments, and decision-making philosophies. Over time, companies may want to or need to change their organizational structure to adapt to a changing environment. Organizational strategy, market demands, technology, competitive factors, and changing societal expectations are all drivers and influencers of organizational structure. Managers of different levels are sometimes (but not always) included in talks about organizational structure because they are more familiar with day-to-day workings than the executive team.Think of an organization you’re familiar with, such as one you’ve worked for or even a place of worship or school, What kind of organizational structure does the organization use?What other organizational structures discussed in this week’s textbook readings might allow the organization to operate more effectively? For example, would moving to a product team structure lead to greater efficiency or effectiveness? Why or why not?

Discuss how the technology will meet the diverse needs of students, and help develop a variety of cross-disciplinary skills. Describe a potential challenge that can present itself when using each technology.

Create an 3-4 slide digital presentation to explain and guide fellow colleagues in how to implement them in their classrooms.
The presentation should include two examples of technology (Virtual reality and Smart board) to enhance instruction in STEM. Include the following for each technology example:

Explain how the technology will engage students in learning and promote growth and development.
Discuss how the technology will meet the diverse needs of students, and help develop a variety of cross-disciplinary skills.
Describe a potential challenge that can present itself when using each technology.

Digital presentation should include graphics that are relevant to the content, visually appealing, and use space appropriately.
 Support your presentation with a minimum of 2 scholarly resources. 

All projects incur costs both as initial investment and then recurring cost as maintenance and updates and Project Managers use various tools and techniques for cost estimation. Which of these tools/techniques would you prefer to use and why?Some resources:What is Critical Path Analysis?

All projects incur costs both as initial investment and then recurring cost as maintenance and updates and Project Managers use various tools and techniques for cost estimation. Which of these tools/techniques would you prefer to use and why?Some resources:What is Critical Path Analysis? What Is Critical Path Analysis? (With Steps To Use It) | Indeed.comAn Introduction to Project Network Diagram with Examples Project Network Diagram: Explained with Examples ( Schedule Network Diagram: Definition, Uses, Examples. Project Schedule Network Diagram: Definition | Uses | Example – Project-Management.infoWhat is critical path analysis and how to calculate it? What is Critical Path Analysis and how to calculate it | DICEUS

Teaching effective supervisor skills powerpoint (thelma)

This  project requires you to develop a PowerPoint slide presentation for use  as a training tool with brand new supervisors! You are in charge of  presenting them with information on how to transition from a worker to a  supervisor. There is great satisfaction in taking a brand new employee,  helping them to develop their Management, Coaching, and Leadership  skills, and then watching them excel! With this in mind, your  presentation should have a title slide, an overview, and a body of  slides for the audience. You should focus the majority of your  presentation (i.e., 8-10 slides) on what challenges a new supervisor may  face, what makes a good supervisor (or bad one), and how to transition  to becoming a supervisor. Factors to consider in all forms of  communication–Who is your audience? What is your message? Are you  trying to persuade? Inform? 
Here are some guidelines to get you started: You are the Day Shift Supervisor  and are going to brief a small group of newly-promoted team leads with  little or no past leadership experience. They have all worked up through  the ranks at the Always Smiling Toothbrush manufacturing facility. Your  audience ages are anywhere from 25-55 years of age, with various  business backgrounds, some with military experience, and some that have  been in a little trouble before but now want to move up in the company.  Many of them have good friends still in lower positions and will have a  struggle adjusting. Have fun with some of the topics and graphics of  course!

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