What does it mean to be just? If all contribute to the functioning of society, is it fair that some have more than others? This often comes down to the debate: What is the responsibility of society? versus What is the responsibility of the individual?




What does it mean to be just? If all contribute to the functioning of society, is it fair that some have more than others? This often comes down to the debate: What is the responsibility of society? versus What is the responsibility of the individual?
As shown in Week 2, the social work profession began from a need to address the effect of social injustices that plagued society. Expanding on that mission, the broader pursuit of social justice examines the systems that a society creates to evaluate who has access to which resources. Advocating for social justice is essential to macro social work practice—that is, working to change the systems that challenge clients.
This week, you examine social justice and the specific related areas of economic and environmental justice.


Students will:

Analyze social justice, economic justice, and environmental justice in a community

Analyze the influence of policy on social justice

Analyze role of policy in addressing social injustices


As you have been looking around your community for examples of social, economic, and environmental (in)justice, what did you notice? Did you expect to find what you did? What emotional responses did you experience when viewing the various types of disparities that clients experience?

Perhaps you have found a way to call attention to injustices you see every day but are not sure how to solve. Or, maybe you have seen an injustice for the first time.

For this Discussion, you use photos that you have curated of your community to demonstrate social justice, economic justice, and environmental justice. You will then explain why these photos represent the given concept.


Take 3 pictures of your community, 1 that represents each of the following:

social justice

economic justice

environmental justice

Be sure to respect the privacy of individuals who may be present when taking photos. If it is unavoidable that a person may be visible enough in your photo to be identifiable, ask that person for permission before taking the photo.

Post a response to the following:

Paste 1 photo in the Discussion thread for each type of (in)justice: social, economic, or environmental. (You must include 1 photo for each type.)

For your social justice picture:

Explain social justice in your own words.

Explain how this picture represents social justice.

For your economic justice picture:

Explain economic justice in your own words.

Explain how this picture represents economic justice.

For your environmental justice picture:

Explain environmental justice in your own words.Explain how this picture represents environmental justice.

It is June 30, 1860 and you are fortunate enough to be a member of the audience in the Oxford University Library to witness the Oxford Evolution Debate. The two main characters in the debate are Thomas Henry Huxley and Bishop Samuel Wilberforce.Arguing in opposition to Darwin’s theory of evolution are Wilberforce, Benjamin Brodie and Robert FitzRoy. Arguing for Darwin are Huxley and Joseph Dalton Hooker. compare and contrast opposing points of view on the topic,hypothesize ways that the work could have been improved (or not),expand or extend the idea to new domains

It is June 30, 1860 and you are fortunate enough to be a member of the audience in the Oxford University Library to witness the Oxford Evolution Debate. The two main characters in the debate are Thomas Henry Huxley and Bishop Samuel Wilberforce.Arguing in opposition to Darwin’s theory of evolution are Wilberforce, Benjamin Brodie and Robert FitzRoy. Arguing for Darwin are Huxley and Joseph Dalton Hooker.Your task is to review the literature related to the Oxford Evolution Debate and write a reaction paper on the topic. The paper will be a minimum of 750 words and will be no longer than 1000 words and is required to be more than a simple summary of material you have reviewed. Therefore, each paper could:compare and contrast opposing points of view on the topic,hypothesize ways that the work could have been improved (or not),expand or extend the idea to new domains, or

Explain the meaning of Randall Kennedy’s statement that playing the race card in a criminal trial is “virtually always morally and legally wrong”.  


For this unit’s Complete assignment, write a comprehensive scholarly essay in which you analyze, explain, and apply these concepts in the context of a criminal justice organizational issue. You must incorporate and cite, using correct APA citation format, at least four different scholarly research sources. In-line citations must be used in the body of your essay, and all research sources must be fully cited at the conclusion of your essay. Correct APA citation formats must be used.
The following elements should be included in your essay:
These chapters (5 & 6) examine the treatment of racial and ethnic minorities in the courts. They examine both the pretrial as well as trial and adjudication phases. After reading these chapters respond to the following questions or statements:
· Summarize how the right to counsel has been interpreted by the United States Supreme Court. How does the current system of providing legal counsel to indigent defendants comport with rulings of the court?
· Describe how decisions regarding bail and charging are influenced by race and ethnicity. How does this affect sentence severity?
· Discuss the role of race and ethnicity in the jury selection process. How does practice of preemptory challenges affect jury pools?
· Explain Paul Butler’s argument in support of “racially based jury nullification”. Explain his position on non-violent versus violent crimes? 
· Explain the meaning of Randall Kennedy’s statement that playing the race card in a criminal trial is “virtually always morally and legally wrong”.  
· Choose either Kennedy’s or Butler’s position and argue in support of one of them. Don’t simply repeat their arguments, add some additional supporting material.

Discuss with your mentor how student learning and progress are currently communicated and celebrated with ELL families. Include a discussion on any programs, methods, tools, or strategies used at the school or classroom level.

Assessment Description
Supporting the needs of ELL students includes partnering with their families by respecting and valuing their contributions to the school community and recognizing they have an important role in their child’s education.
Part 1: ELL Parent/Guardian Interview
Collaborate with your mentor teacher to interview a parent/guardian of an ELL student. In addition to the questions listed below, prepare a minimum of two additional questions. Include the following questions in your interview:

What do you believe about your family’s involvement in your child’s education? What is important to you in your child’s education?
What can teachers do to make you feel welcomed and valued as a part of your child’s learning? What suggestions do you have for teachers regarding how to value your culture and home language?
To guide instruction, what can teachers do to better understand the personal characteristics of your child (e.g., interests, motivations, strengths, needs) and your family (e.g., language use, literacy practices, circumstances)?
If applicable: What differences have you seen between your experiences with school/education in your home country and here in the U.S.? What did you appreciate about school/education in your home country? What do you appreciate about school/education here in the U.S.?
What are some difficulties you face as a family member of an ELL student? If you could change or improve something about the school or its processes, what would it be? What could teachers or school staff do better to help support your child and family? NOTE: Responses to these questions may be helpful in identifying problems or requests for your Topic 6 benchmark assignment.
How would you want a teacher to communicate with you about your child’s learning?
The questions created with your mentor and any other follow-up questions.

If possible, observe family-related meetings or events that involve ELL families. Examples include a parent conference, an informal parent meeting, a family event hosted by the school, a phone call with a family member, etc.
Be sure to take notes during your parent/guardian interview as you will provide them when submitting this assignment.
Part 2: Mentor Discussion and Collaboration
Discuss with your mentor how student learning and progress are currently communicated and celebrated with ELL families. Include a discussion on any programs, methods, tools, or strategies used at the school or classroom level.
Collaborate with your mentor to identify information on student progress that needs to be communicated with an ELL family or families. With your mentor, plan a communication strategy for sharing student progress and collaborate to create a written communication (e.g., email, newsletter) or script of a verbal communication (e.g., in-person meeting, phone call, voicemail).
Be sure to take notes during your discussion and collaboration as you will provide them when submitting this assignment.
Use any remaining field experience hours to provide support or assistance to the class as directed by your mentor.
Part 3: Reflection
In 250-500 words, reflect on your mentor interview, discussion, and collaboration. Include the following in your reflection:

How learning about ELLs’ personal characteristics and their families will assist you in providing effective instruction
The importance of regular communication with ELL families and celebrating student success in growth and achievement
How you plan to communicate progress and celebrate student success in a manner that is culturally and linguistically inclusive of ELL families

Submit your interview, discussion and collaboration notes, and reflection in a single document.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected

Write an autobiography that contains: 1. Identifying information. Name, birth date, gender, marital status, number of children, race or ethnic origin, place of residence, hometown, etc. 2. How did you develop your interest in social work? 3. Identify your personal qualities, strengths, and weaknesses that you consider relevant to your future career in social work. 4. What areas of social work practice appeal to you as possible career fields? Why? The statement should be written in first person, active voice using proper grammar. The statement will become a permanent part of the student’s record in the social work files. All information is confidential.


Students must turn in a typed autobiographical statement as a requirement to be considered for admission to the Social Work Program as a Social Work major. Students should strive to turn in a grammatically correct paper since the paper will reflect their ability to communicate as a potential social worker. Information in the autobiographical statement is used only by the Social Work Department Admissions Committee. Please attach this statement to you program application.
The autobiography should contain the following information:
Write an autobiography that contains:
1. Identifying information. Name, birth date, gender, marital status, number of children, race or ethnic origin, place of residence, hometown, etc.
2. How did you develop your interest in social work?
3. Identify your personal qualities, strengths, and weaknesses that you consider relevant to your future career in social work.
4. What areas of social work practice appeal to you as possible career fields? Why?
The statement should be written in first person, active voice using proper grammar. The statement will become a permanent part of the student’s record in the social work files. All information is confidential.
The Letter of Reference should be written by someone who can speak to your character, ethics, and/or personal qualities that will contribute to your being an effective social worker. This Letter should be written by a former instructor, coach, employer, or other professional It is not to be written by a personal friend or family member.

Provide a general overview of futuring analysis (2)2. Choose two futuring analysis techniques best suited for your innovative ideaa. Describe how each chosen futuring analysis technique is performed (4)b. Explain the significance of each chosen futuring analysis in determining thefuture of products and services in the life sciences

The Futuring AnalysisI. Futuring Analysis Format (10 points)A. Paper title page – name, instructor, title, due date (2)B. Sections of paper labeled properly – see Content A-E below (1)C. Type double-spaced, 12-point, Times New Roman font paper with 1-inch margins (2)D. 4-5 pages (not including title page and reference page) (5)Please do not exceed the 5-page limit –anything beyond 5 pages will not be considered for grading.II. Futuring Analysis Content (55 points)A. Introduction of the company – (you will use this company for the remaining assignments)(6)1. Share the type of company you head as CEO (manufacturing, medical, agricultural,environmental, pharmaceutical, etc.) (1)2. Share the name of your company, its location, and its employee base (3)3. Share your company’s motto or mantra (2)
B. Introduction of the innovation (22)1. Trace the scientific method (12) – briefly identify the observations, question, hypothesis,experiment, results, and conclusion of primary article A.2. Eureka! moment (5) – In 2-3 sentences, describe an aspect of primary article A(introduction, materials, methods, results, discussion, or conclusion) that stood out to youwhich you believe could lead to an innovative technique, project, product, or service in thelife sciences for your company. In other words, what piqued your interest?3. Innovation (5) – Based on the Eureka! moment you have described, fully explain theinnovative technique, service, product, or research you have conceived. The innovationmust be a technique, project, product, or service that you conceived on your own –not one already presented in primary article A.C. Futuring techniques described (10)1. Provide a general overview of futuring analysis (2)2. Choose two futuring analysis techniques best suited for your innovative ideaa. Describe how each chosen futuring analysis technique is performed (4)b. Explain the significance of each chosen futuring analysis in determining thefuture of products and services in the life sciences. (4)D. Futuring techniques applied (12)1. Research the application of each futuring technique to your innovation2. Present the results from applying each of your two chosen futuring analysis techniquesto your innovative idea in the chart below as phrases – not sentences (2 each)3. Results must be presented in the table format below (single-spaced):Futuring Technique 1(Insert name of technique)Futuring Technique 2(Insert name of technique)FuturingTechniqueResults(3 resultsfor each)• Result of futuring technique 1• Result of futuring technique 1• Result of futuring technique1• Result of futuring technique 2• Result of futuring technique 2• Result of futuring technique 2E. Conclusion (5) – Based on the results of both futuring techniques, explain whether you thinkyour potential innovation is a worthy investment of time and resources.III. Paper References (20 points) No references = zero for this assignmentA. Use at least 5 credible references (10)“Is My Source Credible?” https://sites.umgc.edu/library/libhow/credibility.cfm.B. In-text references in APA format (5) (All references should be cited throughout the paper)C. End references in APA-format (5) https://libguides.umgc.edu/apa-examplesIV. Paper Grammar (5 points)Correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence construction, and paragraph construction will beconsidered in the grading of this assignment

There is greater potential for deception with electronically mediated communication (EMC) than with face-to-face communication. What other ethical issues arise with EMC? What steps can you take to be sure that you are communicating ethically via electronic media? How do you evaluate the credibility and reliability of EMC that you receive (especially on social media)?  

There is greater potential for deception with electronically mediated communication (EMC) than with face-to-face communication. What other ethical issues arise with EMC? What steps can you take to be sure that you are communicating ethically via electronic media? How do you evaluate the credibility and reliability of EMC that you receive (especially on social media)?  

Explain how a forensic psychology professional might apply the information in this research study to a clinical forensic setting, and in what circumstances, including but not limited to situations in which a forensic psychology professional must conduct an evaluation of a patient for his or her potential suicide risk and/or potential involuntary hospitalization.

To prepare for this assignment:

Using the Walden Library, conduct a search for an article that addresses suicide risk, evaluation of suicide potential, and/or involuntary hospitalization of forensic populations. Select one such article for use in this Discussion.
Carefully review the article paying close attention to the subjects being studied, the assessment instruments used, the method of study, and the results/recommendations.
Consider how the data contained in and the results of this research study might be used by forensic psychology professionals in clinical forensic settings.

The assignment (1–2 pages):

Briefly summarize the research study you selected. Be sure to include the data and results of the study that you think are applicable to clinical forensic settings.
Explain how a forensic psychology professional might apply the information in this research study to a clinical forensic setting, and in what circumstances, including but not limited to situations in which a forensic psychology professional must conduct an evaluation of a patient for his or her potential suicide risk and/or potential involuntary hospitalization. Be specific.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the Learning Resources for this course.

Create a chart to list the five brands (advertisers), campaign names, media used, and why it was innovative.

Create a chart to list the five brands (advertisers), campaign names, media used, and why it was innovative. Please note: This is a team assignment. You will submit a total of 5 brands. Please make sure as a team you are really researching these brands. Make sure to look at possible competitors to begin your brand analysis.
Please review the assignment instructions.
You may review the student example below before completing the assignment:
Five Brands Chart Student Example -1.pdf

Identify and analyze a real-life, business application of statistics. The “business” can be a for-profit, non-profit, small or large entity. The following are not acceptable topics: · A specific application/problem discussed in class · An application that uses descriptive statistics (i.e., graphs, percentages, measures of central tendency or dispersion)

Statistics FOR Business – MNS 601

Special Project

Project Description:

Identify and analyze a real-life, business application of statistics. The “business” can be a for-profit, non-profit, small or large entity. The following are
not acceptable topics:
· A specific application/problem discussed in class

· An application that uses descriptive statistics (i.e., graphs, percentages, measures of central tendency or dispersion)

The statistical procedure you choose to illustrate MUST be one that was covered in this course.
Use one of these statistical procedures:

Hypothesis Testing

1.    Apply hypothesis tests to compare sample means with population means


Tests of Variance

1.    Compare two population variances

2.    Apply one-way ANOVA procedures


SimpleLinear Regression

1.   Apply the least squares solution to simple, linear regression problems.



1.   Apply Chi-Square analyses in tests of independence.


TimeSeries & Forecasting

1.   Apply the Ratio-to-Moving-Average Method to measure seasonal variation

2.   Apply trend analysis for a time series

You do
not have to collect actual data from a business or apply the statistical procedure/calculate an answer.

To complete your project, copy and paste the form on the second page of this document. Then, fill in all the blanks. You can adjust the size of the answer spaces as necessary – the lines are just there to indicate where the answers go. Do not hand in this instruction page.

Criteria & Administration:

Be concise. Your project submission must not exceed two (2) pages in length (12-point font).

You must write this. Copies of documents/analyses written by someone else will not be accepted.
Submit this project via the course website.

The form provided is in bold font. Do
not use bold font for your responses. Using a colored font (other than red) for your responses is preferable.


If you need help finding ideas for business applications, read the problems at the end of the relevant sections/chapters of the textbook. These problems usually include a business application/context. And, you can always “Google it.”

If you have difficulty finding an
actual business application, you can design and propose one for a specific business.

Statistics FOR Business – MNS 601

Special Project

Date: ____________

Part A: Description of Business Context

Write a
brief summary of the business context (e.g., manufacturing, marketing, finance, etc.) including the name of the company or organization.



Part B: Problem/Issue

State the business problem/issue to be addressed using statistics and why this problem/issue is important to the company/organization.



Part C: Statistical Procedure

Explain the statistical procedure (NOTE: Focus on ONE statistical procedure only)

Independent variable:

What is the variable: ___________________________________________

How it is measured, i.e. what units or categories are used (e.g., revenue measured in “dollars”; height measured as “short, average, tall”) _______________________________

Level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio): ________________________________________

Dependent variable:

What is the variable: ___________________________________________

How it is measured, i.e. what units or categories are used (e.g., revenue measured in “dollars”; height measured as “short, average, tall”) _______________________________

Level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio): ________________________________________

Name of the procedure/formula (e.g., ANOVA, Chi-Square, Hypothesis Test using z formula, Regression Analysis, etc.). NOTE: The procedure/ formula
must be one that was covered in the course
: __________________________________________________________________
Describe the statistical rationale/justification for choosing this procedure/formula: _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Describe how the data are collected by the business/organization: __________________________________________________________________
Describe how the data are analyzed (i.e., identify the
steps in the statistical procedure)
: ______________________________________________________

Part D: Decision/Interpretation

Explain the type of
business decision that the company/organization would make as a result of this statistical analysis. ________________________________


MNS 601 Special Project

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