Birmingham Personal Privacy Posed by The Internet Paper

part 1You are required to submit a 1,000-word, double-spaced paper on: What are the threats to personal privacy posed by the Internet, and what actions can you take to safeguard user privacy?You will use your textbook, the university digital library and online resources with proper citations.Your paper must have three parts:_____________________________________________________________________________________________Your submission will be checked for plagiarism!  A zero tolerance policy will be strictly enforced.  part 2the picture attached belowRed Star Nationwide Insurance (RSNI) is a health insurance company that provides service to the hospitals national-wide. RSNI has five branches /centers in the USA.Please see the main parameter of RSNI company in the given diagram. QUESTION 1 Select only one center and answer the following questionsYour center /branch name:List the IT Assets in that particular center.List of possible targets in your IT system. And, order your IT Assets by their importance. Place the most important IT asset on the top of the list for your center.QUESTION  2List all cybersecurity threats that “your RSNI center” might encounter. Categorize the threats. List the countermeasures you would deploy to protect your RSNI center against the possible cyber-security threats.  Match the most important IT Asset you have cyber-security threats and countermeasures for your RSNI center.Simply write three sections for the most important   IT Asset in your RSNI center;

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