ASU Effects of NAA on Auxiliary Growth in Plants Essay Questions

The Lab 05 exit quiz requires you to write an essay about the experiment. To complete it successfully, read the lab manual to understand the experiment’s main idea. Utilize the data provided in the PowerPoint presentation to compare the three treatments. Ensure that you answer all the questions, including the smaller ones, as each question carries points.Q1) The objective of the experiment is not only to examine the removal of the terminal bud but more about the function of NAA. Does NAA promote or inhibit auxiliary growth?  Your hypothesis should focus on the effects of auxin and NOT the effects of pruning. You have to give your prediction and include it in the hypothesis.Q2) This experiment cannot be conducted correctly without including all three plant treatments (control, pruned, pruned + auxin). Explain the purpose of each treatment and make three separate predictions (use if/then statements for these) for how you think each treated plant will be affected. For each treatment, where is the auxin, and what is doing?Q3) You should process the raw data from the slides (i.e. calculate the average number)  and present it in the graph. You can either draw the graph on paper or make it in the software.Q4) Explain why you choose a bar/line/pie…. graph. Did you graph values based on the class average or an individual group’s measurements?Q5) Did your predictions pan out? Why or why not? Based on the final outcome, was your original hypothesis supported or rejected? Why or why not?) Answer every small question and do not miss it.

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