What has been the most interesting sociological topic or concept you’ve learned about so far? How does the sociological perspective on this topic or concept differ from common ways of thinking about it in everyday social life? How has the sociological perspective changed your way of thinking about it?
In your response, you must fully answer all aspects of the question and support your answer with reference to course materials (textbook, supplementary readings, videos, etc).Online students must additionally respond to the submissions of at least two other students in no less than.What has been the most interesting sociological topic or concept you’ve learned about so far? How does the sociological perspective on this topic or concept differ from common ways of thinking about it in everyday social life? How has the sociological perspective changed your way of thinking about it?Assignment Instructions:Summarize General Strain Theory, Social Control Theory, and Social Learning Theory. Provide an example for each.Assignment Instructions:Discussion post instructions:View the following video. How can law enforcement officers approach individuals with Mental Health issues? Do police know if an individual has a mental illness? How can the community help Law Enforcement?