Provide the name of the national or international union you are going to report on. In doing your report use Union Report outline with bullet point sentences under each report element. Pay particular attention to the History and Current Challenges portion of the report.
My Topic is: The National Education Association Labor union (NEA)
Provide the name of the national or international union you are going to report on. In doing your report use Union Report outline with bullet point sentences under each report element. Pay particular attention to the History and Current Challenges portion of the report. See attached Union Report outline to help you get started on your report. Do not rely only on the union website, Wikipedia or other encyclopedias for your report. Use other resources like Google, and the New York Times to find useful articles about the union you have chosen. Cornell University and the University of California-Berkeley have excellent resources. Also, consider your sources. The Center for Union Facts has some useful information but it is a right-wing, anti-union organization. The Economic Policy Institute is a liberal think tank that is pro-union. The actual report is due at the end of lesson 8. See report outline below. Use bullet point sentences for your report.