Find two ads for management or executive positions (Copy and paste them).What leadership attributes (competencies) are mentioned in these ads?

Find two ads for management or executive positions (Copy and paste them).
What leadership attributes (competencies) are mentioned in these ads? (There are eight [8] listed in Chapter 12, p. 460).
Leadership Motivation
Knowledge of the Business
Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) and Practical Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.)
If you were on the selection panel, what methods (or questions) would you use to identify these specific leadership attributes (competencies) in job applicants? (For example, what questions would you ask the applicant to decipher his or her leadership competencies? BE SPECIFIC).

You are a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and answers for medical college students. You design and conduct lectures, evaluate student performance and provide feedback through examinations and assignments. Answer each question separately. Include and Introduction. Provide an answer to this content

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