Explain   the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs as used in   general and in particular sentences


At least three content- or skill-based questions that are appropriate for 3rd  grade students students’  and ability levels for each objective, and examples of answers the question is designed to elicit.
At least three questions for each objective OBJECTIVES ARE LISTED BELOW that would encourage critical thinking and higher-order thinking, and examples of answers the question      is designed to elicit.

In addition, write 150-250 words examining how questioning strategies facilitate students’ comprehension and critical thinking related to literary and informational texts.
a. Explain   the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs as used in   general and in particular sentences. (3 questions about   this objective that would encourage critical thinking and examples of   possible answers)
b. Form and   use simple verb tenses. (3 questions about this objective   that would encourage critical thinking and examples of possible answers)
c. Write a   cohesive paragraph with a main idea and detailed structure. (3 questions about this   objective that would encourage critical thinking and examples of possible answers)

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