FHS Geology Pleistocene Glaciation Worksheet

Download the BringingItTogether.pdf file. In the Geologic Event/Feature column, write one event/feature listed below in each box with the youngest events at the top of the column and the oldest events at the bottom. This is a relative dating exercise – specific dates or years don’t matter. Don’t worry if some boxes are left empty – it’s not important that every event fills a box. Only the broad arrangement of events with time is what matters.In the National Park column, write the name of a national park at each bullet point that corresponds with each geologic event/feature. Keep in mind that some events/features may correspond with multiple parks – just enter one park per bullet point.The Laramide Orogeny and Pleistocene Glaciation are shown as examples.  Events to include in the timeline (use the abbreviations given):Laramide OrogenyPleistocene GlaciationCreation of Basement Igneous and Metamorphic RocksTerrestrial (land-derived) Deposition on Colorado PlateauCascades VolcanismBirth (initiation) of the San Andreas FaultAncestral Sierra Nevada (Creation of Sierran Batholith)Hot Spot Volcanism in Hawaii and YellowstoneUplift of Modern Sierra NevadaBasin and Range ExtensionMarine (ocean-derived) Deposition on Colorado Plateau

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