Unit 7 as: final projections

After you have read the chapters and lecture for this Unit, you are ready to prepare your financial projections in LivePlan. There are many sample business plans available within LivePlan and elsewhere. Take some time to look through their financial projections to get some ideas but keep in mind that just because they exist, doesn’t mean they are well done or “right.” Review them with a hefty amount of professional skepticism like an investor would. Make sure you do not copy someone else’s work as that is plagiarism and can result in serious sanctions and possibly an “F” for the course. 
Usually the best way to handle questions that you may have while doing this assignment, is to leave your comments in LivePlan in the areas where you are having difficulty. Then contact your instructor and tell them to look in LivePlan for your comments. This way your instructor can see exactly where in the projections your question pertains to.
After you have completed your projections, click on the “Benchmark” tab and see how your numbers compare to the industry averages. Don’t forget to choose the regions and size of companies for comparison. This benchmark data is just a guide and doesn’t necessarily mean that you should change your numbers. However, it can be helpful in identifying areas which may require further adjustment. This part needs to be reported in your Unit 7 DQ posting (through “editing” your initial response).
After you are done, click on the title of this assignment and leave a comment in the Submission text box to let your instructor know that your projections are ready for review. You will have two attempts on this assignment. Your grade will be based on the last attempt made prior to the due date. 
https://kean-edu.zoom.us/rec/share/4v70w5rz0O0VzJrcwiyf_QWiFy5QCe3ePEqxRcNU2djKz4qc-DhfWu7TS7VWavhk.zbgjdvnIIqIYPBjU?startTime=1670688387000Passcode: [email protected]

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