Research proposal outine | Applied Sciences homework help

This assignment requires that you use your accumulated knowledge about the elements of research. In this final project, you will create a proposal for how you might study the topic selected for this quarter, either qualitatively or quantitative.
 I WOULD LIKE TO CHOOSE QUANTITATIVE. The research topic must be related to online learning based off the articles provided for the class, please review announcements section. 
A PowerPoint template has been provided for you to outline your ideas. Each slide has a major heading that focuses on the given research component. The major headings are accompanied by subheadings that signal the main points to be addressed. As this is a PowerPoint presentation, you are not asked to provide a full narrative, but rather clear and concise bullet points in brief sentence style, demonstrating your understanding of each aspect of the plan. Please use accurate APA style and format for this assignment including citations and references. Detailed instructions for this assignment are embedded in the PowerPoint template. Please follow the instructions and remove the instructions from the final assignment submission.

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